Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 552 Cleaning up the interior

Until his death, Yang Yi didn't say another word, and was eventually killed in the lobby by Wei Yan himself.

But this also confirms that Yang Yi is really loyal to Zhuge Liang. When such a big enemy appeared in the Prime Minister's Mansion, Yang Yi was stunned and didn't believe him at all.

Obviously, the Prime Minister's Mansion was listed as a restricted area for exploration, and he knew nothing about what was going on inside.

But in any case, Yang Yi committed the crime of treason, which is unpardonable, and he deserved to be killed on the spot. Wei Yan then put down his weapon and asked Zhuge Liang to apologize, but Zhuge Liang waved his hand to stop him.

"It is impossible for Yang Yi to complete such a professional assassination by himself. The Military Council must have many of his confidants. You Chang, please take people to the Military Council to investigate and deal with the remaining members as soon as possible."

Zhuge Liang shook his head slightly and sighed tiredly, looking a little older.

"When I get old, I won't be involved in these things. It's just up to you to make the decision."

Obviously, the betrayal of his beloved talent was a big blow to Zhuge Liang. Yang Yi's betrayal dealt a blow to Zhuge Liang, even as much as the defeat of Ma Di Jieting in history.

"Prime Minister, as you said, you will have no problem living for another few decades!" Ma Su didn't know what to say, so he could only say a few nice words cautiously.

"You should take good care of your body, and I will surely let you see the unification of the great men!"

However, Zhuge Liang was not in a very good mood at the moment. He just shook his head gently and did not speak.

There was no other way, so Ma Su could only quietly leave the Prime Minister's Mansion with his men. Zhuge Liang saw a little blood still sprinkled on the ground and whispered softly,

"Once you are slandered, two peaches will kill three people!"

"Who is this person? The prime minister of the country is Yanzi."

"Yang Yi's execution now will be a crime for everyone..."




After coming out of the Prime Minister's Mansion, the entire Chang'an began a major purge operation.

Zhuge Liang was right. Although Yang Yi was very talented, he could not accomplish such a serious crime alone. There are also several of his accomplices in the court, and the Military Council has a large number of his confidants.

Ma Di quickly led troops into the Military Council and took over all the power and files from Yang Yi as quickly as possible. Later, during the purge process, they quickly found several dead soldiers who had committed suicide by taking poison.

They were the assassins who had not been found after searching for more than 20 days. They were all Yang Yi's dead soldiers, and he did not dare to throw them out as abandoned sons.

In the following days, throughout Chang'an City, the Northern and Southern Army began to arrest people on a large scale. Liu Chan gave the highest order to this, and all those involved in this matter were to be killed without mercy.

As for Yang Yi's family, Wei Yan planned to send them all to see Yang Yi and directly destroy the three clans. The attitude of the palace was the same, and Liu Chan even supported the matter in public.

You know, this matter is equivalent to directly assassinating Zhuge Liang in Ji Han. How could Liu Chan not be crazy.

But in the end, Ma Su stood up and persuaded everyone.

"Forget it, although Yang Yi is a bastard, he still has merit for the big man. His family will not be implicated, just kill Yang Yi alone." Ma Su persuaded calmly, and tried to let go despite all the opinions. Yang Yi's wife and children.

Wei Yan could hardly understand this. He grabbed Ma Di's collar and asked in disbelief,

"You Chang, is your brain broken? You are setting a precedent for those who assassinate you! Aren't you afraid that there will be an endless stream of people who will assassinate you in the future?"

"This matter is different!" Ma Di shook his head and said stubbornly.

Just kidding, I did it just for this purpose. Otherwise, if he really scared everyone, who would come to assassinate him in the future?

Seeking death, do you understand?

But despite this, there is also a situation where Ma Di sympathizes with Yang Yi. After all, this man's contribution is obvious to all. If it hadn't been for him, there would have been many more people who assassinated Ma Su in recent years.

Especially when Ma Su fought on the battlefield in the past, rumors began to spread every time he was halfway through the opponent's battle. After checking the files of the Military Council, Ma Di discovered that this was also Yang Yi's own handwriting.

So although he is very worthy of being hated, his contribution still needs to be recognized. What's more, Ma Su could also see that Zhuge Liang was nostalgic for his old friendship, so killing the three clans was unnecessary in Ma Su's opinion.

In addition, Ma Di also wanted to set a precedent and encourage more enemies to assassinate him, so he decided to let Yang Yi's family go.

In the end, under Ma Di's full persuasion, Liu Chan could only reluctantly tear up the edict that was immediately sent out. Yang Yi himself was executed, but all his tribesmen were demoted to common people. They had no official career in this life, but their lives were saved.

The Yang Yi case, which shocked both the Han Dynasty and the public, lasted for several months, but very few people were involved. It was not until the new chief of the Military Council took office that this major case was basically over.

This time when Ma Su was assassinated, it was Zhuge Liang who was most injured. The henchman he raised with one hand assassinated his beloved disciple, which no one could bear.

Fortunately, the system reformed by Ma Su has begun to show miraculous results. Many complicated and cumbersome official affairs can be digested by oneself, and the chancery desk is also free.

Therefore, after going to the top of the Chancellery, the Prime Minister's Mansion became peaceful for a short time, and Zhuge Liang was able to recuperate his body and mind.

If this Yang Yi case can have such a good impact, it will greatly improve the security of Chang'an, and all officials, big and small, are equipped with bodyguards without exception.

Even Fei Yi, who had always been bold and bold, was forced to add more than a dozen guards to ensure his safety. For this reason, Fei Yi kept complaining to Ma Su about this.

"You Chang, if you are assassinated this time, all of us will be affected. Look, now I don't even have the chance to go out and drink by myself!" Fei Yi said angrily to Ma Su, pointing at the people who were following him closely. The several heavily armed guards were speechless for a moment.

"Wen Wei, isn't this ensuring your safety? Otherwise, in your situation, you might be more likely to be assassinated than me, right?" Ma Su didn't pay attention to Fei Yi's anger, but was a little happy.

At least for Fei Yi, it should be impossible to be assassinated like in history.

"Come on, let's not talk about these nonsense. Gongyan asked me to give this to you." Fei Yi waved his hands angrily, took out a letter from his arms and threw it to Ma Su.

"Jiang Wan knows that you plan to regain Bingzhou as soon as possible, so he asked me to bring you the financial files directly."

"But the ugly story is ahead. After your troubles, Shangshutai will no longer be able to provide money and food. Take a look at this for yourself. You will probably have to find a way to raise most of the money and food yourself!"

"Oh? Has the chancellor finally got his hands free?" Ma Su's eyes suddenly lit up.

He had been planning for a long time about the war against Hedong and Bingzhou. As a result, it was delayed for nearly a year due to changes in the official system and the Yang Yi case.

Now, he finally had the opportunity to look eastward again.

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