Three Kingdoms, I Yuan Xi, married Zhen Mi at the Start

Chapter 241 Daming vs Persia, the first battle! (The order of the chapters is wrong)

ps: The thirty-fourth chapter started, and it was made twenty-four by me. It can't be changed. Please bear with me!

Following Chen Qing's order, the own generals began to act according to the plan!

No matter if Huang Xu is not convinced by Chen Qingzhi's clothes, in general, Chen Qingzhi is the coach of the army!

Therefore, you must obey Chen Qingzhi's military orders!

But he was very curious, such a weak scholar like Chen Qingzhi, a mere minister of the Ministry of War!

The guy in the first paper army, where did he get the confidence to dare to treat him as a foreign relative!

When the emperor loves his concubine's brother, he issues orders!

If this were the relatives in those brainless novels, I'm afraid that they would directly turn against Chen Qingzhi!

However, Huang Xu is not proud of being favored because of his sister's identity!

Therefore, Huang Xu just followed Chen Qingzhi with 367 to see if the white robe army under his command was as strong as Chen Qingzhi said!

After waiting for the army to head north, Yue Yun led 20,000 soldiers and horses first and broke into the enemy's important town!

The China family is known as the infrastructure madman in later generations. This kind of ability from the bones, then naturally the ancestors also have it!

And those Persians who have just been converted from nomads to dynasties!

The place where they live may not be able to be described by a city, but only has a general outline!

And most Persians (cdbf) still live in tents!

Seeing this scene, Yue Yun is also happy!

"As expected of the barbarians, the uncivilized land, the brothers of Karasuma, now you are also a member of the Ming Dynasty!

"Then naturally we must contribute to Daming, as long as we lay down more land, our life can become better!

"I will kill you!"

When Yue Yun said this, the 20,000 behind him had long regarded himself as a Karasuma iron cavalry who was a member of Daming!

He was also holding a machete, riding a war horse, and wearing a Ming battle armor, and went straight to this so-called southern Persian town!!

Just when Yue Yun launched the charge!

Fifteen thousand Persians reacted and immediately formed an army, mounted war horses, and prepared to fight!

Too bad they encountered cavalry!

Under the charge of 20,000 cavalry, under the blessing of the speed of the horse!

These Persian soldiers didn't even have time to mount their horses, and Yue Yun took the Karasuma iron cavalry into the army!

For a time, the Persians were bleeding into rivers!

As a Persian who has some intersection with the Mobei grassland, it is natural to know that there are some powerful tribes on the Mobei grassland!

Such as Xianbei, Xiongnu, Karasuma and so on!

What they know even more is that even if they are as powerful as Xianbei, they will eventually be completely destroyed by an existence in the south called the Daming Empire!

Karasuma, who was no weaker than himself, even surrendered to Daming early!

Now I see that this enemy I have heard of, finally kills me, after killing me!

The shadow of a man, the bark of a tree, directly caused the 15,000 warriors of Persia to completely collapse!

When had they seen such a ferocious general?

As Yue Yun got older, that peerless posture also began to show his due ability!

Coupled with Yue Yun's use of double hammers, in the battle formation, he would be injured if he touched it, and he would die if he touched it. How brave...

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