"Since you think it's okay! Now that we have completed the recovery and purge of the counties in the prefecture, many of the people and the nobles who have not been affected are some of them panicked;

"With this policy, the people can be stabilized and help me completely control the annexation of the state. "

Zhao Yu said to Xun You.


Xun You immediately gladly received the order: "My subordinates will do it!"

Soon, this policy was spread throughout the state, and under the spread of officials at all levels and newspapers, it was quickly known by all the people of the state.

In order to disseminate information and grasp the mouthpiece of information, Zhao Yu began to prepare for the newspaper more than half a year ago.

When the Son of Heaven died and Luoyang was occupied by Dong Zhuo, he began to create and sell newspapers in Yanmen County.

When he became the governor of the state, he sold the newspaper to this state.

Completely and firmly control the public opinion of the state.

This is also the reason why he has purged and tried the state in the past few months, but he has not attracted much infamy in the state, but it is the reason for the praise.

As a later generation, Zhao Yu knows too well the importance of grasping public opinion.

Naturally, this kind of sharp weapon will not be spared.

As for the paper exposure?

Zhao Yu has now become the lord of a state, and there are more than 100,000 empty strings, he is not afraid of the princes of the world, and he is not afraid of anyone's coveting, so he naturally does not hide this thing, and even begins to openly sell his paper when the Zhao Chamber of Commerce comes to the state and even other states and counties.

The price is not high.

Even if the price is not high, he can still earn a lot of money every day.

The reason why the price of paper is not set too high is that Zhao Yu is also to pave the way for the education reform in the entire Han Dynasty in the future.

But when ordinary people could afford to buy paper, the means by which the scholars wanted to completely monopolize knowledge through paper and books were greatly weakened.

In addition, Zhao Yu even began to openly sell paper books in Bingzhou and even other states and counties.

It is also a means to completely break the monopoly of knowledge of the scholars.

It's just that now Dong Zhuo occupies Luoyang, seeing that the world is about to be in chaos, and the princes are rising.

Most of the scholars and princes focused on fighting for hegemony and improving their own strength, and they didn't pay attention to this problem at all.

Even if it was concerned, it was not taken seriously.

After all, it is most important to quickly expand your power now, and then take the lead in troubled times to lay a solid foundation for future dominance.

Other things can be postponed completely, and when their power is initially consolidated, and their hands and energy are free, they can naturally turn their palms and solve this problem.

In the face of absolute strength, they can completely ban the sale of paper and paper books on their own territory.

In addition, it is not enough to have books, you also need someone to teach them.

Otherwise, how to understand the meaning in the book?

Of course, there are also many long-term people who see the harm of Zhao Yu's move, and they are hostile to Zhao Yu in their hearts.

Yingchuan, Yingyincheng, Xunjia,

"Uncle, where did you get these books?"

Xun Yu saw a large number of paper books on Xun Shuang's side, and when he looked through them for a while, he looked up and asked Xun Shuang with a shocked face.


Xun Shuang listened and smiled slightly, "See the problem?"

"Not bad!"

Xun Yu nodded solemnly: "This book is obviously printed in batches, whether it is the paper or even the handwriting inside, it is not simple, but this is not the key, the key is that there is a big problem with the short sentences in these books!"

"They all use some strange symbols to make short sentences, so that it is much easier for readers to understand the meaning of the book!"

"This is certainly a great thing for many poor scholars, so that they can read the contents of this book more easily through these short sentences and their own understanding;"

"At the same time, outsiders want to make a fuss by breaking sentences, and it becomes difficult to misinterpret the meaning of the book;"

"This kind of behavior is clearly aimed at the monopoly of knowledge by the scholar clan, which is digging the foundation of the scholar clan!"

"Who is so bold?"

In fact, he already has a figure in his heart.

The next moment, Xun Shuang said lightly: "It seems that you really understand the meaning of this;"

"These are all sent by Gongda one after another, and the source is naturally the former general Zhao Yu!"

"This man is extraordinary! Ambition and ambition are great! The goal is not simple!"

Perhaps, in the future, he will be the one who changes the whole world. "

Speaking of Zhao Yu, Xun Shuang's mood is also very complicated.

There is great fear, but also admiration and expectation.

He didn't even know what he was thinking.

In the past few years, Xun Yu has often sent back letters and letters at his request, so that Xun Shuang can learn a lot about Zhao Yu's side that can be revealed.

It was precisely because of this that he had such complicated feelings about Zhao Yu.

"Uncle is so optimistic, aren't you worried that his presence will destroy all the scholars?"

Xun Yu looked at his uncle with a puzzled expression.

He actually saw that Zhao Yu's purpose in doing this, and he also admired Zhao Yu's behavior and purpose in his heart, but he was afraid of more things.

Because, Zhao Yu's behavior touched the interests of the Xun family. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Wen Ruo, you're in love!"

Xun Shuang shook his head, looked at Xun Yu with a serious face, and said: "Take a long-term view, Zhao Yu's behavior will certainly cause some losses and bad effects on the current Xun clan, but it is not without benefits;"

"As the descendants of Xunzi, we Xun have never needed to rely on monopolizing knowledge to maintain our status and interests;"

"Iron also needs its own hardness, only by constantly advancing with the times and constantly making yourself grow, can we truly make Xun's invincible forever;"

"Drowning in outdated rules and entanglements of interests will only lead the Xun family to decay step by step, and you need to keep this in mind. "

"I had similar thoughts to you in the past, but after communicating with Gongda in the past few years and understanding some of the situation on Zhao Yu's side, I understand that this is actually the general trend, and it is not something that my Xun clan can stop;

"What we really need to do is to follow the general trend, so that we will not be swallowed up by the general trend and disappear into history, you know?"

Is Xun Shuang not wanting to stop it?

No, it can't, and it can't be done.

It was really Zhao Yu's time to find it too good, and the preparation was too sufficient.

There was no chance for Xun Shuang to stop it.

Now, even if he talks about the harm to the scholars, how useful is it?

Under Zhao Yu's rule, it is inevitably useless.

This person's control over his own territory is increasing day by day, and all the princes in the future will have a headache about his existence0.........

The other princes' forces and the scholars are busy fighting for power and profit, recruiting troops and horses, expanding their power, so as to gain an advantage in the troubled times, who has the kung fu to stop this?

"Nephew understood!"

Xun Yu understood the meaning of Xun Shuang's words and nodded solemnly.


Xun Shuang nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "At the invitation and request of Gongda, I have already begun to deal with Xunzi.... Wait for the doctrinal books that I have mastered by Xun to be adapted and add punctuation marks!"

"When the adaptation is completed, I will send these books to Gongda, and then let Zhao Yu continue to print and sell these books, so that more readers can see them in the future, what do you think of reading these books?"

This is Xun Shuang's determination that he has only really made up his mind in recent months.


Xun Yu was shocked when he heard this: "Has Uncle already made such a decision?"

"However, it seems that there is no choice!"

"In this way, although it is a great loss to us, it can also expand the influence of my Xun clan and enhance the reputation of our ancestor Xunzi among scholars, and it is not without benefit at all. "

That's a trade-off.


Xun Shuang also nodded: "This is also a helpless thing, we don't do it, some people will do it, and in the end we won't even get this benefit!"

"Fortunately, in addition to this fame, Zhao Yu's side will get a share of every book we sell in the future, which is also a great luck in misfortune!"

"This man is extraordinary!"

"I have a hunch that in the future, I am afraid it will depend on this person, he has too many subversive policies and ideas!"

"The key capabilities are still so strong, and the military is also extremely strong, Wen Ruo, don't you really consider serving him?"

"This person is eager to seek talent, and because of his policy, many Shi clan disciples will not choose to be loyal to him, and there is Gongda over there, you will definitely be able to be reused if you go. "

Xun Shuang is obviously more and more optimistic about Zhao Yu's future, and some want to increase his weight on Zhao Yu.

However, he will still respect Xun Yu's own opinion.

Moreover, 3.1 Zhao Yu's side will not be 100% successful.

It's not impossible not to go over there.

He just asked Xun Yu.


Sure enough, Xun Yu shook his head firmly when he heard it: "I said a long time ago, I don't agree with his philosophy, and I am destined to not go together, so I still go over to dislike people and make it difficult for each other." "

"There is Gongda over there, even if he really succeeds in the future, my Xun family will not be lonely under the care of Gongda, but will be more prosperous, right?"

"I'm going to go to Jizhou to see Yuan Shao first, but there is a high probability that I won't choose Yuan Shao, I'm more optimistic about Cao Cao. "

Yuan Shao and Yuan's introduction of Dong Zhuo and their troops into Luo, Xun Yu knew everything from Cao Cao's side.

He had long been inclined to serve Cao Cao in his heart.

But Cao Cao was still looking for an opportunity in Luoyang at this time, and Xun Yu also wanted to see Yuan Shao's situation.

After all, it may not have been Yuan Shao's decision at the beginning, but it was more likely Yuan Kui's decision.

The Yuan clan is too powerful, and he still wants to determine Yuan Shao's ingredients and abilities before making a final decision.

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