Because in Guo Jia's view, the world is now heroic.

Among the many heroes such as the first Dong, the second Yuan, and the first grandson, Liu Bei, who was still weak, and some Han clansmen, Cao Cao was a very good candidate for the lord.

It's a pity that now, Guo Jia doesn't plan to be born.

For Guo Jia's relief, Xun Yu also nodded.

Oh, yes.

Cao Cao was much stronger than Yuan Shao in terms of understanding and employing people.

In this way, it is impossible for Cao Cao to be without a worldly talent.

Yan Liangwen and the like, in this gold list, can be regarded as people in the middle position.

Thinking about it, Xun Yu looked at Zhang Jiao.

"Treasurer, do you think the heroes on the list today will be the high view among the four court pillars in Hebei?"

Xun Yu was also a little bored at this time, so he asked casually.

Zhang Jiao smiled and sat up a little straighter.

Among the four court pillars in Hebei, Yan Liangwen is the first echelon.

Gao Yan, who has never been on the list, will definitely not be better than them.

"Probably not, right?"

"Everyone in the world knows that Yan Liangwen is a hero in the world, but that Zhang Gao Yan is not as ugly as Yan Liangwen."

"Could it be that this Gao Yan is even more fierce than Yan Liangwen?"

"If this is the case, then he Yuan Benchu is really blind, mistakenly treating the chaff for gold and jade, and burying the jade into the yellow mud."

"In this case, I have to laugh at him!"

Zhang Jiao casually pulled two sentences, which can be regarded as prevarication, and it can be regarded as following Guo Jia's words.

Xun Yu and Guo Jia both laughed.

On comforting people, it is better for this treasurer to say!

One word.

Directly described Yuan Shao as a fool with cloudy eyes.


"Hahaha, good words for the treasurer!"

"If that's the case, it's ridiculous!"

Xun Yu also laughed.

The three of them chatted casually for a while, and Zhang Jiao continued to lie down and rest.

At this moment, Guo Jia asked Xun Yu a question.

"Brother Wen Ruo, I have come to this inn many times, and I have always heard you call this treasurer the treasurer."

"Everyone else who came in, too."

"Then doesn't this treasurer have a name?"

Guo Jia was curious.

He felt that Zhang Jiao talked extraordinarily, although many of the words he said were the most simple and ordinary words, and some were even a little rude, but every sentence was free to advance and retreat, which was very in line with the image of a treasurer.

Such a person, Guo Jia wants to get acquainted.

But Xun Yu waved his hand.

"I don't know, no one knows."

Saying that, Xun Yu quietly glanced at Zhang Jiao.

"Perhaps, the treasurer himself forgot."

"He is not a local and no one knows his past, it is said that the treasurer came and opened this inn directly, and since then, he has been called the treasurer."

"It is estimated that it is also a famous family that escaped the war and came here."

Guo Jia nodded.

When he came here, he opened an inn, and no one knew him.

It seems that it is really a famous family in distress, otherwise there would be no such talk.

Guo Jia has decided to come here and sit down if there is nothing to do.

Chatting with such people is also a joy.

The two continued to drink, and Zhang Jiao continued to lie flat.

Leisurely time, always passes quickly.


There was a muffled thunder in the sky, and the golden light bloomed.

After these few days of familiarity, everyone already knows what the golden list is at this moment, and after hearing the thunder, everyone walked out one after another.

In an instant, the street was full of people.

It was at this moment that the golden list slowly showed his handwriting.

[The ninth place in the gold list, Huang Zhong! ] 】

[Huang Zhong, character Hansheng, from Nanyang County, Yuzhou. 】

[It's Liu Bei, a general under Liu Xuande! ] 】

[Current location: Xiangyang County, Jingzhou! ] 】

[Next, there will be the peak moment of the battle general Huang Zhong, before the gold list appears, Huang Zhong's peak moment is as follows! ] 】

The gold list appeared, and Liu Bei wanted to cry without tears.

I don't know how long I waited to wait for such a general who will be under my command in the future.

If you are an exile, although you have no hope.

That's more or less a little, a little struggle.

But this general turned out to be in Jingzhou.

That is.

At present, it is already a direct force.

Jingzhou was Liu Biao, both Han clansmen.

Liu Bei is now weak, and it is impossible to fight with Liu Bei.


In desperation, Liu Bei could only sigh.

Sometimes he thinks that when he is still weak, this gold list is better than not reporting his future generals.

Looking at the military generals of Nengchen, it is clear that he is hanging his own name, but he is serving under others, and he may have to beat himself in the future, but he can't do anything.

This feeling is how uncomfortable and uncomfortable it is.

Guan Yu Zhang Fei on the side didn't know how to comfort, so he could only pat Liu Bei's shoulder.

Guan Yu said softly.

"Big brother, Jingzhou Liu Biao is old, maybe when the world fights, he will give you the people of Jingzhou for the sake of being a clan relative of the Han family."

"After all, big brother, you are benevolent and ambitious, and I and Yide can be regarded as a force in the chaotic world!"

Zhang Fei hurriedly nodded.

"yes, yes!"

"Big brother, when my brothers and I compete for the top ranking for you, then why can't Liu Biao offer that Huang Hansheng and ask you to be a guest?"

"What can he do in this chaotic world?"

"As long as he is smart, he must find your eldest brother!"

Listening to this, Liu Bei looked at his two brothers and nodded.

In this chaotic world, he relies on his two brothers!

On the other side, Jingzhou.

Liu Biao smiled and closed his mouth, whether he was Liu Bei's or Cao Cao's, as long as he was in Jingzhou, it was his own!

He had also seen Huang Zhong, but at that time, Huang Zhong had no merits and did not show any extraordinary talent, so he put it elsewhere.

Now the golden list reported him, and directly called back the official to enter the knighthood, gold and silver rewards.

He is still his old master.

Ascending to heaven in one step here is not better than going to where Liu Da Ear struggles hard?

In this case, the choice is already obvious.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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