"Although Yuan Shu is of the same clan as Yuan, this person has always been hostile to Yuan. "

"If Yuan wrote a letter asking Yuan Shu to send troops, maybe Yuan Shu would not send troops to attack Xuzhou. "

After Yuan Shao finished speaking, there was a hint of helplessness on his face.

From a young age, there has been an indispensable fight between Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu is the son-in-law of the family, and naturally - is concerned by the family.

Although Yuan Shao is a concubine, he is harder than Yuan Shu in all aspects.

Later, the family also noticed him, and many people in the family supported him.

When he was in Luoyang, he was even more beautiful, not only Emperor Ling was optimistic about him.

The general He Jin was also very optimistic about him, and even when He Jin wanted to kill the ten permanent servants, he asked Yuan Shao to discuss together.

This also caused Yuan Shu's dissatisfaction, and Yuan Shu thought that he was the son-in-law.

Why does everyone pay attention to Yuan Shao, who is also an arrogant person.

thinks that Yuan Shu just occupies the identity of a sister-in-law, and has no talent.

Since then, there has been a conflict between the two, and now Yuan Shao writes a letter to Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu saw that he was in a predicament, and if he didn't fall into the well, it was already for the sake of the face of his clan.

wanted Yuan Shu to send troops to attack Xuzhou, but there was little hope.

Yuan Shao's voice fell, and there was a hint of loss on the faces of everyone on the city wall.

The relationship between Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao, they, the ministers under Yuan Shao, are very clear.

After conquest of Dong Zhuo, the two did not have any contact.

If you want Yuan Shu to send troops to attack Xuzhou, it is difficult to save Yuan Shao from danger.

"Your Lord!"

"I think that the lord can give it a try, and write a letter for the envoy to go to Nanyang to meet Yuan Shu. "

Xu You thought for a moment and looked at Yuan Shao and bowed.

Everyone looked at Xu You, and Yuan Shao also looked at Xu You with a trace of doubt on his face and said, "Ziyuan tell me carefully!"


Xu You looked at Yuan Shao and said, "If there is a conflict between the lord and Yuan Shu, the two of you are also members of the Yuan family." "

"Yuan Shu is dissatisfied with the lord, it is nothing more than that he thinks that he is no worse than the lord!"

"The lord can promise Yuan Shu that if Yuan Shu sends troops to attack Xuzhou. "

"After the lord got Youzhou, he took out a part of Youzhou and gave it to Yuan Shu. "

"Yuan Shu is also a prince, and he also wants to enhance his strength. "

With the promise of the lord, Yuan Shu will inevitably think that the lord is courting him. "

"Coupled with the temptation of some Youzhou, Yuan Shu will inevitably send troops to attack Xuzhou. "

"After all, Cao Cao's strength has become stronger, and he will also pose a threat to Yuan Shu. "

"Those strategists under Yuan Shu's command will inevitably agree to let Yuan Shu send troops to attack Xuzhou. "

After Xu You finished speaking, there was a smile on his face, Yuan Shu, the prince Xu You, still knew.

This man is narrow-minded, but he is still serious about what is good.

This time to attack Xuzhou, you can get a part of Youzhou, Xu You believes that Yuan Shu will not refuse!

Yuan Shao frowned when he heard Xu You's words, looked at Xu You and said:

"Only by taking out part of Youzhou can Yuan Shu send troops?"

Yuan Shao was still reluctant to Youzhou, and the army attacked for so long and suffered countless casualties.

finally took Youzhou, and gave part of Youzhou to Yuan Shu, who was hostile to him.

Yuan Shao was very unhappy in his heart.

When Xu You heard Yuan Shao's words, there was a wry smile on his face:

"Only this method can allow Yuan Shu to send troops, and the lord immediately cedes part of Youzhou to Yuan Shu. "

"Youzhou is still in charge of the lord, once the lord takes Youzhou, and Qingzhou will also be in the lord's pocket. "

"It is acceptable to exchange a small part of Youzhou for two state cities, Merge and Qingzhou!"

Xu You looked at Yuan Shao and told Yuan Shao his longer-term suggestions after taking Youzhou.

Yuan Shao thought for a moment and nodded helplessly, although he was still reluctant to give a part of Youzhou to Yuan Shu.

However, in order to merge the state and Qingzhou, it can only be like this, and if you want to blame, you can only blame Cao Cao and Lin Yuan.

If it weren't for Lin Yuan's strategy, he would not have been attacked by Sun Jian at this time.

Youzhou will soon be captured, and by then Yuan Shao will get the complete Youzhou.

Yuan Shao looked at Xu You and said, "Just do what Ziyuan said, but Yuan is worried that Yuan Shu will not believe Yuan's promise!"

After Yuan Shao finished speaking, there was a hint of embarrassment on his face, and he fought with Gongsun Zhan.

It was because Yuan Shao's promise to Gongsun Zhan of half of Jizhou was not fulfilled.

Gongsun Chan was angry and led a large army to attack Jizhou.

Yuan Shu must know about this, and once Yuan Shu doubts his promise, he may not send troops to attack Xuzhou.

Xu You smiled when he heard Yuan Shao's words, looked at Yuan Shao and said, "If other princes are concerned, they may doubt the promise of the lord. "

"The lord and Yuan Shu are both members of the Yuan family, and the lord can promise with the reputation of the Yuan family. "

"Once Yuan Shu attacks Xuzhou, the lord will inevitably give a part of Youzhou to Yuan Shu after taking Youzhou. "

The lord can also tell this promise to a few respected elders in the family, and Yuan Shu will definitely believe the promise of the lord when he knows the real situation. "

Xu You had a smile on his face after speaking, and what the family valued most was face and reputation.

The Yuan family is a big family in the family, and Yuan Shao's promise to Gongsun Chan has not been fulfilled, and the people in the Yuan family will not say anything.

If Yuan Shao's promise to Yuan Shu was not fulfilled, the people in the Yuan family would inevitably be dissatisfied with Yuan Shao.

At that time, it will be Yuan Shao who will suffer, and Yuan Shu will know this and will definitely rest assured that he will lead a large army to attack Xuzhou.

Yuan Shao heard Xu You's words with a smile on his face, and said:

Ziyuan's words are reasonable, Yuan Mou promised with the reputation of the Yuan family, and Yuan Shu will definitely believe it. "

Kuai Liang, who was standing on the side, looked at Xu Yu with a hint of jealousy on his face.

Yuan Shao's command is really full of talents, and this strategist who gave Yuan Shao advice is very powerful.

However, Kuai Liang still thought that Lin Yuan was more powerful, after all, the battle of several princes this time was in Lin Yuan's plan.

As the head of the civil officials in Jingzhou, he was sent to Jizhou by Liu Biao as an envoy.

This is also Liu Biao's punishment for himself, and all this is also because of Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan is Kuai Liang's lingering nightmare, this time once Yuan Shu sent troops.

In Kuai Liang's opinion, Lin Yuan's plan was bound to fail, and at that time, Lin Yuan might be hit and collapsed.

In this way, his good days will come, and Liu Biao will no longer feel dissatisfied with him.

Nanyang is too guarded to the mansion, and Yuan Shu admires the dancing girls dancing in the hall.

Nanyang's affairs, he left them to Yan Xiang and others to do.

He enjoys the blessings of his eyes here, and in his opinion, as a prince, he naturally enjoys it like this.

What Yuan Shu expects most is Dong Zhuo's life in Luoyang, where even the Son of Heaven must obey his own words in the court.

Everyone in Luoyang City is afraid of himself, and this kind of life is what he wants.

"My lord, the minister has something urgent to report!"

Yan Xiang hurriedly walked into the hall and looked at Yuan Shu, who was watching the dancing girl dance, bowing his hand.

When Yuan Shu heard Yan Xiang's words, he motioned for the dancer to continue dancing, with a hint of indifference on his face.


Yan Xiang saw that Yuan Shu didn't care, sighed and said, "Lord Lord!"

"Cao Cao led the army in Xuzhou City to leave Xuzhou, and I don't know where to go!"

Yuan Shu, who was watching the dancing girl, heard Yan Xiang mention Cao Cao, and instantly sat up straight.

Waving her hand to signal the dancer to stand back, the dancer looked at Yuan Shu's gesture and saluted and slowly retreated.

The percussion musician left the hall with the dancers.

"Cao Cao left Xuzhou with a large army, did he come to Nanyang?"

Yuan Shu looked at Yan Xiang with a look of solemnity on his face.

The prince he fears the most now is Cao Cao, and when he heard Cao Cao's name, Yuan Shu instantly lost the desire to continue watching the dancing girls. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Cao Cao left Xuzhou with a large army, Yuan Shu had a bad premonition, could it be that Cao Cao led the army to Nanyang to attack him?

Yan Xiang looked at Yuan Shu with a solemn face, and hurriedly spoke:

"Where Cao Cao is going with his army, the minister does not know. "

However, the minister knew that Cao Cao did not come to Nanyang with a large army. "

Yan Xiang knew that Cao Cao had left Xuzhou with his army, and went to the Nanyang City Wall to ask the soldiers if they had seen Cao Cao's army.

The soldier told him that he hadn't seen it, and Yan Xiang knew at that time that Cao Cao had not gone to Nanyang with the army.

"Cao Cao didn't go to Nanyang with a large army, that's good!"

When Yuan Shu heard Yan Xiang's words, the solemn look on his face disappeared.

Yan Xiang sighed when he saw Yuan Shu's appearance.

Although there were many soldiers under Yuan Shu's command, Yuan Shu was inferior to Cao Cao in terms of ability.

And Cao Cao was also assisted by the strategist Lin Yuan, and Yan Xiang was even more worried.

If Cao Cao led a large army to attack Nanyang, Yan Xiang was not sure that he would be able to defend Nanyang.


"My lord, Yuan Shao's envoy is asking to see you outside the palace!"

A soldier walked into the hall and watched Yuan Shu salute. []

Hearing the soldier's words, Yan Xiang was stunned for a moment, although Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao were both members of the Yuan family, the relationship was not harmonious, and Yan Xiang knew this.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Yuan Shao would actually send an envoy to see Yuan Shu.

"General Ben is gone, let Yuan Shao's envoy come from where and go back. "

Yuan Shu frowned, with a hint of dissatisfaction on his face.

Among the princes, Cao Cao made him have some jealousy, and Yuan Shao made him feel disgusted.

Obviously, he is the concubine of the Yuan family, but everyone's eyes are on Yuan Shao, the concubine.

At that time, the general He Jin wanted to kill the ten permanent servants, but instead of discussing with him, he found Yuan Shao.

Later, He Jin was killed by the Ten Standing Attendants, and Yuan Shu was not only not sad, but also had some joy in his heart.

If he was to discuss with himself, how could He Jin be killed by the Ten Standing Servants, and how could Dong Zhuo enter Luoyang with the Xiliang Army.

In Yuan Shu's opinion, Yuan Shaokong has a reputation and has no ability.

Now that Yuan Shao has sent an envoy here, Yuan Shu doesn't want to see him at all.

The lord is dissatisfied with Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shao is also very clear. "

At this time, Yuan Shao sent an envoy to see the lord, not only because there was something to discuss with the lord. “

"It's also lowering his posture to the lord, and the lord is still meeting Yuan Shao's envoy for the sake of the same clan. "

Yan Xiang looked at Yuan Shu and persuaded.

In Yan Xiang's opinion, it must not be a trivial matter for Yuan Shao to send an envoy at this time.

He also knew that Yuan Shu was very disgusted with Yuan Shao, and he used his fellow clan as a reason that Yuan Shu would definitely not refuse.

Yuan Shu is arrogant in his heart, and he still has to give a few thin noodles in front of the family.


"That is, for the sake of the same clan, otherwise this general would not have seen Yuan Shao's envoy. "

"Let the messenger in!"

After Yuan Shu finished speaking, there was a trace of dissatisfaction on his face.


Soon the soldiers walked into the hall with Yuan Shao's envoy, who was the same person as the envoy sent to Jingzhou.

This time, Yuan Shao wanted to send an envoy to Nanyang, and the goatee envoy took the initiative to ask for help.

"The villain has seen General Yuan!"

The goatee messenger's posture when he saw Yuan Shu was different from when he saw Liu Biao, and his posture was very low when he saw Yuan Shu.

Not only because Yuan Shao asked Yuan Shu for help, but also because of Yuan Shu's identity as a son-in-law.

"Get up, what did Yuan Shao send you to do?"

Yuan Shu looked at the envoy, and didn't talk nonsense and directly let the envoy say something.

The goatee messenger was stunned for a moment, took out a bamboo tube from his arms and looked at Yuan Shudao:

"This is a handwritten letter written by my father-in-law to General Yuan, and General Yuan will know it at a glance. "

Yuan Shu was stunned for a moment, and looked at Yan Xiang with a color.

Yan Xiang nodded, and took the bamboo tube from the goatee messenger.

Handed over to Yuan Shu, Yuan Shu opened the bamboo tube and took out the brocade cloth inside.

The handwriting on the brocade cloth, Yuan Shu determined that it was written by Yuan Shao himself.

Looking at the above content, Yuan Shu had a look of surprise on his face, and it took a while to react and look at the goatee messenger with a frown.

"Lord, what is written in General Yuan's handwriting?"

Yan Xiang looked at Yuan Shu with a hint of doubt on his face.

Yuan Shu looked at Yan Xiang and said, "This is a letter asking for help. "

"Sun Jian is attacking Jizhou with a large army, and most of the army under Yuan Shao is attacking Youzhou. "

"Jizhou is in danger, and it may be beaten down by Sun Jian at any time. "

Although Yuan Shu's face was calm after speaking, he did have some joy in his heart.

Yuan Shao would be watched by others wherever he went, and now Yuan Shao was finally in trouble.

Knowing Yuan Shao's current situation, Yuan Shu was happier in his heart.

Yan Xiang was stunned when he heard Yuan Shu's words, Yuan Shao's attack was known to him.

Sun Jian actually led a large army to attack Yuan Shao, and Sun Jian completely tore his face with Yuan Shao.

Yan Xiang thought for a while, looked up at Yuan Shu, frowned and said:

"Sun Jian led a large army to attack Jizhou, are you not worried that Liu Biao will lead a large army to attack Jiangdong?"

As a strategist, Yan Xiang quickly knew the key points.

Sun Jian led a large army to attack Yuan Shao, which surprised him, and what surprised him even more was that Sun Jian poured out of the nest.

Once Liu Biao led a large army to attack Jiangdong, Sun Jian and the army under his command would be left homeless.

The hatred between Liu Biao and Sun Jian is not a little bit.

Yuan Shu nodded slightly when he heard Yan Xiang's words, and he was worthy of being his most trusted strategist, and he could see the key at a glance.

"You're right, Liu Biao did attack Jiangdong with a large army. "

However, not long after Liu Biao left Jingzhou with the army, he returned to Jingzhou with the army. “

Yan Xiang had doubts in his heart when he heard Yuan Shu's words, Jiangdong Void was a good opportunity to capture Jiangdong.

Liu Biao left Jingzhou with the army and returned to Jingzhou with the army.

This behavior made Yan Xiang a little puzzled, and he didn't know why Liu Biao did this.

"Why did Lord Liu Biao do this?"

Yan Xiang looked at Yuan Shu, and there was a trace of doubt on his face.

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