After 10 minutes,

"Aren't you ripe yet?"

Looking at the fierce beast meat that was still roasted over there, Lu Bu asked with a surprised expression.

"But the smell has already whetted my cravings! At least, it should taste good!"

Lu Bu sniffed and praised.

"Still waiting!"

Zhao Yu shook his head: "This thing is like this, it is more difficult to cook when baked, if you want to eat it, you have to be patient." "


Lu Bu nodded.

Another few minutes passed,

"It's ready to eat!"

Zhao Yi said.

"Come, Bong-first, taste!"

Zhao Yu immediately took a piece and handed it to Lu Bu.

Lu Bu immediately took the skewered barbecue, opened his mouth to bite a large piece, chewed it a few times, and then his eyes were round, and he gave Zhao Yu a thumbs up: "Let's not talk about the rest, the taste alone is the best meat I've ever tasted!"

"It's good to like it! This thing doesn't just taste good! The main thing is that it's powerful! It's just not very skilled!"

Zhao Yu nodded with a smile and explained.

Lu Bu chewed it all and swallowed it.

With his strength at the peak of the Great Sect Master, he had already refined all the internal organs to the current peak, and his digestion ability had been greatly improved.

As soon as the beast's meat was in his stomach, he clearly felt that the meat was being quickly digested and absorbed in the stomach, and then a warm current began to surge around his body.


Lu Bu's eyes widened suddenly, and he said in horror: "This qi and blood, this nutrition is much stronger than any beast meat! At least it is more than ten times the nutrition and qi and blood of the beast meat!"

"Moreover, it does have a slight effect on improving the strength of the muscles and bones, a good thing!"

He somewhat believed that Zhao Yu could grow to this extent in just a few years, and it had nothing to do with the fierce beast meat.

What a proper thing to treasure meat!

It's comparable to a low-level treasure.

"You just said that you want to be more of me, right? You have to talk about it! You can't go back!"

Lu Bu hurriedly said to Zhao Yu. 940 is a good thing, you must be able to get some of it.

"Don't worry!

Zhao Yu shook his head funny: "However, this time I can only give you 200 catties, is there more!"

"Wait until next time I get more, and I'll give you more;"

"But you'll have to come and talk to me more often!"

"I feel that if you want to improve your combat experience and strength, you still have to learn more from you top generals to improve faster. "

By paying some low-grade fierce beast meat, he could get more Perfect Pei Yuan Dan and Perfect Qi and Blood Pill, and Zhao Yu felt that he had made a lot of money.

"Haha! Of course that's fine!"

Lu Bu also laughed loudly when he heard this: "Then it's decided, every time I come to talk to you a few times in the future, how about you give me some of this fierce beast meat every time?"

Lu Bu is not simply iron-hearted, but also cunning.

Hearing this, Zhao Yu shook his head amusedly: "Forget it! I agreed! How about a 10-pound exchange of meat?"


Lu Bu hurriedly responded, as if he was afraid that Zhao Yu would regret it.


Zhao Yu nodded with a smile.

You may earn, but I will never lose.

After eating for half an hour, the piece of low-level fierce beast meat brought by Zhao Yi was eaten.

At this time, Lu Bu felt that the exhaustion all over his body had been swept away, his qi and blood had completely recovered, and he felt as if he had endless strength.

Immediately, he couldn't wait to invite Zhao Yu to fight: "Let's go!

"That's right!"

Suddenly, Lu Bu paused for a moment and asked Zhao Yu, "Let's start now, there will be 10 catties of fierce beast meat every time, right?

"Also, the 200 catties promised before are not counted in (ajbj). "

He really didn't want to lose at all.

Obviously, he really has his eyes on this low-level beast meat.

If he knew that Zhao Yu had better high-grade fierce beast meat in his hands, he would probably be even more unable to sit still!

However, Zhao Yu wasn't prepared to let him know about the high-grade fierce beast meat.

At least, for now.

Unless one day Lu Bu surrenders to him, is loyal to him, and becomes his diehard loyalist.

"Yes, yes, yes! From now on, yours is indispensable!"

Zhao Yu shook his head amusedly, and immediately got up and came to the center of the martial arts arena with Lu Bu again, and while giving orders to the system, he was fighting with Lu Bu again.

Mission: Defeat Lu Bu in the competition, reward: Perfect Pei Yuan Pill*5, Perfect Qi and Blood Pill*5, Low-level Fierce Beast Meat*100 kg. 】


Zhao Yu also raised his eyebrows when he saw this reward change, and said in his heart: "The system is really humane! It actually specially increased the reward for low-level fierce beast meat, is this because I am afraid that I can't afford it?"

He loves it!

Next, Zhao Yu forcibly stayed with Lu Bu for 5 days.

At least ten times a day, I have to fight with Lu Bu for more than ten times.

In the end, if it weren't for Lu Bu who really couldn't stay anymore, Ding Yuan urged him to go back, he actually didn't want to go back yet.

"This Ding Jianyang is really annoying! What are you urging? Isn't the war all over? What's wrong with me staying here for a few more days?"

On the way back, Lu Bu muttered and complained unhappily.

The guards who followed him were silent when they heard this, and they didn't dare to speak.

It's not something they can intervene in.

Here in Luoyang,

After Cao Cao returned to Luoyang, he was approached by Yuan Shao.

During the chat, Yuan Shao took the initiative to ask Cao Cao: "I heard that you went to Zhao Ziyi in Yanmen County a few days ago?"


Cao Cao was slightly stunned when he heard this, glanced at Yuan Shao, nodded slightly, and said, "Yes, you know, I have a good relationship with Zhao Yu, his eldest son was born, so I naturally have to go and see it." "

Yuan Shao listened, although he was unhappy, he knew that he couldn't control Cao Cao's communication. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He just asked, "Then how is Zhao Ziyi doing in Yanmen now? I guess it's not very comfortable, right? After all, it's a border county in the middle of nowhere." "

He felt that compared to him, Zhao Yu was already lagging behind.

He is now a lieutenant of Sili and a lieutenant of the middle army, and he is very prosperous in Luoyang.

Although Zhao Yu is the Marquis of Zhao and the general of Zhengbei, he can only stay in the border county, how can he compare with him?


When Cao Cao heard this, he glanced at Yuan Shao with a strange expression and then withdrew his gaze, and immediately nodded with a smile: "This is natural! This is natural! The border county itself is not very populous, and it is not suitable for the plain, and there is little arable fertile land, and he is often harassed by Hu Qi, the key is that he still needs to raise so many soldiers and horses, and his life is indeed average;"

"Even the money he made from the Chamber of Commerce was all invested in this bottomless pit in the army!"

Of course, these are just fooling Yuan Shao, and he will not tell Yuan Shao the true situation of Zhao Yu.

lest Yuan Shao hate Zhao Yu and cause trouble to Zhao Yu.

When the time comes, it doesn't matter if Yuan Shao is cleaned up by Zhao Yu, don't bother him.

Cao Cao is also strange sometimes, how could this Yuan Shao, a person who looks very wise on weekdays, become so stupid and irrational when it comes to Zhao Yu?

The key is that the Yuan family is so powerful, and the intelligence network must not be bad, didn't Yuan Shao know about Zhao Yu's situation in Yanmen County himself?

Hate people, do you not really understand people.

I look down on people in my bones, and I don't want to believe that people are doing well.

That's the problem.


When Yuan Shao heard Cao Cao's words, he couldn't help but sneer: "I know that this person only got to this position by a momentary luck, without that little luck, with him as the son of a businessman, if he wants to really get along with it, it's impossible!"

"Born untouchables are untouchables, and if you want to change your life against the sky? "

When Cao Cao heard this, he felt very tired and unhappy in his heart.

It's this set again.

Is it really that important to come from?

Isn't talent something more important?

Who hasn't made a fortune from ordinary people?

Going up for tens or hundreds of years, your Yuan family's situation is just like that, right?

As far as he knew, the Zhao clan where Zhao Yu was located really wanted to push forward, but during the Warring States Period, the Zhao royal family.

The background of the family is not low!

It's just a decline now.

Therefore, he hates Yuan Shao's theory of origin.

Because he is also a victim of this set of birth theories.

It is true that his background is much better and much higher than that of the vast number of Li Shu.

But compared with Yuan Shao, they are always a head shorter.

Others always like to talk about his grandfather being the eunuch Cao Jie.

Always like to use this to belittle and hit him.

It made him feel as if he was heinous because of his origin.

How much thought and effort has he spent over the years in order to wash away the marks of the eunuchs on his body?

How much effort has been made?

At the beginning, he was the captain of the northern part of Luoyang, set up a five-color stick, and killed Jian Shuo's uncle for what?

Is it really just because Uncle Jian Shuo violated the night walking ban?

Of course, it's not that simple.

He actually did it on purpose, just on purpose, to please the scholars and prove to them that he was actually on the side of the scholars.

As it turned out, this trick really worked.

After that, he did gain a certain degree of recognition and acceptance from the scholars.

After that, it was much smoother in the officialdom.

But that's about it.

In the eyes of Yuan Shao and his top scholars, and even in the eyes of some poor scholars, he Cao Cao is still the queen of the eunuch.

They still despise him in their hearts and despise him.

It was as if it had become a stain that he could not wash away for the rest of his life.

made Cao Cao very unhappy and angry.

This is not normal!

This society is not normal.

It shouldn't be like this!

He felt that the world was sick, and so was Dahan.

If these symptoms can't be changed, then Dahan can't be saved at all.

He, Cao Cao, wanted to change all that.

"Mengde! In the future, you should not associate with this kind of person! It is easy to lower your grade! Hehe!"

Yuan Shao glanced at Cao Cao and admonished.


Cao Cao listened and shook his head noncommittally.

If it weren't for the fact that he still had to ask Yuan Shao and the Yuan family now, he really wanted to give Yuan Shao a big fight by himself, and then pointed at his nose and scolded: "What kind of thing are you? Dare to talk to me like this? Dare to say this to me and Brother Ziyi?"

"Aren't you just reincarnated, what are you to be proud of?"

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