As soon as Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai's words came out, Liu Yu actually vaguely understood the true meaning of Guo Jia's words!

Liu Yu is a henchman of the Han Dynasty, let He Miao go back to tell Liu Hong the news, thinking that Liu Hong will definitely not agree, and Liu Hong, who was furious at that time, will definitely choose to attack Liu Yu again!

It's just that, in addition to the Luoyang Imperial Capital, what are the soldiers and horses that he Liu Hong can really master?

In today's Han family, Dong Zhuo in the land of Xiliang has long been disobedient and has repeatedly rebelled, and when Liu Yu is the first to become king, he wants to come and show his fangs to those who are ambitious!

In this way, even if he Liu Hong called on Liu Yan of Youzhou, Tao Qian of Xuzhou, and Han Fu of Jizhou to attack Liu Yu, would these people really do their best to send troops?

Who wants to consume their own soldiers and horses to do a thankless job!

Moreover, those big families in the court will definitely advise Liu Hong to postpone the plan, because most of these families are protégés of the Yuan family!

There is a good saying, there is no thousand-year-old dynasty, only a thousand-year-old family, even the emperor can't say that he wants to do anything to the family at will!

Because, once the emperor does something to the family, he will definitely be sprayed into a sand sculpture by the history books of later generations!

For example, Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the ages, and the emperors of the later Ming Dynasty, are all like this, and even Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty has always been in good health, but he died after falling into the water, who is this not the work of the family?

Therefore, for their own interests, the Yuan family will definitely not let Liu Hong send troops, and the ambition of the Yuan family has long been revealed, because the shadow guard has already found the clues of the Yellow Turban Uprising!

In fact, Tang Zhou is a protégé of the Yuan family, so as soon as he enters Luoyang, the Yuan family knows every move of the Yellow Turban.

For Zhang Jiao, the Yellow Turban Uprising was to eliminate the Han Dynasty, but for the Yuan family, directly letting the Yellow Turban eliminate the Han Dynasty was unfavorable to the Yuan family, so after the Yellow Turban developed to a certain point, it could make both sides lose!

It is precisely because after the Yellow Turban Uprising that the prestige of the Han family is much less than before, and then Yuan Shaocai suggested that He Jin recruit Dong Zhuo and Ding Yuan into Beijing, which is the best proof!

As a result, the world was in turmoil, Dong Zhuo coerced the Son of Heaven, let the world's heroes rise together, and reappear in the Warring States Period!

After that, Yuan Feng and Yuan Kui echoed the two sons-in-law of their Yuan family, one south and one north, and then relied on the prestige of the Yuan family to attract talents to vote!

In this way, you can swallow the world!

It's just that what Yuan Feng and Yuan Kui didn't expect was that Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, the two rabbit cubs, were so wasteful, and the world that was obviously at their fingertips was played by the two of them!

There is even a paragraph that says so, obviously there is a pair of Wang Bang and four two in his hand, but he has to get four with two, not two bombs!


Therefore, these two old men will definitely not let Liu Hong send troops to Liu Yu, but will let Liu Hong agree to Liu Yu's opinion, but make a hindrance, for example, it is not Qingzhou that is ceded, but Youzhou!

When He Miao returned to the court, he held two letters in his hand, one of which Liu Yu asked him to bring back to Liu Hong, as for what was in the letter, He Miao didn't dare to read it!

Anyway, with his own battle, the entire Han Dynasty's plan to conquer Liangshan failed, and he He Miao was afraid that after returning to the court, Liu Hong would cut himself directly!

However, he had to go back, because Liu Yu threatened him that if he didn't deliver the letter to Liu Hong, he He Miao would die on the street in a few days!

If you don't go back, you will definitely die, but if you go back, maybe for the sake of your sister Queen He's face, Liu Hong won't kill him!

So, after thinking about it, He Miao still decided to go back!

And there is also a letter, which is Cai Yan's handwriting, which Liu Yu asked him to deliver to his father Cai Yong!

But it's also ridiculous, this Cai Yan has been taken away for so long, they originally thought that Cai Yan was already dead, but they didn't expect that people not only lived well, but also fell in love with Liu Yu and wanted to marry her!

This made He Miao very helpless, but think about it from another angle, this Cai Yan can be regarded as a blessing, marrying Liu Yu, the king, whether it is a queen or not, but at least she is still a princess, Wei Zhongdao, what is it compared to Liu Yu?

Therefore, Cai Yan is a blessing in disguise!


When He Miao returned to Luoyang City after a long absence, looking at the current Luoyang City wall, He Miao was not only full of emotion in his heart!

Although he was only captured by Liu Yu for nearly a few months, it seemed that he had been isolated from the world for several years, and then He Miao rode into Luoyang City, and then went straight to the palace!

And the soldiers guarding Luoyang City, after seeing He Miao, were also shocked at the moment, this is not the general of the cavalry, He Miao, how did he come back, didn't he say that he was captured by Liu Yu and others, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead?

As soon as they thought of this, the soldiers defending the city immediately took the first step to report to Liu Hong!

"The general of the cavalry, He Miao, is not dead, he is back!"

This news spread throughout Luoyang City in an instant, so Liu Hong, who was full of tiredness, once again summoned the Manchu Dynasty civil and military, ready to ask He Miao what happened here!

At the beginning, after the news of Liu Yu's claim to be the king came, Liu Hong and the others thought about it, and they didn't have any good ideas!

What is the biggest problem of the Han Dynasty now, because of the incident of Liu Yu, the prestige of the Han family has been reduced to the minimum, which also makes those assassins have a little more thought in their hearts!

And those princes are afraid that they are all listening to the tune and not listening to the announcement at the moment, even if he, Liu Hong, orders the princes to raise troops to recruit Liu Yu, they may not necessarily agree!

Moreover, the most troublesome thing is that there are only 30,000 soldiers and horses left in Luoyang, the current imperial capital, and even self-protection is a problem, how can they still conquer Liangshan?

In the case of too large a gap in hard power, Liu Hong has no other way at all!

However, now that He Miao is back, will he know everything about Liangshan's recent situation, how did he come back? Did he escape or did Liu Yu let him go?

All this, Liu Hong and other ministers are eager to know!

In the palace, the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu and Liu Hong all came to the main hall, He Miao looked like he was at home, strode from outside, and then after seeing Liu Hong, he immediately knelt on his knees!

"Sinner He Miao, meet Your Majesty!"

Hearing this, Liu Hong originally wanted to scold He Miao fiercely, but at this time, looking at the general He Jin, and thinking about it, even famous generals like Zhu Jun, Huangfu Song and Lu Zhi died in the hands of Liu Yu!

Then, it is not a shame for He Miao to lose, so Liu Hong sighed helplessly!

"Hey, get up, tell me how you returned to Luoyang, I heard that you died in the chaos of the army before!"

As Liu Hong spoke, the general He Jin was also quite curious, but his cousin was fine, which was a big deal in his heart!

It's just that when Liu Hong spoke, He Miao's face changed, and then he took out a letter from his arms, then presented it with both hands and said to Liu Hong!

"Your Majesty, that Liu Yu has a letter that I want to send to Your Majesty, and I ask Your Majesty to take a look!"

When He Miao said this, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, including Liu Hong at this moment, all changed their faces, and then Liu Hong laughed!

"It's really interesting, Zhang asked you to bring the letter to me, I want to see what this Liu Yu will say!"

Under Liu Hong's order, Zhang Rang trotted down the steps, then took the letter back from He Miao's hand, and then handed it to Liu Hong!

However, when Liu Hong just opened this letter, after seeing the first sentence, he was immediately furious!

"It's unreasonable!"


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