Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 391 Top Western Beauty!

Cleopatra, but until the era when Liu Zhao passed through, was a household name in the West.

No way, this woman's life is too legendary, too fascinating.

She was the daughter of King Ptolemy XII of Egypt.

Before Ptolemy XII died, he left a will to let her and her brother marry and rule Egypt together.

That's right, it is the marriage of close relatives who can no longer be close. At that time, Egypt and even Sabbath, as well as many countries, had such a custom.

However, Cleopatra was unwilling to do so in order to compete for power and profit, she wanted to be the real queen of Egypt.

As a result, after a battle, Cleopatra lost and was driven to Syria.

To catch up with this time, Caesar, the greatest figure in Roman history, pursued Pompey and went to Egypt.

So, in order to regain power, Cleopatra ordered her subordinates to dress up as a merchant, wrap herself in a big blanket, and give it to Caesar.

As a result, Caesar fell in the face of Cleopatra's beauty and wisdom. He dispatched troops to help Cleopatra defeat his younger brother and become the real queen of Egypt!

Not only that, Caesar is also preparing to officially marry her, take her to Rome, and prepare her to become the first lady of Rome!

Unfortunately, at this critical moment, Caesar was assassinated in the Senate, and Cleopatra had to return to Egypt sadly.

Do you think this is the end of Cleopatra's beauty?



After Caesar's assassination, Octavian and Antony jointly ruled Rome. Octavian ruled the west and Antony ruled the east.

Antony was ready to annex Egypt, using Egypt's property and manpower to enhance his own strength and compete with Octavian.

The results of it?

As soon as Anthony saw Cleopatra, he was captivated by her beauty and wisdom!

Not only did he not play the idea of ​​Egypt, but he lived in Alexandria for a long time, and even wanted to divorce Octavian's sister and officially marry Cleopatra.

Not only that, he also gifted Egypt with the central area of ​​Syria, some cities along the Phoenician coast, the island of Cyprus, and parts of the kingdom of Nabat!


After a circle, it was Egypt that annexed the land of Rome?

The Romans could no longer bear it, and under the leadership of Octavian, they sent troops to Egypt to attack Antony.

After Antony's defeat, Cleopatra wanted to capture Octavian with her wisdom and beauty.

Unfortunately, this time was not successful, she was ordered to commit suicide by Octavian, and Egypt was officially annexed by Rome.

If Caesar had not been successfully assassinated...if Antony had won the decisive is entirely safe to say that Cleopatra was only a little bit luckier and could really lead the revival of Egypt.

Such a person is truly unprecedented, and no one has come since!

Moreover, what confuses people is not some ignorant monarch, but two outstanding people who are at the top of the world!

Caesar is the first person in all the history of Rome!

Finally, it must be said that when Cleopatra captured Antony, she was already past the best age of a woman.

At the time, she was in her thirties and the mother of several children!

Just like that, Cleopatra could still be fascinated by Anthony, but one can imagine what was her condition at her peak?

Now, Ponard claims to Liu Zhao that Cleopatra VIII's beauty is not under Cleopatra VII, and invites Liu Zhao to go to Alexandria, Egypt, to swim the Nile together. What the hell did Cleopatra VIII want to do?

...for flowers »

"Augustus, you can't! The descendants of Cleopatra, who are not old at the age of forty or fifty, are demons, demons!

"When Caesar faced the demon girl of Cleopatra VII, he fell, and Augustus should not take the risk lightly!"

"Your Majesty wants beautiful women, and there are beautiful women in Rome! Even a blond Germanic girl can be found for Your Majesty!

As soon as Ponard's voice fell, the Romans had already persuaded him.

At this moment, they have admitted from the bottom of their hearts that Liu Zhao is their patron saint, their Augustus!

But Liu Zhao didn't think there was anything scary about the newly-baked Egyptian queen.

Later studies have shown that the reason why Cleopatra is not easy to age is because of special genes, there is a kind of autologous living cells that can keep her youthful for a long time.

As for that, Cleopatra VIII, wanted to use herself?

Hmph, with one's own willpower, it's really not sure who will use whom?

Of course, Liu Zhao also really wanted to appreciate the difference between the top beauties in the West and the top beauties in the East.

Immediately, Liu Zhao smiled slightly, looked at the former Roman emperor Severus, and said, "I heard that the first person in Rome to be awarded the title of Augustus was Octavian?

Severus nodded and said, "Yes, exactly."

Liu Zhao said: "The original Octavian was not tempted by Cleopatra to die in Rome. Do you think that my willpower is not as good as Octavian's? 39

"That's not. But...but..."

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with it." Liu Zhao's eyes flashed, and he said, "I've made up my mind, so I'll go to Alexandria, Egypt, and see... this descendant of Cleopatra! It's been a long time!

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