Liu Zhao also did not expect the war to be resolved so quickly.

This is due to the fact that the governor of Jingzhao Prefecture and Wanyanchang, the king of Lu, knew nothing about the Han Kingdom.

At the beginning.

Wanyanchang was shocked when he learned that someone dared to attack the Jin Dynasty city, but he quickly dismissed it.

10,000 people dare to attack Jingzhao Mansion?

I'm afraid it ate the gall of an ambitious leopard.

Whether it is in the Jin Dynasty or Mongolia, the northern nomadic tribes in history are all good at field warfare, but not good at attacking fortifications.

Therefore, Wanyan Chang immediately ordered the 80,000 Jin Dynasty troops near Jingzhao Mansion, and set up a battle directly outside the city of Jingzhao Mansion, intending to annihilate the Han army.

With an army of 80,000, 30,000 light cavalry and 4,000 heavy cavalry, in Wanyan Chang's view, is it still not easy to deal with the Han army of 10,000?

Therefore, Wanyanchang issued another order to destroy.

Ordered 80,000 Jin Dynasty troops to take the initiative to attack the Han army.

Although the Han army had an army composed of submachine guns, it would still be difficult to take the initiative to launch an attack on the army of the 80,000 Jin Dynasty.

This is just great.

The Jin Dynasty's army took the initiative to attack, hundreds of cannons were placed in positions, the shelling gauge was set, and the fire support point consisted of hundreds of machine guns at the front, and then 2,000 submachine gun soldiers were strengthening the firepower.

Waiting for work, taking the initiative to wait for the Jin Dynasty cavalry to charge.

Such a scene has never happened in history.

Once the line of defense is formed by artillery and machine guns, the war will become a meat grinder.

World War I, Battle of the Somme.

The Eagle Army was 450,000, the Gallic Chicken Army was 340,000, and the Eagle Gallic Chicken Alliance totaled 790,000. On the opposite side, the White Crane Army was 530,000.

With more than 1.3 million casualties on both sides, the Eagle-Gallu-Chicken coalition was unable to break through the line of defense formed by the White Crane Army.

Likewise, the White Stork Army was unable to fight back against the Eagle Gallic-Chicken Army.


Because cannons and machine guns form a line to death.

Any soldier who steps on the line of death becomes a corpse.

At this time, the Jin Dynasty army faced this situation.

The shells of the cannons and the tongues of the machine guns make up the scythe of the god of death, the ruthless reaper of the lives of the soldiers of the Jin Dynasty.

Half an hour.

The Jin Dynasty's 80,000 army paid 30,000 people and still could not break through this line of death.



Then came fear.

Yes, the Kim army was scared.

They are fearless, they are not afraid of death.

However, this kind of meaningless death without seeing any victory made them lose the courage to continue fighting.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

First there was the first one who escaped, then there was the second, the third...

The soldiers of the Jin Dynasty who had formed the system began to stagnate and even retreat.

So much that the law enforcement team of the Jin Dynasty army could not take care of it.


The military formation of the Jin Dynasty army was shaken, and then, when the defeated army rushed, it collapsed immediately.

Wanyan Kang, who saw that his army's heart was lost, could only reluctantly gather the army and plan to hold on to the city.

But at this time, the Jin Dynasty army had long lost the courage to continue fighting.

"It's not the army, it's the devil, it's the devil from hell~"!"

"This is an army that is more terrifying than our shamans..."

"The shamanic gods are above, please bring these devils back to hell!

Golden people also have faith.

Their beliefs are different from those in the Central Plains.

The Central Plains believed in Buddhism, Taoism, and even their own ancestors.

The Jin people believe in shamanism.

At this time, in the eyes of the golden man.

The Han army in front of him was more terrifying than the most respected wizard in shamanism.

The opponent is invulnerable, and the opponent can cast Skyfire Thunder.

The remaining 50,000 Jinmen army faced the Dahan army of 10,000 people, and they did not dare to go out of the city to face it.

They could only get close to the city wall one by one, and in the corner, they started to pray to the shaman they believed in.

Liu Zhao will have no mercy in the face of the enemy.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

The army of the Han Kingdom immediately approached the city of Jingzhao Palace.

The city gate was smashed down with cannons, and at the same time, it also smashed down the last trace of courage and faith of the golden people.

"Failed! Failed! The shamans and wizards have abandoned us!

"Escape, escape to the ends of the earth, escape to the end of the continent, escape the claws of this devil!

The golden army was crying and hugging its head.

They threw away their weapons and dropped their flags.

Even some people, like ostriches, dig their heads deeply into the haystacks, thinking that they can avoid the army of the Han Dynasty.

Such a fight can be imagined.

The massacre in Fengxiang Mei County was staged again.

This time, however, not hundreds, but tens of thousands.

The bodies of the Golden Soldiers covered the streets and alleys of Jingzhao Mansion, and blood soaked the vegetation along the road.

And this is a great day for the people of Jingzhao Mansion!

The Han army is back!

From today onwards, they don't have to be afraid, they don't have to worry about suddenly cutting themselves with a butcher's knife.

""~ Long live!

"Long live!"

"Mighty! 35

The joy of victory resounded throughout Jingzhao Mansion.

Excited people flooded the streets, expressing their admiration to these unfamiliar but familiar soldiers in front of them.

In the face of the enthusiastic people, Liu Zhao asked Zhuge Liang to reiterate that they were from the Great Han State and were the army of the Great Han State.

Of course, the various benefits of the Han Kingdom were also announced to the common people one by one.

no doubt.

The people of Jingzhao Prefecture joined the Great Han Kingdom without hesitation.

After showing the might of the Han state in front of the new subjects, Liu Zhao began to think about his next plan.

Yes, it is now breaking the golden army.

But wanting to continue to attack is somewhat unrealistic.

There are too few people.

More than 12,000 people, even if they were able to defeat all the armies of the Jin Dynasty, were too few to occupy such a vast land.

"People, now we need more officials, more generals, more teachers, more craftsmen..."

(Is it okay?) Liu Zhao was thinking in the council hall of Jingzhao Mansion.

The same goes for the advice provided by Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi.

"Your Majesty, there are not enough soldiers on our side. Although we nominally occupy the entire territory of Jingzhao Mansion, some counties have no soldiers from our Great Han Kingdom at all. The best way at present is to wait for the follow-up troops of our Great Han Kingdom to stabilize first. The land occupied now, and then continue to attack the Jin Dynasty... by"

"Especially teachers, there must be enough teachers to publicize the people's livelihood and national policy of the Han Dynasty to the people here, so that the people here can truly surrender to the Han Dynasty!

"There are also craftsmen and doctors. Before bombarding Fengxiang Mei County and Jingzhao Prefecture, many people's houses were damaged, and many people were homeless. We also need..."

After all, there is still a shortage of people.

Just when Liu Zhao was worried about this, suddenly, the voice of the system sounded in his mind.

Ding! Congratulations to the host....

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