"General, save our Zilong!"

The villagers at the entrance of the village knelt down and worshiped, telling Zhao Yun how he fought hard for three days and three nights without a wink of sleep.

The villagers were afraid that Zhao Yun would run out of oil and his lamp would run out, and his life would be taken away by the King of Hell.

"Don’t worry, folks!"

Cao Bin picked up the unconscious Zhao Yun and said,"I will save the hero who protects the village like this!"

Words of gratitude could be heard all around.

Cao Bin opened the system in his mind, and a property panel popped up.

【Zhao Yun (freshman)】

【Force: 92】

【Commander: 86】

【Intelligence: 72】

【Interior: 60】

【Charisma: 80】

【Special Skill: Not Enabled]

After closing, he opened the system mall.

Spend energy points to exchange for some sugar and refined salt.

Ask the villagers to bring boiling water and mix it according to precise proportions.

Then he personally fed it to Zhao Yun who was in a coma.


Zhao Yun, who was in a deep coma, felt like a man who was about to die of thirst in the desert found a sweet spring and swallowed it repeatedly, as if he had found nectar.

The villagers at the entrance of the village were immediately overjoyed

"You place Zilong well."Cao Bin handed Zhao Yun

"Feed him some of this water every hour"

"Then let him sleep enough, and then he will wake up naturally."

The villagers expressed their gratitude

"Brother! Guan Yu strode forward to report:"The screening of the Yellow Turban prisoners has been completed.""

"Please give me instructions!"

"Let go what should be released, kill what should be killed!"Cao Bin's cold voice sounded at the entrance of the village.

Like a sharp blade, the villagers' hearts trembled.

He was worthy of being the general leading the Youzhou Jingqi, and his momentum was so impressive!

The villagers were surprised and shocked, but also worried..

Since ancient times, officers and soldiers have often entered villages to ask for food.

They were afraid that cavalry would rush into the villages to search for supplies to make military rations.

Cao Bin was keenly aware of the changes in the expressions of the villagers.

He said loudly:"Don't worry, folks!"

"We are soldiers of the common people!"

"There are laws and strict restraints in running the army!"

"Never take anything from the common people!"

The firm words immediately reassured the villagers.

The old man in the crowd praised:"This is the first time in my life that I have seen such generals and officers and soldiers!"

The common people praised one after another.

Outside the village entrance, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei led troops to kill the backbone of the Yellow Turbans. The tragic scene immediately shocked the refugees and local villagers.

Be kind when you should be merciful, and be ruthless when you should be ruthless.

To Cao Bin and his soldiers This approach made the villagers of Zhaojiazhuang even more admired!

If the officers and soldiers were like this, what would the world be like?!

Cao Bin obtained the news of Cao Cao's interrogation.

The Yellow Turbans had previously divided their troops, and some teams were harassing other counties in Changshan

"Meng De, you stay in Zhaojiazhuang."

Cao Bin pulled him aside and said:

"Wait for the opponent to wake up and give the opponent the spear you forged before."

"The villages in Changshan are in trouble, and we can't just ignore them."

"The three of us led the troops to quickly sweep away the Yellow Turbans causing chaos in Changshan."

After making some arrangements, he immediately led the cavalry and galloped away.

Cao Cao looked at his retreating figure and sighed:"If there were no Cao Mengyi in the world, I don't know how many people would die at the hands of bandits."

"I don’t know how many people’s homes have been destroyed!"


Jicheng, Youzhou.

Wang Yun, the imperial censor, and Jian Shuo, the eunuch, arrived quickly with the imperial edict from Emperor Liu Hong.

But after Liu Yan told him, he learned that Cao Bin led the cavalry all the way south to Luoyang.

After carefully asking about the situation of the Battle of Jicheng, Wang Yun and Jian Shuo were extremely impressed.

They also secretly sent people to inquire among the shops in Jicheng.

The legend of a thousand riders defeating tens of thousands of Yellow Turbans spreads throughout every corner of Jicheng.

All the people in Jicheng talked about the situation with excitement on their faces, as if they were immersed in the scene.

There were also various rumors such as the divine general Cao Bin slaying his general in battle, the divine couple, and the three sworn brothers in Taoyuan, etc., which shocked Wang Yun and Jian Shuo.

They felt that what they were hearing was not Cao Bin's deeds, but an exaggerated story recently made up by the storyteller in the restaurant!

Although it was extremely exaggerated, they had to believe it!

The thief general who was killed in formation is still hanging on the city gate tower in the first episode!

There are still sharp cuts on the dried head, which is eye-catching!

After Liu Yan gave Cao Bin's whereabouts, the two did not dare to delay.

Immediately lead his men in pursuit


Changshan County.

Wang Yun and Jian Shuo were informed by the county guard that Cao Bin led his troops to defeat the Changshan Yellow Turbans.

The thirteen counties that were attacked by bandits were all in peace!

There is no more Yellow Turban in the territory!

Wang Yun and Jian Shuo were even more surprised.

Cao Bin achieved another great achievement!

The speed at which the opponent suppressed the Yellow Turbans was faster than their frantic rush!

The two people who learned the location of Zhaojiazhuang in Zhending County rushed there again.

Although they haven't stopped since setting off from Luoyang, the two of them were extremely excited.

They wanted to see as soon as possible what the young man who was highly praised by the governor of Zhuojun, the governor of Youzhou, and the governor of Changshan looked like!



Zhao Yun finally woke up after sleeping for a day and two nights.

He ate like crazy and tried his best to replenish his energy.

In the courtyard, Cao Cao looked at Zhao Yun who was eating wildly and secretly praised:

Another tiger general!

You can tell just by how much he eats that he is definitely not an ordinary person!

One person can eat ten young men!

A person with such an appetite is equally powerful!

Zhao Yun, who was finally full, asked Cao Cao various things.

He asked all the questions in his heart.

Cao Cao answered them one by one

"What?"Zhao Yun stood up with a groan.

"Are you not Youzhou officers and soldiers?"

"But the local warriors Cao Mengyi recruited temporarily?"


Zhao Yun stared at Cao Cao in the courtyard.

I want to see the flaws in the other person's expression.

But he found that the other party was smiling and spreading his hands

"Brother Zilong, let me tell you again, we are really Xiangyong."

Cao Cao had a wry smile on his face, but his tone was filled with extreme pride.

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