At the same time, Rouquan.

"I'd better go find sir as soon as possible."

"The things in this soft spring are beyond our ability to deal with."

"The mysterious voice also said that perhaps only Mr. can solve this mystery."

At this time, Zhang Qiying said eagerly.

She was proficient in astronomical phenomena and could clearly estimate that there were less than five hours until tomorrow.

If this delay continues and Rouquan cannot be destroyed, this miasma will definitely swallow everyone in reverse.

Zhang Qiying didn't want to become a monster like the Ugo wizard who was in Yaquan as Bi Mihu said.

However, King Duosi shook his head frequently and said:

"No, we can only wait here."

"It would be okay if you could contact Mr. Bai."

Zhang Qiying suddenly looked at King Duosi in confusion:


King Duosi said with a solemn expression:

"Did you know that this soft spring is the farthest from the other three poisonous springs?"

"Due to the remoteness of Rouquan, even if we set out now, it will take at least three hours to reach the nearest Yaquan."

"What if it's a round trip?"

"It will take at least six hours!"

"By then, it will be too late to say anything."

"Why don't I go and give it a try now? Maybe there is a way to defeat the enemy."

Hearing this, Zhang Ning immediately shook his head and said:

"No, absolutely impossible."

"I have tried every method before, but I can't break this illusion at all."

"Only by using the energy of transformation left by Mr. can we break this illusion."

"But because the amount is too small, it cannot completely break this illusion."

"The mysterious voice also said that after going out this time, you must not break in casually without complete preparations."

"Otherwise, even he can't guarantee that we will be sent out safely."

"The environment of this Rouquan will only get stronger and stronger. Even if Wu Tu Gu comes, he can only communicate and trade with the mysterious voice at the edge."

Hearing Zhang Ning's words, Himihu and King Duosi fell into silence.

King Duosi never expected that Rouquan would be completely different from when he came here before.

The more than 2,000 Ugo soldiers he encountered were nothing more than an illusion.

"It's just an illusion. You might as well let me try it with the barrier. Maybe I can break it."

After everyone fell silent, Himihu saw that there was nothing he could do, so he had to speak.

Zhang Ning shook his head and said:


"You probably don't know how terrifying this illusion is."

"Its authenticity is even more real than the real world."

"Once you enter, without specific means, you will not be able to come out at all, and you may even lose your life."

Speaking of this, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying suddenly remembered the situation they encountered just after they entered.

If it hadn't been for the medical aura to break the situation, the two of them would have ended up in the illusion.

King Duosi couldn't help but sigh quietly:

"Unexpectedly, this most difficult poisonous spring is not the Black Spring or the Destruction Spring."

"It's Rouquan who I ignored."

"But it doesn't make sense. Logically speaking, Gang Lei can control all circumstances."

"What's more, one of you is a Daoist, and the other is a Taoist magician."

"These two abilities, according to common sense, can completely restrain illusions."

"No matter how powerful this illusion is, if you two try your best, it is impossible that you cannot shake this illusion at all."

Zhang Ning shook his head helplessly and said:

"My uncle Yu Ji is a master of illusion."

"However, after going to Rouquan, I discovered that my uncle's illusion was nothing more than a trick."

"Uncle Master's illusion is to confuse people's minds and eyes."

"For ordinary people, it is like this soft spring illusion. It is difficult to distinguish between true and false."

"But in Rouquan, it seems that no matter who goes in, it will be difficult to tell the truth from the false, and the truth will not be distinguished."

"It is basically impossible to destroy Rouquan under such circumstances."

Hearing what Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying said, King Duosi couldn't help but slumped on the ground.

Nowadays, everyone feels what a dilemma is.

It doesn’t matter if you advance, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t advance.

Now in the remaining five hours, it is impossible for everyone to leave Ugo Country directly.

What's more, no one knows whether they will encounter Ugo soldiers again during this period.

Although the frontline camps of the Ugo Kingdom had been basically destroyed after the drought demon attack, the fake King Dosi also died tragically among them.

However, Ugo soldiers are everywhere.

What's more, several poisonous springs have been destroyed now, and Wu Tu Gu cannot let everyone go.

The border of Ugo Country is definitely heavily guarded.

It may not be too difficult to deal with, but it will also waste a lot of time.

As long as they fail to leave Ugo Country before tomorrow, everyone will suffer from the side effects of the medicine.

When the miasma is inhaled, it is basically impossible to expel it.

Everyone can only stay in Ugo country for the rest of their lives, and they dare not completely eliminate the miasma.

Without miasma, even if it is inhaled for a very short time, it is very likely that half of your life will be lost.

King Duosi had encountered countless people who had died due to various reasons without the protection of the miasma, or because of the side effects of the miasma.

The miserable situation was simply more terrifying than drinking water mixed from four poisonous springs at the same time.

"Maybe I'll have another chance later."

"Look at the fog, it's obviously much thinner than before."

"This shows that the other three poisonous springs are most likely destroyed."

"If sir, they can arrive in time, there might be room for salvation."

Zhang Qiying blinked and said.

However, the more she spoke, the softer her voice became.

Because she also knows that this is basically impossible.

No matter how fast Bai Feng and others were, it was absolutely impossible for them to come all the way from Miequan to Rouquan in such a short period of time.

Five hours may not be enough.

What's more, even if he comes, he still doesn't know how long it will take to break Rouquan's illusion.

Once it is too late, all previous efforts will be wasted.

However, just when everyone was disappointed.

Suddenly, everyone felt that the ground beneath their feet was shaking.

Zhang Ning suddenly became alert and looked around hurriedly.


Zhang Ning blurted out immediately.

Having battled wits with this guy twice before, Zhang Ning was very familiar with it.

Elephant-like monster?

Upon hearing these three words, everyone couldn't help but look in the direction Zhang Ning pointed.

Elephant monster, isn’t that Drought Demon’s mount?

Could it be that Han Bao came with his husband? !

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