"Husband, let's go see the child!"

At this time, Cai Yan had already changed his clothes, got up and said to Zhao Yu.

She had only been separated for a while, and she was already thinking about the child.

"Haha! Let's go!"

When Zhao Yu heard this, he immediately nodded with a smile, helped Cai Yan out of the delivery room, and came outside.

At this time, Tong Yuan and Cai Yong were teasing the children.

Seeing that Cai Yan actually came out, Cai Yong's face suddenly sank, and he couldn't help but scold: "What's the matter with you? Why did you come out? I don't know if postpartum mothers need to cultivate?"

What's going on with these little guys?

Saying that, Cai Yong looked at Zhao Yu and scolded angrily: "How did you become a husband, aren't you a miracle doctor? Don't you understand this common sense? Hurry up and help Yan'er go back to the house!"

He was really going to be.

"Alright, teacher!"

When Zhao Yu heard this, he rolled his eyes helplessly and said, "Am I such a person who doesn't know the seriousness?"

"I saw Yan'er's postpartum weakness, and I directly fed her a miracle medicine, she has now recovered to her peak, and there are no sequelae at all, don't you see that she is now full of red face, and she can't be healthier anymore?"

Cai Yong was slightly stunned when he heard this.

He still knows the magic medicine that Zhao Yu said.

He couldn't help but look at Cai Yan suddenly, and found that it was really his daughter's "383" complexion, which was as good as before she was pregnant with a child.

He suddenly looked at Zhao Yu a little speechless and said, "You kid is really willing to do it! How can such a miracle medicine be so wasted? It's just that it will not be long before you give birth to a child and cultivate for a while?"

"You shouldn't waste that. "

That's a miracle cure for all diseases!

It must be extremely precious, and this is a serious waste.

It's a life to keep it at a critical moment!

"Father, what do you mean by that? Affection for a daughter is not worthy, is it a waste of this miracle medicine?"

Cai Yan looked at his father angrily.

Although she also felt that her husband was making a big fuss and wasting too much, her husband was also worried about her body and felt sorry for her.

Moreover, I have already eaten it, what is my father talking about?

What is waste?


Cai Yong was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then looked at Cai Yan with a sneering face and explained: "Yan'er! That's not what you mean to be a father! You should understand! This is really a bit of a wave... Ahem! Forget it, use it, and the father won't say anything more!"

He shouldn't have talked too much about this in the first place, because it's wrong to say anything!


Tong Yuan on the side couldn't help but smile happily when he saw it, looked at Cai Yong and quipped: "Are you deflated?

Cai Yong glared at Tong Yuan angrily: "Am I not doing this for the good of Ziyi and them?"

"By the way, has the child's name been chosen?

Cai Yong suddenly asked Zhao Yu again.

After thinking about it, he naturally won't talk much, but if he doesn't think about it, he doesn't mind taking a closer look.

"I've thought it through!"

Zhao Yu replied with a smile: "This is my eldest son, let's call Zhao Qian!"


Cai Yong listened, and immediately did not pick it slightly: "Zhao Qian? It's okay! Qian is Zhou Yi's first hexagram, which refers to the sky, and there is also the meaning of being strong, which is not bad." "

"Pretty good!"

Tong Yuan listened, lowered his head and reached out to pinch Zhao Gan's cheek in his arms, and praised.

A month later,

In the castle of the Underworld,

Today's Zhengbei General's Mansion is very lively, full of friends, it turned out to be the full moon banquet of Zhao Yu's eldest son Zhao Gan.

Many of Zhao Yu's relatives and friends came.

"Haha! Ziyi! You've got a baby, congratulations! Congratulations! I've been waiting for your good news!

Cao Cao smiled and toasted to Zhao Yu and invited.

Zhao Yu has been married for more than 3 years, and he has not heard any movement in this regard, so Cao Cao is not good because of Zhao Yu!

He even jokingly mentioned it in his letters in the past.

However, in the end, he was scolded by Zhao Yu, and he also talked to Cao Cao about the woman's premature birth and bad health, so that Cao Cao was convinced.

After all, in terms of medical skills, Zhao Yu is at the level of a miracle doctor, and Cao Cao is very convinced of this.


Zhao Yu also smiled when he saw it, and reached out to raise his glass and touched a glass with Cao Cao.

"Hey, hey!"

After Cao Cao drank all the wine in the cup, he looked at Xun You and the others and said happily: "You don't know! I was looking forward to the birth of my nephew a few years ago!"

"Two years ago, I saw that Ziyi hadn't moved, I thought he couldn't do it!

Xun You and the others were also happy when they heard it.

Not to mention Cao Cao, why didn't they worry about it at the beginning?

After all, Zhao Yu is their lord, and for a future overlord, having no descendants is the most important thing.

Fortunately, Zhao Yu explained it clearly to them, and they calmed down.

Of course, it would be false to say in my heart that I was not worried about it.

Fortunately, these worries can now be put aside.

Zhao Yu couldn't help but glared at Cao Cao when he heard this: "Delicious and delicious food can't stop your mouth, right?"

"You were skeptical when I explained it to you, but now you believe it, do you really think that my name as a miracle doctor was blown for nothing?"

This thing is really, this kind of old thing has to be taken out and talked about again. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Cao Cao couldn't help but say happily when he heard this: "I believe it, now I believe it completely! It's not that you have a problem, brother, but that you understand a distressed person! Senior Sister Zhaoji followed you, and she really didn't follow the wrong person." "

"However, does it really affect the body if a woman gives birth before the age of 18?"

Cao Cao still wanted to confirm.

When Xun You and the others heard this, they all looked at Zhao Yu.


Zhao Yu nodded affirmatively: "Can I still talk nonsense about this kind of thing?" I don't believe you can ask Mr. Zhong Jing, he is also a miracle doctor." "

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Zhang Zhongjing at the next table.

Zhang Zhongjing also happened to hear the conversation here, and immediately got up and said, "What the lord said is indeed true!"

"Actually, I didn't study this aspect at first, but later it was confirmed that what the lord said was indeed very reasonable;"

"If you can, it's best to let your wife have another child after the age of 18, so that it will be more beneficial to your wife and the child's body;"

"After all, a woman's body is only really grown when she is 18 years old. "

Over the years, following Zhao Yu's side, while taking charge of the medical school, he often communicated with Zhao Yu, and Zhang Zhongjing's medical skills have been greatly improved.

The whole of Yanmen County and even further away have heard of his name as a miracle doctor.

"Is that so?"

Cao Cao listened and nodded clearly: "It seems that I have to pay attention in the future!"

The others also nodded: "Indeed!"

Zhao Yu listened but looked at Cao Cao speechlessly and teased: "What do you pay attention to? Aren't Mrs. Sister-in-law already in their twenties or thirties?


The next moment, Zhao Yu suddenly realized again: "It seems that Brother Cao, you have not changed your heart, and you still want to accept more concubines!"

"Then I'll have to talk to you about this matter, and the next time I see my sister-in-law, I have to tell her about it, hehe!"

Cao Cao's face turned dark when he heard this, and he said angrily: "Get out, you kid! Isn't it normal for men to like beautiful women?"

"It's not right to run to your sister-in-law to play right and wrong, and affect the relationship between our husband and wife!"

"Besides, it's just a concubine, do you dare to promise that you won't?"

This guy is really going to take the opportunity to hit a rake!

Gave Cao Cao all the fun 0.........

"Besides, many of you here nodded in agreement with my words just now, obviously, everyone has this intention, brother, are you ready to offend so many of us at once?"

Cao Cao glanced around and threatened Zhao Yu.

"Good guys!"

Zhao Yu couldn't help but be happy when he heard this: "Are you directly pulling everyone into the water? You are ruthless enough!"

When Xun You and the others heard this, they couldn't help but glare at Cao Cao: "You guys are breaking it, don't get involved with us!"

"That's right!"

Guo Jia drank wine while looking at Cao Cao and Zhao Yu profligately: "Getting married or something, it will only affect my chic life, I think it's better for the girls in Baihualou, you just don't understand the benefits here." "

When Cao Cao heard this, he suddenly gave Guo Jia a thumbs up with the same look as a gentleman: "Little brother Gao Jian!"

He agrees with that.

If it weren't for the family urging him to get married, he actually wouldn't want to get married so early.

"You kid!"

When Zhao Yu heard this, he immediately glared at Guo Jia speechlessly: "Pay more attention to my body, and cultivate martial arts to play again! Beware of breaking my body again! When the time comes, I won't be giving you magic medicine to cure you!"

"It's just going to throw you into the barracks for a few years to help you recover from 5.0. "

This kid is good at everything, but he's too prodigal.

"Hey, hey!"

Guo Jia smiled when he heard this: "I know! Lord, I won't mess around!"

"Do you think I believe it or not?"

Zhao Yu couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this.

Guo Jia said he wouldn't mess around?

Who believes?

"Zhicai, Gongda! This kid has been handed over to your care! You should pay more attention and watch a little more on weekdays! I don't want this thing to die young!"

Zhao Yu said to Xi Zhicai and Xun You.


Xun You and Xi Zhicai immediately received the order.

Then, they all looked at Guo Jia with a warning face, which meant that it was obvious.

When Guo Jia saw it, he suddenly looked helpless.

What else could he say?

Zhao Yu is really doing this for his good.

Although he didn't want to accept it, it was just.

If you are used to wandering and being controlled all of a sudden, how can it be so easy to turn it around?


Cao Cao was also happy when he saw it, looked at Guo Jia and Xu Shu a few times, and then said to Zhao Yu: "These two are your newly recruited masterminds, brother?

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