Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 373 The military appearance of the Han army is a huge shock!

To be honest, according to the strength of the Han army in the battle of Gaofu City, the Parthians and the Romans dared to fight against it, and they also have certain confidence.

For example, plate armor!

At the beginning of the Roman and Parthian coalition, there were a total of 100,000 plates. In fact, the Romans had an ambush here.

Is it true that the Parthian army has 50,000 pieces of plate armor, and the Roman army has only 50,000?

Those "black-hearted businessmen" of the big Han are too weak, right? The treasures of Rome for nearly a thousand years are too worthless, right?

In fact, the Romans had half a million plates in total!

As for the ambush, whether the Romans wanted to give the Han Chinese a "big surprise" or the Parthians a "big surprise", no one can tell.

Anyway, after the battle of Gaofu City, the Romans were frightened by the fighting power of the Han army, and they no longer dared to ambush, and contributed all the concealed plate armor.

Therefore, the current coalition of 3 million has 500,000 plates!

Not to mention shire horses, a million!

Sabre knife, one million 913!

Even, they organized a 10,000-strong Modao team!

As for the broken army crossbow, there is no need to take it out. In the field, it will not play any role in the face of bronze artillery.

With so many sophisticated equipment, the Parthians and the Romans have the confidence to fight the big Han!

In addition, Rome and Anxi are both big countries that have been established for nearly a thousand years. After so many years of accumulation, there are not a few government, folk, and excellent equipment!

In the eyes of the Romans and the Parthians, the three million armies of the two countries today are really brightly armored, sharp-edged, and extremely mighty and majestic.

Even the Han army ten years ago was far inferior.

It will never happen again. Like ten years ago, the Romans and the Parthians were shocked when they saw the appearance of the Han army, and they were suspected of being a heavenly general.

However, they were wrong!

Wrongly wrong!

What appeared in the face of the Three Hundred Allied Army was a yellow-green ocean!

There is no bright armor, no soldiers, and only this blue-green ocean.

Every Han army, no matter the leading generals or the soldiers below, wore blue-green military uniforms and blue-green military caps, with their heads held high and uniform.

The armed belt around the waist makes everyone look taller and more majestic.

Most striking are their riding boots.

I don't know what special material these boots are made of. The toe toe and the heel are square, and the whole body is pitch black. They are only polished to Zeng Mingwa bright, and they can almost reflect the shadow of people!

The weapons in their hands are also very special.

It is not a spear, a halberd and a machete, but a long barrel-like thing, with a long, sharp dagger (bayonet) hanging at the front end.

In short, what appeared before the Romans and the Parthians was an army completely different from what they had imagined, an army they had never dreamed of!

Yellow and green military uniforms...armed belts...long riding boots...two million people with sharp bayonets, except for the epaulettes and cap badges, there is no difference, just like a person, so neat, so clean, so energetic, High morale!

Is there such an army in the world?

Indeed, it has been more than a month since the two million Han army entered Anxi, and the two sides have also experienced countless battles. There is no lack of information about the Han army on the side of Anxi and the Roman coalition.

However, since the main forces of Rome and Anxi have assembled under the seal of Taixi, they are ready to wait for work and listen to the information of the Han army by the way. Naturally, the Han army was not as wronged as they were, and used the main force to fight recklessly with the rest of the fish and belly troops.

Therefore, the previous battle was nothing more than between the Han army volunteers, riding Shire horses, wearing plate armor, holding a saber, and the restless fish.

It was not until today's decisive battle that the Han army changed the clothes of the army, revealing all its glory!

As for the tunnel guns used by the volunteer army, what should I do if they have not been trained and are not used to it?

No need for them to fight!

As long as the regular army of the Han army is one million, it is enough to destroy the dead!

In the final analysis, the role of the volunteer army is nothing more than to stand in the decisive battle and maintain the security of the occupying army on weekdays. Fighting big and tough battles is not their task at all!

Although the Roman and Parthian coalition forces did not know the twists and turns here, they did not know the strength of the equipment of the Han army.

However, at first glance, I could feel the awesomeness of the Han army!

The Han army is the master of civilization, and he himself is a bunch of barbarians. Because even the ordinary Han army soldiers are clean and decent, making their generals feel ashamed!

The Han army is the mighty division, the emperor's army, and he is... just... well, if I had to find a word to describe it, it would be thieves.

That's right, it's a thief!

The formation of our own side, the appearance of our army, and the spirit of our own side are all far behind that of the Han army, and it is hard to compare!

If we say that the last Han army made the Romans and the Parthians feel that they were like soldiers from heaven.

Then the Han army this time has refreshed their understanding of the heavenly soldiers and generals!

This yellow-green torrent is the real Heavenly Soldier!

This is an unimaginable army!

And what about the Han army?

Seeing the allied army of Rome and the Parthian army, the backward, messy and dirty appearance, the eyes are more proud, the back is more straight, and the confidence to win is more!

To put it simply, the two armies had just met each other, and in contrast to each other, the morale of the Han army was even higher, while the Roman army and the Parthian army were depressed for a while, and their morale was low!

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