Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 421 Xiahou Ba is captured

Xiahou Ba's plan was originally very good, but unfortunately this time he was not lucky, and Ma Su did not play his cards according to the normal routine.

But then again, when did Ma Su follow the normal routine...

In short, Xiahouba prepared a big one with full confidence, but ended up pulling a big one.

More than a thousand elite soldiers sounded good, but in front of three thousand strong Han light cavalry with high morale, it was still not enough. Although Xiahouba and his gang fought desperately and indeed caused considerable losses to the Han army, they were ultimately unable to recover.

In less than half an hour, the Han army slaughtered Xiahouba's thousands of elite soldiers at the cost of hundreds of deaths. Even because the cavalry at the back also wanted military exploits, many Wei soldiers who were not dead but injured were specially dismounted and hacked to death.

However, compared to ordinary soldiers, Xiahou Ba's luck was pretty good. After fighting desperately, the soldiers pushed him back into the trench before almost dying, avoiding Ma Su's death charge.

Xiahou Ba had to hide in a trench to hide his body, and thus escaped the disaster.

The Han army did not notice this. After breaking through the Wei army's ambush, Ma Di led the cavalry force and rushed towards the Wei army's formation without stopping.

The ambush is gone, and now we can attack with confidence.

Originally, the Wei army on the front line had been beaten so hard by Jiang Wei and his cavalry that they were almost out of breath, and they were about to be unable to withstand it. When they saw the main force of the Han cavalry destroying Xiahou Ba's ambush and the entire army charging, the final morale of the Wei army collapsed.

Except for the Wei army who could not escape from the battle ahead, the rest of the soldiers dropped their weapons and turned around to run away.

But to their despair, Xiao Guan behind them closed the door tightly. At the critical moment, Paoze also looked on with cold eyes and even pointed arrows at them.

You know, Xiahou Ba issued an order to fight to the death in order to prevent the Wei army from premature collapse. If the soldiers in front were defeated and fled, Xiao Guan's Wei army would need to shoot the defeated soldiers.

As a result, the Wei army found out in despair that the Han army was charging in front, and the arrows of its own team were behind it. Whether it's moving forward or going backward, it's all a matter of death.

This situation is a bit like the Battle of Jinling fought by Baldhead later. It was a good situation whether it was retreating or holding on, but it was turned into a blood loss by various tricks...

In an absolutely dead situation, the Wei army began to surrender to the Han army in large numbers.

The situation on the battlefield was chaotic for a while, with Wei soldiers trying to resist and Wei soldiers planning to surrender mixed in. In the chaos, Xiahou Ba took off the general's armor and planned to take advantage of the chaos to get back to Xiaoguan.

It was impossible to attack Xiao Guan from the front. Xiahou Ba also imitated the old general Zhang He and quietly escaped over the mountains. We walked all the way through the mountains and forests on the side of Xiaoguan, preparing to escape from the north gate.

It should be said that Xiahou Ba was quite lucky. When a large force of Ma Su was just launched, he was stunned and escaped while taking advantage of the chaos.

Along the way, Xiahou Ba also found traces of troops marching in the mountains and forests, but he was anxious to escape and didn't pay much attention. Just like this, he ran all the way to the north gate of Xiaoguan and shouted to the top of the city.

"I am General Xiahouba, open the door quickly!" Xiahouba shouted anxiously to Xiaoguan against the cold wind in Guanbei. Soon, there was a reaction on the top of the city, and a hanging basket was slowly lowered.

At this time, Xiahou Ba didn't care whether he was being respected by opening the door or not. He directly stepped onto the hanging basket and prepared to escape back to Xiaoguan. In his opinion, although the current strategy failed and the army suffered heavy losses, there were still more than 2,000 people defending Xiaoguan.

Relying on the steep pass, he only had to defend for ten days before reinforcements from Bingzhou arrived. With sufficient military support by then, he believed that he could defend Xiao Pass until he died of old age!

With this idea, Xiahou Ba safely boarded Xiaoguan in a hanging basket. When he reached the top of the city, someone immediately handed Xiahou Ba a handkerchief.

"General...General, please wipe...wipe the blood."

Xiahou Ba subconsciously took it and said while wiping it,

" kid is pretty good at getting things done, your name is..."

As he spoke, Xiahou Ba raised his head and immediately saw the honest smile of Deng Fan, a young general in red robe and Han army uniform.

"No,'s okay. We big men treat prisoners...prisoners well."

Under Deng Fan's smiling words, dozens of Han army warriors also gathered around, all looking at Xiahou Ba kindly. And wherever Xiahou Ba looked, he couldn't see a single Wei soldier!

When Xiahouba led his troops to face the Han army in the south of Xiaoguan, Deng Fan had already led four thousand elite soldiers to quickly detour from the flank. When the main force of the Xiaoguan garrison was blocked in the south, Xia Houba arrived at the north gate of Xiaoguan one step ahead.

At this time, Meng Guo and his Wudang Feijun once again demonstrated the super climbing strength of mountain warriors. A thousand elite soldiers climbed up to the top of Xiaoguan City with their bare hands without the help of flying ladders!

Due to lack of troops, the Wei army at Xiaoguan was completely unprepared for the north. The Wudang Feijun led by Deng Fan easily captured the North Gate along the way, and the first pass in the north of Guanzhong fell.

When Xiahou Ba arrived, Xiao Guan only had the finishing work left.

Seeing the fall of Xiaoguandu, I thought that the entire army was almost wiped out due to my own reasons. Xiahou Ba's face turned green and white for a while, and finally his eyes suddenly rolled over and he fell to the ground!

"Fuck! My military exploits!" Deng Fan panicked when he saw Xiahou Ba fainting. I was so anxious that I couldn't even stutter, and desperately called for a doctor to come and save me.

He was different from Jiang Wei, who followed Ma Di wholeheartedly just to fight. He paid great attention to all the news about the big man. Xiahou Ba is the cousin of the current queen. If he really died in his own hands, his military achievements would be greatly reduced!

So...Brother Ba, you must be strong!




Ma Su led his troops to conquer Xiao Pass in the north. Under Xiahou Ba's series of operations, he finally succeeded in delivering the dangerous pass in the world to the Han army. When Deng Fan cleared Xiao Pass and opened the door to enlarge the troops to enter, Ma Di felt speechless.

How should I put it? He felt that Xiahou Ba was very busy, but he didn't know where he was busy. Anyway, in the end, Xiao Guan was delivered to the Han army, and it was so smooth that it was unbelievable.

Of course, in fact, it is not difficult to conquer Xiaoguan in front of Wudang Feijun who is good at climbing. However, Xiahou Ba deserves the most credit for the success of the fight.

At the celebration banquet, Xiahou Ba had to sit in the front row...

However, Xiahou Ba himself did not recognize this. After he woke up, he was very angry. He ignored Ma Su's persuasion to surrender, cursed and wanted to die, and refused to buy it.

Unwilling to surrender, Ma Su did not make things difficult for him, but simply sent someone to take him under guard.

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