Liu Yu took Qingzhou and established himself as the king of Xia, when the news came out, the whole world was excited, but for the people, the impact was not great, because they really chose to stand on the side of the Han or Liu Yu, in fact, it has nothing to do with them!

Because, except for the land of Qingzhou, the people of other counties are still not under Liu Yu's rule, and they don't know what kind of person Liu Yu is!

It's just that only for those people who can't survive in Dahan, their hearts are naturally yearning for the newly established Great Xia, and maybe they can find new hope there!

The Chinese people are actually very easy to feed, as long as they can live, they will not rebel, whether it is from the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, or to the Ming and Qing dynasties in later generations!

However, if it is really impossible for the people to live, then no one can stop the people's uprising!

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, there was the Chen Sheng and Wu Guang uprisings, and at the end of the Han Dynasty, there was the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and history is always strikingly similar.


At this time, Liu Yu entered Qingzhou and prepared to temporarily expand his palace based on Qi State!

Therefore, the capital of Great Xia at this moment is Linzi of Qingzhou Qi State, which is also the capital of the entire Qingzhou!

After completely taking Qingzhou, Liu Yu immediately arranged for Liu Bowen and Gongsun Sheng and others to come out of the list of Anmin, Qingzhou is a place, there are many thieves, and the people are deeply troubled!

And many thieves are the remnants of the Yellow Turban, and because there were 100,000 Yellow Turban troops joining Liu Yu's command before, it's time to carry out some military reform!

Otherwise, there is no definite standard among the battalions and generals, and it is not appropriate if it is still the same as that of Liangshan at that time!

And when all the generals in the army are in charge of some soldiers and horses, Liu Yu can take the military power of this great victory, win the victory of Qingzhou in one fell swoop, be crowned king, and announce to the world!

Moreover, these soldiers in Liangshan have been following him for so long, and now that he has become king, it is time to promote some soldiers and add official positions!

In this way, it can be regarded as the right way, and it will not chill the hearts of the generals, and they who want to get the reward are naturally more happy and more loyal to Liu Yu!

Liu Bowen and others have already arranged the matter of claiming the king, but because Qingzhou has just been lowered, although the palace continues to use Linzi of Qi State, it will take several days for preliminary processing, so the coronation will have to wait for a few days!


A few days later, when the Linzi Royal Mansion was slightly rectified, it did become more spacious and a little more majestic of the palace!

Linzi was the capital of Qi during the Warring States Period, so Liu Yu could directly follow it, so it didn't take long, and it was not much different from the palace in Luoyang!

The only drawback may be that it is not as magnificent as Luoyang, but as Liu Yu, who has only one state, it is enough!

Because, if the war continues in the future, then after obtaining more land and prefectures, Linzi will naturally be abandoned and the capital will be moved instead!


Choosing a good day and auspicious day, today's Liu Yu is wearing a black royal dress, which is somewhat similar to the dress of the pre-Qin period, and black is respected!

On his robe, there is a three-clawed python, also known as the dragon, which is the king's costume!

And the soldiers of Liangshan and more than 100,000 troops lined up on both sides, looking at Liu Yu who walked towards the palace hall with reverence, they finally waited for this day today!

Because their lord, their king, is going to officially worship God at this moment, proclaim himself king and announce the establishment of Great Xia, so that they will naturally be rewarded!

If people don't do it for themselves, heaven and earth will be destroyed!

If Liu Yu can calm the world and become the emperor in the future, then their status will naturally go further, and they will even leave their names in history, and they will be the founding fathers!


At this moment, Liu Yu walked from the entrance of the palace in Linzi City, slowly stepped on the palace hall built of bluestone bricks step by step, and stepped on the stairs to the outside of the palace!

The palace is the main hall of the palace, and it is the place where the court is going, but now it is just waiting for Liu Yu to worship the heavens, and bring the generals into the palace to discuss matters!

The ritual of worship is quite cumbersome, but because in the Han Dynasty, Liu Yu has no father or mother, so he only needs to worship God!

When Liu Yu took three incense sticks, he burned incense and prayed at the sacrificial place, then turned around, looked at his ministers, and shouted!

"The Han Dynasty has no way, which leads to the poor life of the people in the world, so there is the Yellow Turban Uprising, but since I Liu Yu has gathered the heroes of the world, I should do things for the people, today I Liu Yu is called the king, and the country is called Xia!"

"However, the summer of this king is not the summer of the beginning of summer, but the summer of lonely China, Lone swears here, as long as Lone reigns for one day, he will make the people under Lone's rule rich and healthy!"

"In the future, all the people of Daxia who are alone, starting from King Gu, everyone is not allowed to make peace, pay tribute, cut land, or pay compensation, and the King of Lone will make the power of Daxia famous in the world and conquer the seven continents and four oceans!"

As Liu Yu said this, all the generals were in their hearts, and then outside the Linzi King City, the 120,000 troops fell to the ground on their knees, shouting in their mouths!

"Wait for the ministers to meet King Xia!"

The Ming Dynasty was moved here by Liu Yu, but it was not abrupt, and these words could make Liu Yu's soldiers and civilians understand his determination at the moment!

Even if it was a strong man who expelled the Huns and sealed the wolf Juxu, at the very beginning, there were things such as Zhaojun going out of the fortress and Liu Bang suing for peace, so Liu Yu would definitely not do this!

He wants this Huaxia to no longer experience the rebellion of foreign races, even if this matter costs Liu Yu's life, he is willing, because the Huaxia of Huaxia is Huaxia!

The deafening shouts resounded throughout Linzi City, and when Liu Yu looked at the soldiers who knelt on the ground, he couldn't help but be proud!

"Under the rule of this king, a medical hall will be added, and all the injured and sick can enter the hospital for treatment, and the national treasury will bear half of the demand, and Antao will enter the Tai Hospital, ready to take charge of this matter!"

"From today onwards, all the people in Qingzhou will pay a three-percent reduction in taxes, and those who join the army in their families will be exempt from tax for three years!"

As soon as Liu Yu's words came out, the people who were originally just intimidated by the deterrence of the more than 100,000 troops outside the city and fell to their knees were overjoyed and shouted!

"King Xia Rende, long live King Xia!"

Liu Yu, with just one sentence, won the hearts of the people of Qingzhou, and the latter sentence will make the people of Qingzhou more belligerent and encourage the men in the family to join the army!

Moreover, when An Daoquan was on the mountain, Liu Yu had already started teaching in the medical hall, so many apprentices had good strength and could sit on their own!

Yes, the people of Great Xia are so easy to satisfy, as long as they give some benefits, they can work so hard, then even for the sake of these people, Liu Yu will destroy the barbarians from all directions and let the Great Xia Wanbang come to the court!


"This king's foundation was created in Liangshan, at that time there were no more than 10,000 soldiers and horses, and there were only five generals, and now the isolated country is the king, with hundreds of generals and nearly 200,000 troops, and thanks to you and so on, there is a lonely situation today!"


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