Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 248 The new anchor of Zhibaiqian

Looking at Ma Su's confused expression, Zhuge Liang had to say that his apprentice was indeed disguised enough.

If Zhuge Liang had known about such a brilliant invention and such a genius idea when he was young, he would have mentioned it in Longzhong. When he joined Shuhan, there were two pages in his PPT.

In the letter, Fei Yi described all the reforms of Longyou during this period and told Zhuge Liang in full.

The two most core ones are Longyou's new farming and warfare system and papermaking technology.

Before Ma Su left, he proposed the farming war system in Longxi County, which was the Qin system's military merit land binding. However, he still made some slight modifications to make it suitable for the Shu Han regime.

To put it simply, a government was specially established to take charge of the land of the nobles in a county. This government can collect unowned land in the county and allocate it to soldiers for farming.

If a soldier's family has land to cultivate, they can bear the burden of armor and weapons. Being able to directly recruit into the army during wartime does not require the court to spend money to maintain the army, but also ensures the combat effectiveness of the army.

This simplified version of the government army system is a very suitable strategy for the next target of conquering the vast and sparsely populated Shu Han in Liangzhou and Guanzhong.

This policy has been slowly implemented in Longyou after Fei Yi had been competing with the Longyou clan for several years.

This is a booster for Zhuge Liang. It is not much better than Cao Cao's farming system that squeezed the head of Guizhou to the extreme!

There is another one, which is Ma Su's improved papermaking technology.

Zhuge Liang had no idea that Ma Di, his disciple, also had Mohist attainments. During more than a year in Longyou, there were so many designs.

Not to mention the large number of water canal drawings left in Longxi County. It can only be said that after Ma Su left, Li Mu relied on these large-scale construction of water conservancy facilities to irrigate thousands of hectares of land in Longxi County.

And Ma Su's improved papermaking technology is even more important. This is an invention that can be recorded in history.

Zhuge Liang also made many inventions, such as the recently developed wooden cow, which was Zhuge Liang's preparation for the next Northern Expedition.

However, compared with Ma Su's invention, these are still slightly inferior.

After Fei Yi's explanation, Zhuge Liang basically understood the situation.

Before leaving, Ma Su reached an agreement with the Yang family in Longyou and purchased all the Yang family's workshops. Then Ma Di spent more than a month completely updating the papermaking technology.

The new paper no longer requires linen as a material, but is replaced by cheaper bamboo. After a series of transformations, not only the quality of paper has been greatly improved, but the cost has also been reduced.

Since the year before last, the Yang family and Fei Yi have reached an in-depth cooperation. The workshops affiliated with the government started full production, and Longyou Paper was officially launched.

Longyou's taxes have increased significantly in the past two years. The main reason is that Longyou paper has begun to be sold.

At first it was only Longyou, and then it began to be sold to Shu, and then it was smuggled into Cao Wei in large quantities.

In particular, the Yang family relied on clan members who served in Cao Wei to quickly open up trade routes and began to scale up smuggling.

The main reason why the caravans started to resort to smuggling was that the war in Guanzhong stopped smuggling. In order to make more money, the Yang family found Fei Yi and opened up the Shangyong business route.

At the end of the letter, Fei Yi also listed a series of measures he promoted.

It was only then that Zhuge Liang noticed that Long Youzhi had actually entered the Prime Minister's Mansion. It's just that he was busy with his affairs and mostly looked at the bamboo slips, so he didn't notice.

"I didn't expect that You Chang would hide so deeply." However, Zhuge Liang just nodded, very satisfied with all the changes.

All these are things that are beneficial to the country and are an unexpected surprise to Zhuge Liang. In particular, Fei Yi's optimism about the future prospects of Long Youzhi gave Zhuge Liang new ideas.

"You Chang, I will send your memorial to the palace for His Majesty's personal approval. Your merits will be rewarded in the court at that time. You should go back first!" Zhuge Liang stood up and said to Ma Su with a smile, and then Walk out.

"Gong Yan, take the scribe and follow me to the Young Mansion!"

Then Ma Su looked at Zhuge Liang and walked out with a confused look on his face. Until this moment, Ma Su didn't react.

"When did I make meritorious deeds again? Why didn't I know?"




At this moment in Xixian County, Fei Yi, who was handling government affairs, suddenly felt a chill. At this moment, he, like Liu Yin, felt as if his credit had been taken away.

"What does this feel like? Someone is trying to kill shouldn't be." Fei Yi held up his official hat and muttered subconsciously.

"My letter should have been sent to the Prime Minister by now. I don't know how the Prime Minister will reward me..."

Fei Yi kept this secret at first. He wanted to wait until it all got big enough to hide it anymore before reporting it.

When a lot of good things come together, the credit will be maximized.

Only in this way can Fei Yi's role be highlighted. Otherwise, the prime minister would always add to his reputation, and Fei Yi would feel unsure.

So don't think Fei Yi is honest just because he is a good old man. This guy is also shrewd...

After shaking his head to suppress the feeling just now, Fei Yi continued to do his official duties.




While Ma Su was confused, Zhuge Liang had already personally brought Jiang Wan to the Shaofu.

The Shaofu was responsible for the Shu brocade trade and the sale of Zhibai coins in the Shu Han Dynasty. Zhuge Liang came to the Shaofu this time to ask for a hundred coins.

Ma Su gave him an improved papermaking technology, which was superior in terms of output cost and quality. There is a near-monopoly product similar to Shu brocade, which is enough to give Zhi Baiqian a platform.

Zhuge Liang wanted to anchor the straight money with the Longyou paper to increase the value of the straight money of Shu Han.

After the fall of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Wei, Shu and Wu all tried to issue new coins. For example, Shuzhi's hundred coins, Wu's Daquan's five thousand, or Wei's five pearls...

But it doesn't seem to work. Daquan Wuqian, similar to Wu, has become scrap metal. The currency recognized on the market is still the Han Wuzhu.

The status of Zhibaiqian anchored by Shu Brocade has also been unstable. Coupled with the empty treasury of Shu Han, it has been unsustainable.

But the appearance of Long Youzhi gave Zhuge Liang hope and the hope of improving Zhibaiqian's status.

If it can be implemented, Zhuge Liang's internal political philosophy in his blueprint for rejuvenating the Han Dynasty will probably take another big step forward!

"Send a message to Fei Yi quickly and ask him to find dozens of good paper-making craftsmen and escort them to Chengdu!"

When Zhuge Liang arrived at the Shaofu, he ordered his scribes to write letters to Fei Yi's important people, and at the same time sent people to the Chengdu workshop.

"Go to the workshop quickly and invite Master Pu to the Shaofu to discuss important matters together!"

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