Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 397 The Hundred Teams of Han Ride Into the Barbarian Realm, Turning Upside Down!

That's right, it's the 300,000 Great Qin Cavalry!

At the beginning, when Liu Zhao destroyed the Huns, he opened the system gift package and got 300,000 Qin elite iron cavalry.

Now, in order to crush the Guangming Sect with absolute strength, Liu Zhao finally used this trump card.

What is the concept of the 300,000 Great Qin Elite Cavalry?

You must know that when Qin Shihuang sent general Meng Tian to expel the Xiongnu from the north, he only brought 300,000 Qin troops, not 300,000 Qin elite cavalry.

In fact, whether there are 300,000 elite iron cavalry in the entire Daqin, we have to say.

Today, Liu Zhao used them to eliminate the Celts.

Moreover, by now, Liu Zhao no longer has to worry about the sudden appearance of the 300,000 Great Qin Cavalry, which is shocking to the world.

Today's Han Empire stretches nearly 40,000 miles from east to west, with a population of nearly 400 million! With such a huge empire, who can master all the information?

The emperor has a secret army in his hands, as a trump card, it is so normal that no one will doubt it.

Of course, at the same time, for the people of the Light Cult, this is completely - a bad news.

A secret army mastered by Liu Zhao wiped out the Celts within ten days!

So, does he have any other secret army? Will he wipe out the Slavs, the Germans again?

The Guangming Religion has almost lost the foundation of the civilized world, and if it loses these two barbarians... it is about to be wiped out!

"Calm down, everyone must calm down!"

Seeing that the high levels of the Guangming Sect were as pale as earth, Saint Fei Lin cheered everyone up and said, "If Liu Zhao had other secret elite troops, he would have already started it, and he would have waited until now? Why did he choose the Celts among the three barbarians? Humans do it because their strength is actually limited, and they can only pick up and pinch softly! As long as we persist..."

However, just as his words were spoken, there was a sudden noise outside.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! We want to see the Pope!

"We want to see Bishop St. Feline!"

"Didn't it say that the God of Light will bless us? What's going on now?"

"We can't fight, we can't fight!

There are Germanic languages, Slavic languages, and the sounds are very familiar. This is the voice of the Germans and Slavs, dozens of important chiefs.

It must be noted that the Germans and Slavs, although independent barbarians. However, they themselves are still in the late stage of primitive society, and they do not have an independent king, not even a tribal alliance. They are the collective name of countless similar tribes in terms of language and customs.

It is precisely because of this that the Guangming religion can have a strong influence on each tribe by combining vertical and horizontal, dividing and pulling together.

However, it is clear that today, the authority of the Guangming Religion has been greatly questioned!

Immediately, an extremely ominous premonition came to the minds of the people of the Guangming Sect—the Celts had been destroyed by the Han emperor Liu Zhao. Could it be that something happened to the Slavs and the Germans? ?


When dozens of chiefs walked into the council hall, they brought earth-shattering news that the Han army had penetrated into the rear of the barbarian territory, killing livestock and beheading men, and the whole world was turned upside down!

If they don't return to the army, the chiefs will be unable to control their subordinates.

In fact, this is Liu Zhao's second blow against the barbarians, and it is also the old wisdom of the Han people against the Huns - Kou can go, so can I!


Of course, when the big man dealt with the Xiongnu, he really spent a lot of effort, not as easy as it is now.

The Han army now has more plate armor, stirrups, and horseshoes!

The Han army now has a compass and a barbarian map provided by Liu Zhao!

The Han army now brings convenience food and various medicines to treat acute illnesses!

The Han army now has ships across the four seas, and can land in the barbaric realm unwittingly!

And most importantly, there are countless heroes in the Han army!

Originally, Liu Zhao thought that the battle of Anxi Taixi's closure outside the city was the last glory of the great Han generals.

However, he really guessed wrong.

Going deep into the savage realm, it is not easy to supply ammunition, or plate armor and broadswords are convenient!

Immediately, Liu Zhao issued a decree, thirteen big Han first-rate generals and eighty-seven second-rate generals, each with 500 soldiers, a total of 50,000 iron cavalry, rushed into the barbarian realm!

The barbarians are the poorest among the poor, and the most valuable ones are livestock, and they kill them all!

The man taller than the wheel, kill!

Tent, burn down!

What? You want to unite to encircle and suppress?

Hehe, the elite barbarians are all on the front line, and the rest of the ordinary barbarians in the rear, combined, may not be our 50,000 elite opponents.

Besides, what about the elite brute? You don't even have armor, even a metal spearhead, you have to plan carefully!

Therefore, the 50,000 elites of the Han Dynasty entered the barbarian realm, came and went like the wind, burned and killed in one pass, it was really like entering the realm of no one.

When the news came, the barbarians couldn't wait any longer and demanded to return to the army.

It's ridiculous, the army of barbarians organized by the Guangming Sect is facing a situation of disintegration in less than a month! It's been a long time.

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