Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 414 Even the pants are seen through

Just when Chen Tai was so proud that his defense was so impregnable that Ma Di had to go south to attack Sun Li first, the Shu army had already reached his rear area.

After Ma Su's naked night attack, the Han army successfully landed in Weinan. Sun Li was forced by Ma Su's reputation to choose a strategic contraction. As a result, there was a gap in Weinan's warning range, and Ma Di seized the opportunity to lead thousands of northern troops to move eastward quickly.

In just ten days, Ma Su quickly rushed to the Xinfeng County area, forced himself across the Wei River, and went around to the rear of Chen Tai.

I have to say that Ma Su's move was very risky. It can even be said that apart from him, Wei Yan was the only one who had the courage to do this.

After all, Sun Li's side was only strategically shrinking, not blind. Regular blockade was still possible. Therefore, it is impossible for Ma Su and his thousands of people to have any logistics at all.

And because the soldiers needed to travel long distances, the load could not be too heavy, and they carried at most fifteen days' worth of military rations. This also means that Ma Su must find a way to take advantage of the enemy.

After fifteen days, if he could not grab the rations from the Wei army, Ma Su would even starve to death in Weibei.

In such a risky situation, I am afraid that except for people like Ma Su and Wei Yan, no normal person would dare to do this.

However, Ma Su was so lucky. He had been playing guerrilla attacks for several years, and he was able to successfully feed the enemy every time. And because every battle must be won and every attack must be conquered, Ma Di can not only succeed in detours, but most of the time the results are much more amazing than imagined.

For example, this time, Ma Su had only two days of rations left when he crossed the Wei River. When thousands of elite soldiers reached Gaolu, the nearest county seat, the army only had one day's food left.

If the magistrate of Gaolu County can close the city gate and defend, Ma Di can be finished in one day.

However, when Ma Su appeared outside the county town with thousands of people as if falling from the sky, the Gaolu defenders were stunned. It wasn't until Ma Su rushed to the door with his soldiers that the Wei army realized that this was the Han army!

Gaolu is neither far nor close to the front line, only a hundred miles away in total. However, because the front line was tightly blocked and Chen Tai led his army to block the Xing River, the local Wei army never thought that the Han army would appear here.

After just one confrontation, the Wei army at the gate was defeated and fled, and the Han army easily controlled the suspension bridge.

Gaolu is a small city. The city gate is not a gate, but an extremely simple wooden double door. Because of this structure, the Wei army had no time to close the gate, and the Han army invaded the city.

Ma Su led the elite soldiers of the Han army, all of whom were strong and well-trained. Even if they only wore a layer of leather armor for a long-distance attack, it was not something that these Wei army's second-line soldiers could withstand.

Ma Su personally led the troops into the battle and quickly reached the county government office. The Gaolu County magistrate climbed over the wall and fled, and almost all the remaining soldiers threw down their weapons and surrendered.

In less than an hour, a thousand Han troops took control of the county. Ma Su's imminent supply problem was solved instantly, and the situation suddenly opened up.

"General! All enemy troops in Gaolu County have been cleared, and we have taken control of the entire city." Ma Su's personal guards handed over and reported to Ma Su.

"Very good! The action was very fast." Ma Su was very satisfied, nodded, and then ordered,

"The whole army controls the four city gates, sets up our flag on the top of the city, and divides the troops into one group to carry the crossbows and follow me. Let's continue eastward!"

Ma Su's words made Ma Su's attendant stunned for a moment, and he hesitated slightly before accepting the order.

Although these personal guards under Ma Su came from humble backgrounds, under Ma Su's supervision, they had all read military books and knew more or less the art of war. Therefore, in the view of this guard, the next step is to stick to the highland.

After all, although the Weibei Plain is vast, there are only a few galloping roads that can maintain grain routes. Gaolu happened to be stuck at these nodes on the Weibei Chi Road and was an important hub for the Wei army.

This place is cut off, and the Wei army's front line will sooner or later be defeated due to the blockage of food roads. Therefore, as long as we hold this place and prevent the Wei army from taking it back, victory will have been achieved.

Ma Di also saw the soldiers' doubts, but he had no idea of ​​explaining.

Judging from his understanding of Chen Tai and his current excessive precautions, after hearing that he had cut off his food supply, he most likely did not have the guts to divide his forces to capture Gaolu.

So...Chen Tai, you know how to escape by taking a small road, right?




News of the fall of Gaolu quickly spread to the front line and was rushed to Chiyang by courier.

At this moment, Chen Tai was still celebrating that Ma Di was forced to leave by him, and planned to drink two glasses of wine to cheer him up. As soon as he received the letter from the rear, Chen Tai almost spit out a sip of wine.

"What! The Shu army suddenly appeared and occupied Gaolu County!" Chen Tai looked at the battle report coming from behind in disbelief, and he was dumbfounded.

"How is this possible! The entire Xinghe River has been blocked by me, and not a single mouse can cross it! Is it true that his horse can't fly?"

"General! If Gaolu is lost, our food routes will be in trouble! We need to get it back as soon as possible!" Chen Tai's generals were also very nervous and quickly suggested to Chen Tai.

Because the Han army crossed the Wei River south, the Weinan area had become a battlefield, and it was impossible to allocate food and fodder for itself from Chang'an. Therefore, Chen Tai's logistics are all transported from Pubanjin, and Gaolu is the only way to go.

Now Gaolu has also fallen. If they are not recaptured in time, more than 20,000 people in Chen Tai will starve to death.

"That's right! Gaolu must be taken back!" Chen Tai also nodded, and suddenly his expression changed, and his serious face turned into a JOJO face,

"This arduous task is entrusted to you! Now you are leading three thousand troops to recapture Gaolu County with great fanfare. There must be no mistakes!"

"Huh? Me?" The general was suddenly confused, pointed at himself and asked in disbelief.

"That's right, this is my test for you, you must cherish this opportunity!!" Chen Tai nodded and said with great certainty, and then kicked him out without giving the general a chance to explain.

After ordering his generals to lead thousands of troops to attack Gaolu, Chen Tai quickly sent his cronies to various camps to deliver the news, and the entire army prepared in secret.

The reason why Chen Tai took such strict precautions was to guard against Ma Di. Now that Ma Di himself had suddenly appeared behind him, Chen Tai, who had been frightened for a long time, was unwilling to go to Gaolu to get into trouble.

Based on his understanding of Ma Su's combat power, if the main force goes to capture the Highlands, there is a high probability that Ma Su will lead a group of Shu Han supermen to beat them up. In the end, he lost his troops and generals, and then the front line was broken through by the Shu army, and his entire army was almost wiped out.

Chen Taicai didn't want such a plot, so his purpose was clear from the beginning.

Let the general pretend to attack Gaolu as a scapegoat to attract Ma Di's attention. He took the main force along the northern path, quietly retreated eastward, bypassed Ma Di and defended the next line of defense.

After all, he still has several lines of defense, so there is no point in fighting here.

The plan goes through!

But at this moment, Chen Tai didn't know that all his plans were already within Ma Di's expectations.

In other words, Ma Su could see through his pants.

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