"What should I do?"

is far from the place where Yuan Shang and Xian Yufu fought, impartially, and next to it happens to be the beacon tower in Jicheng.

That is, Yuan Xi and the others have been quietly watching the changes in Jicheng.

It's very close.

Closely, a lot of words spoken by Yuan Shang and Xun Chen could be faintly heard.

Including Yuan Shang's crazy words.

Standing on a high place, with the help of the fire below, Yuan Xi could clearly see Xian Yufu copying the halberd and rushing towards Yuan Shang.

Yuan Shang could only laugh now, and he had no sense of resistance at all.

Xian Yu auxiliary army rushed up, and the fire directly ignited the defenders of Jicheng, and Yuan Xiguang looked at it for a while, and several people had already died.

Zhen Mi was more anxious beside her.

This fire is too big, and if you don't stop Jicheng, it will really be gone.

Yuan Xi stared at Yuan Shang seriously.

Killed his own brother, after all, Yuan Xi had the same blood in his body as Yuan Shang, and when he saw the crazy Yuan Shang, Yuan Xi was a little sympathetic.

"Bow!" Yuan

Xi stretched out his hand.

Qian Zhao pursed his lips, he has followed Yuan Shang for several years, although Yuan Shang is mediocre, he is very good to his subordinates, and it is really embarrassing to have this end.

I don't know what Yuan Xi is going to do.

He didn't have the right to refuse now, so he got off the beacon tower, asked the big snow dragoon below to borrow a bow, climbed up and handed it to Yuan Xi.


Yuan Xi tried the pull of the bow.

"My archery skills can be regarded as the inferior of the inferior, Yuan Shang only has one chance to shoot an arrow, what should I do, it depends on the will of heaven!"

Yuan Xi stretched his bow and set up an arrow, aimed at Yuan Shang and violently let go of the bowstring.

The other side.

Xian Yufu's halberd cut down many soldiers, opened his mouth, and shouted, and the halberd fell violently towards Yuan Shang.


arrow from nowhere shot into Xian Yufu's arm, and the huge force made Xian Yufu fall to the ground and roll several times in a row.

"Who is it?!"

Xian Yufu grabbed his arm and got up, looking around in a panic.

But no matter how strong the flame burns, and the sky is brighter at night, he will not know where this arrow came from.

Not far away, Budugen, who was surrounded by another army of Xian Yufu, finally broke through the encirclement and also came here.

Bu Dugen looked at Yuan Shang who was laughing wildly there, his brows tightened, and he immediately saw Xian Yufu not far away.

"Kill the fresh!" Bu

Dugen shouted angrily.

A fire burned nearly thirty percent of his soldiers, and this kind of anger could not be calmed down even if it killed Xian Yufu

! "

Kill!" Bu Dugen, who was disrupting the situation, will rush to kill the Xian Yu auxiliary army of the defenders of Jicheng, and they will be defeated and retreated for a while!

"Kill Xian Yu Fu!" Bu

Dugen shouted again.

Behind him, the combined forces belonging to the soldiers of Bingzhou and Xianbei were in full swing!

"Kill ......" "

Wang, Wang! There is another group of strange troops in the rear!"

Bu Dugen wanted to gain momentum.

A soldier ran over.

"Strange army, isn't there only Su Muyan in the rear?"

the soldier said: "Not only the Wuhuan army, but also a strange army, and the soldiers under it include Wuhuan and Xianbei people." "


Budugen thought of someone.

It stands to reason that that person shouldn't have appeared on the Jicheng battlefield.

"Budugen, we have no way out now, if you want to win this battle, you can only join forces with me!"

Step root turned back.

Su Fuyan with the Wuhuan army has already followed.

Behind it, there was an army densely packed with Han, Xianbei, and Wuhuan.

Xian Yu suffered heavy losses in the auxiliary army, and in the face of the sudden appearance of the Budugen army, there was a feeling that he could not deal with it.

When he saw the army that was closely following behind Su Fuyan, his heart immediately ignited hope!

Xun Chen also saw that person, and he felt a great sense of peace in his heart! However, in addition to peace of mind, there was also a trace of doubt.

"General Xian Yu, you called?"

Xian Yu Fu looked over, puzzled.

"Didn't you call it?" Xun

Chen's heart sank again.

"It's not you and it's not me, so who called him? And there is Zhang Liao outside the city who is always watching, how did he enter the city?"

This is not good news, it means that they are likely to have fallen for the scheme!

Youzhou forces, except for the two alien races of Wuhuan and Xianbei.

He is one of the Xian Yu auxiliary of Beiping.

Also, the one opposite.

Captain Yan Rouyan, who was named the captain of Wuhuan by Cao Cao!

Who brought these people together?

When these people get together, who will benefit the most after killing each other?

Just thinking about it, Xian Yufu felt a trace of fear.

"It seems that we guessed correctly, Yuan Xi has already arrived in Youzhou. Xun Chen's face was unprecedentedly worse.

After working hard for a long time, the feeling of finally making a wedding dress for someone else is as difficult to understand as having a smelly sock in your mouth.

"Bu Dugen, Su Fuyan, you Wuhuan and Xianbei appeared in Jixian County, what are you doing?"

Yan Rou in the rear asked the two aliens in the first sentence.

Budugen didn't have a good face towards Yan Rou.

"Captain Yan can come here, can you still not know what we

are for?" "I'm the captain of the Great Han Protector Karasuma, Youzhou is my professional district, isn't it normal for me to come here?" Yan Rou grinned.

"Yan Rou, don't talk nonsense, if you have the ability, you can kill us all tonight, otherwise the rest of us will come to the city in a few days and kill you Han dogs!"

Su Fuyan was short-tempered, and he couldn't listen to Yan Rou's nonsense, so he said directly.

"Hmph! An alien race is a foreign race, and it is indeed a group of white-eyed wolves that are not well raised!" Yan Rou squinted and despised Su Fuyan.

The conversation between the two sides, Xun Chen's eyelids kept jumping.

When is it now, there is still time to say these, and we will be killed by Yuan Xi soon!

"Everyone, listen to me!" Xun

Chen couldn't help but shout.

Bu Dugen, Su Fuyan, and Yan Rou's gazes passed.

Xun Chen took a deep breath.

"Captain Yan, let me ask, when you entered Jicheng, could you see the army outside the city

?" Yan Rou shook her head, "Jicheng has been made like this by you, how can there be an army?"

Xun Chen felt more and more bad.

"Then have you seen

Zhang Liao?" Yan Rou didn't know why Xun Chen asked these irrelevant things, but Zhang Liao had still heard of the name. Keep shaking your head.


Xun Chen said:

"I and General Xianyu saw Zhang Liao with his own eyes and guard outside the city with his army! I think you also know who Zhang Liao surrendered?"

"This is not good news. Yan Rou said.

Xun Chen took two steps forward.

"So listen to me, everything tonight may be a trap set by Yuan Xi, and if we continue to fight, we will only weaken our strength!"

"Damn Han people, you still want to lie to me with this kind of lie?"

Bu Dugen believed.

He had always felt suspicious about the army that had led him into Thistle City. After entering the city, except for coming out and killing a circle of people, he never found that unit.

Budu grabbed Su Fuyan and gave him a gesture that only the alien knew what it meant.

Su Fuyan nodded, and then looked at Xun Chen in front of him.

"I'll believe you for the time being! Say it quickly, what do you do first?"

It's better to believe it temporarily than not to believe it, and Xun Chen doesn't expect this group of aliens to really believe it.

Xun Chen looked at Yuan Shang, who seemed to have calmed down next to him, and said ruthlessly:

"Since you want to cooperate, you must first kill those who are unwilling to cooperate!"

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