Three Kingdoms, I Yuan Xi, married Zhen Mi at the Start

Chapter 342 Find the one who heals the plague

At the same time, Wen Hu said respectfully to a man in the family.

"I am the Daming general Wen Hu, I have come to invite you today, I hope you can do us a favor for the Daming army.

Hearing Wen Hu's words, the man across from him nodded to him.

Obviously he understood Wen Hu's words, and Wen Hu felt very happy about this.

He was worried earlier that the Persian could not understand his Ming language, so it would be extremely difficult to communicate.

But looking at the situation in front of him, the Persian man seemed to understand his words.

So he spoke again, and said to the man, "Can you understand our language?"9

Hearing what Wen Hu said, the Persian middle-aged man opposite also nodded.

Then he said to Wen Hu, "I have been to your Daming before, when Daming was not called Daming, it was called Dahan."

"At that time, you guys were extremely divided, but even in the state of division, it was extremely prosperous."

"That's the place I aspire to, and my medical skills are also in the territory of your big man, and I learned it from a master. 35

After Wen Hu heard this, he immediately felt very happy.

Because in this way, the current danger in the army can be solved, so when I think about it.

He immediately knelt down on one knee and gave the doctor a big gift, because the doctor was not just a doctor in front of him now.

That is the person who can save the Ming army from the sea of ​​misery and heal the plague in their army.

Such a benefactor can be regarded as their benefactor, so his move is not an exaggeration.

The Persian at this time was also very moved in his heart after seeing Wen Huxing such a great gift.

Because compared with the previous behavior of the Persians when they came to capture him, this Ming army should be more polite.

So when he thought of this, he opened his mouth and said to Wen Hu.

"General, I can't afford such a big gift from you. If you need any help from me, you can speak up."

Wen Hu heard the Persian say this, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

So he opened his mouth and told the Persian that the general was infected with the plague.

The Persian nodded immediately after hearing the symptoms described by Wen Hu.

...for flowers

Because he knew nothing about this plague. It was a kind of evil that often existed in Persia.

This kind of evil can cause vomiting and diarrhea, and then a high fever, and finally, because of the lack of medical treatment, it will lead to death.

What's more, this kind of disease is also very contagious.


Therefore, under such circumstances, he also knew that it was very urgent to stop this plague.

So when he thought of this, he said to Wen Hu.

"You have found the right person. In the whole of Persia, I am the only one who can treat this disease."

"This disease can be completely cured with just a few herbs.

"I would like to thank you for such a method of medical treatment. You were once a good doctor within the scope of your big man."

"He also taught me the recipe for curing this disease, and I was among the great men, and my master even gave me the name of a great man, Hua Sheng."

When Wen Hu heard the Persian man calling himself Watson, he knew who his master was.

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