Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 241 Health Problems of Chengdu Officials

The rebellion in Jiangzhou was quickly suppressed, and Ma Di successfully controlled Jiangzhou and preserved household registration and land title.

After handing over with the subsequent officials of the imperial court, Ma Di led his troops to escort Li Feng back to Chengdu.

I have to say that Ma Su is indeed a famous celebrity now. Many people in Guizhou paid tribute to him when he entered Chengdu.

Even when he entered the city, many people who admired him crowded forward, hoping to take a look at the heroic appearance of this great Han auxiliary general.

Ma Su didn't feel happy about this, and even laughed calmly...

Well, it is indeed a good feeling to be admired by others, but Ma Di still thinks that seeking death is more important. I have been seeking death for so many years. If Lao Ma suddenly gave up, wouldn't it be that he had been seeking death in vain?

After returning to Chengdu, Zhuge Liang gave him an order not to leave Chengdu, especially not to go to Mianzhu to lead troops. Before the Prime Minister's Office gave a specific order, Ma Di had to stay at home as a punishment.

Moreover, Zhuge Liang also specifically emphasized that if Ma Di continued to disobey military orders, the time he would be idle in Chengdu would be extended indefinitely in the future.

In response, Lao Ma expressed strong protest and went to the Prime Minister's Mansion in person to lodge a complaint. As a result, someone from the Prime Minister's Office took a fork and forked him all the way out, and the protest was dismissed.

There is no way, your prime minister is your prime minister, as long as he punishes you, you basically have nothing to say.

There was no other way, so Ma Su had no choice but to start taking a vacation.

But while resting, Ma Su thought of Hua Fei, whom he abandoned in Chengdu. After following Ma Di into Chengdu, Ma Di stayed in Chengdu to check the core officials.

After all, there are only so many talents in total. If he suddenly dies from another disease, Shu Han will suffer huge losses.

But after arranging tasks for Hua Fei, Ma Su went to work on his great cause. After coming and going for so long, Ma Su almost forgot about him (actually he forgot about him)

It wasn't until this moment that Ma Su remembered that it was time to go see him.

Hua Fei's house was borrowed by Ma Su from the Prime Minister's Mansion, and because of his medical skills, he was recruited as a doctor in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

As soon as I arrived in Washington, the first thing I saw was a huge bookshelf. It was piled high with bamboo slips with written characters on them.

"Huh? Could it be that Comrade Hua Fei has figured it out and decided to publish the Qing Nang Book as a side story?" Ma Di was a little surprised, and walked up to pick up a volume and read it.

But after just one glance, Ma Su put it back with a dark face.

Well, this old boy still hasn’t forgotten the habit of writing suicide notes...

But he could write so many suicide notes in one breath. What exactly did Hua Fei experience in Chengdu?

Just when Ma Su was looking at the bookshelf that was about to catch up with the suicide notes of novels, Hua Fei came back. When he saw Ma Su at home, he was shocked and quickly stepped forward to protect his suicide note.

"Why are you here, Sir? It's not a gentleman's business to peek at your subordinates' things at will."

"Okay, stop pretending to me, what are you doing? Didn't I ask you to be examined by the Chengdu officials? Why did you write a suicide note?" Ma Su looked at Hua Fei speechlessly, really unable to understand his brain circuit.

"Just because I checked everything, I have to write more suicide notes to save myself from dying without a burial place!" Hua Fei snorted angrily, obviously very dissatisfied with Ma Su's arrangement.

"Look at how many Han officials are in good health? They all have a lot of hidden dangers. And they refuse to listen to advice to recuperate. They work day and night without taking their own lives seriously."

"What can I do? If someone dies of illness one day, how will I explain it to Xian Kao!"

Hua Fei was obviously very angry. After all, he had been practicing medicine for decades, and this was the first time he had encountered so many stubborn patients.

"Ah? Are there really that many?" Ma Su was a little stunned and asked, scratching his head.

"Otherwise?" Hua Fei shook his head, took out a scroll of bamboo slips from the bookshelf and gave Ma Su a detailed explanation.

"Chiang Changshi of the Prime Minister's Office is old and frail, and his health is already in bad shape due to staying up late and working for a long time. Many diseases have already existed, and it is time to recuperate. As a result, he is always tired and refuses to listen to advice."

"General Zhao, the general of Zhendong, also checked me when he was still in Chengdu. Although he doesn't have many hidden diseases, he is old and definitely not suitable for military life, but he doesn't listen to the advice!"

"Needless to say, Prime Minister Zhuge, your body is getting more and more tired every day. If you get sick from overwork, even if I am a god, I can't save you!"

"Guan Shizhong's illness has penetrated into the five internal organs, and the condition affects breathing and is basically incurable. Even if he takes the exam first, there is probably no way to save him."

Hua Fei then listed several officials, all of whom basically suffered from hidden diseases. Moreover, senior officials in several key positions have become sick due to overwork.

The most outrageous thing is that Dong Yun, the dignified palace manager, is actually malnourished.

In short, Hua Fei basically has no power to deal with these high-ranking officials. Seeing that these high-status people could not be saved, Hua Fei subconsciously wanted to prepare a suicide note.

There was nothing he could do. Where was his father's lesson? Hua Fei was very scared.

"Is it so scary?" Ma Su was frightened when he heard this. He didn't expect that so many people in his family were sick and went to the front line.

"Then what do you think of me?"

Hua Fei glanced at Ma Su, and the corners of his mouth twitched even more.

"Your Majesty, you have so many hidden wounds that I can't even count them. Do you still need to look at them?"

"If you are a general and still fight without your life, even if you have the ability to support the sky, you will not be able to save him!"

"Then how long can I live?"

"If you continue to be so desperate, I'm afraid it will only last ten years..."

"Can I live for more than ten years?" Ma Su fell silent and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

How can he survive so long with so many hidden dangers? Could it be that I am really the chosen one?

"Forget it, let's talk about business. Let's think about the medical treatment later." Ma Di sighed, and finally chose not to think about these things.

There are only a few people in the imperial court. If they don't work hard, the imperial court will not be able to function. Therefore, no matter what we do, the disease caused by overwork cannot be cured in a short time.

"Who are you going to drug again?" Hua Fei rolled his eyes and was speechless at Ma Di's request.

"Ahem...The Prime Minister recently added a new supervisor to me, which makes it difficult for me to lead the troops, so..." Ma Su looked at Hua Fei and said with a meaning as if he was rubbing his hands together like a fly. .

"It's a pity that Xian Kao has researched and researched something that can be used to treat diseases, but you have wasted it." Hua Fei was speechless. A good medicine was used by Ma Su to drug him.

"Give me more. If possible, I'll give the Prime Minister some more so that he can rest too..."

"Stop, stop, stop, why don't you wait until tomorrow? I have to write a new suicide note overnight today..."




At the same time, Zhuge Liang, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, had come to the palace to meet Liu Chan in person. When asked by the attendant Guan Xing, Zhuge Liang just said calmly.

"I have something important to report to Your Majesty!"

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