Not long after, Wu Zhi and Hua Xin resigned from Cao Pi's house.

As soon as he went out, Hua Xin whispered:

"Ji Zhong, do you know what the prince means by asking me where I am waiting for Bai Feng to go?"

Wu Zhi was stunned for a moment, then said:

"She must still be worried about Bai Feng."

"After all, if this kind of person cannot be with us, he will definitely be a strong opponent."

"It is understandable that the prince should be concerned about his movements."

However, Hua Xin shook his head and said:

"it's not true."

"In my opinion, this matter is definitely not that simple."

After saying that, Hua Xin and Wu Zhi turned around and came to an inaccessible place.

Wu Zhi whispered:

"Brother Ziyu, please elaborate."

Hua Xin said in a deep voice:

"Think about it first, why did Your Majesty not only agree when the young master said he wanted to leave the palace, but also let the young master come to Hanshou City?"

Wu Zhi frowned slightly:

"What can this mean?"

"Hanshou City is just a small city, Brother Ziyu, I think you must be worrying too much."

Hua Xin shook his head and said:

"No, think about it, how many useless things has your Majesty done in this life?"

"There are only a handful of them!"

"Especially now, when it comes to matters concerning the establishment of an heir."

"Although His Majesty openly favors Young Master Cao Chong, he also hopes that the other Young Masters can be inspired by this and show off their skills to Your Majesty."

"What parent doesn't want their children to become successful?"

"Your Majesty, you are no exception."

Speaking of which, if Wu Zhi doesn't know it yet, he really has no qualifications to be a counselor.

Wu Zhi suddenly frowned and said:

"Brother Ziyu, do you mean that this visit to Hanshou City was specially arranged by His Majesty?"

"On the surface, it's just a small city randomly placed to test the prince."

"But actually, you want the prince to get closer to Bai Feng?"

Hua Xin immediately laughed and said:


"After all, Bai Feng is now the core member of the entire Wei Dynasty. Even if His Majesty wants to suppress him, you cannot ignore his power."

"Even if Bai Feng doesn't want to, he has now become a being that is praised highly by many people."

"Therefore, only those who can truly receive support from Bai Feng can be qualified for the position of prince."

"Your Majesty just created an opportunity for the prince."

"Besides, the prince must also think so."

Hearing this, Wu Zhi couldn't help being slightly stunned, and then said:

"Brother Ziyu means..."

"Did the prince specifically choose Bai Feng to leave Hanzhong City and then leave the palace when he came to Nanzhong?"

Hua Xin nodded noncommittally:

"Yes, according to my guess, it should be so."

"The prince is waiting for an opportunity in the palace. He asked us not to act rashly for the time being. Maybe this is the time."

"The prince is very thoughtful. Seeing that Bai Feng is so powerful now, how could he not think that he would avoid suspicion?"

"Using this opportunity to win over Bai Feng is the most important thing!"

"Furthermore, it is probably because of this that His Majesty does not allow the Sima family to get too close to the Young Master."

Wu Zhi couldn't help but said doubtfully:

"It shouldn't be."

"The Sima family, in order to be on the safe side, has faded out of everyone's sight, and even many of the family's shops have been closed."

"Furthermore, with Sima Yi's mentality as an old fox, he definitely wants to seek refuge with Bai Feng."

"There is no conflict between the two, so why should the young master be alienated from the Sima family?"

"No matter what you say, this Sima family is still a major noble family in the north."

Wu Zhi really couldn't understand.

Since Your Majesty wants to help Young Master Cao Pi, why would you alienate Young Master Cao Pi's most important ally?

Hua Xin whispered:

"I'm not very clear about this either."

"After all, you and I don't have much support from the noble clan behind us."

"Furthermore, His Majesty may not have known that the two of us were assisting the young master before."

"It is no exaggeration to say that the Sima family is the most important support for the young master."

"By depriving the Sima family of the relationship with the Young Master, your Majesty must have other considerations."

"There is no need for the two of us to speculate on this point."

"All we need to know is that both His Majesty and the Prince need Bai Feng's help now."

"Ji Zhong, do you know what to do?"

Wu Zhi immediately nodded heavily:

"Thank you, Brother Ziyu, for your advice. I already know it."

"It's just that now that Bai Feng is deep in Nanzhong, the two of us can't send anyone in."

"If you want to wait for Bai Feng to come out, I'm afraid it's too late!"

Hua Xin shook his head and said:

"No, we will never sit back and wait for death."

"Do you know what Bai Feng values ​​most?"

Wu Zhi shook his head.

He really didn't know this.

To be honest, Wu Zhi and Bai Feng have never crossed paths.

If Wu Zhi hadn't started to go to court after establishing the Wei Dynasty, Wu Zhi would never have even seen Bai Feng's face.

Regarding Bai Feng, Wu Zhi only knew some of his deeds.

As for being a human being, I don’t know anything about it.

Hua Xin said in a deep voice:


"No matter who it is, what Bai Feng values ​​​​is people's sincerity."

"No matter what, as long as there is sincerity, Bai Feng will consider it."

"Maybe Bai Feng has already captured Nanzhong now, but he just doesn't want to show up."

"The two of us might as well pay a visit in person to show our sincerity, so that we can conduct follow-up negotiations."

"The prince's identity does not allow him to show up like this, and the prince does not want to go to Bai Feng in such a high-profile manner."

"If other young masters find out about it, whether it is Mr. Cao Zhi or Mr. Cao Chong, it will be a very serious matter."

After hearing Hua Xin's words, Wu Zhi finally understood what he meant.

The two men have gathered almost as many nobles now.

There are nearly a hundred noble clans, so to speak, they are all small noble clans, and together they may not be as powerful as one big noble clan.

But it's enough.

Now the two of them have nothing else to do.

You might as well take this opportunity to meet Bai Feng on behalf of Cao Pi.

Both Hua Xin and Wu Zhi are relatively confident in their sharp tongue.

At worst, after meeting Bai Feng, just try to be as humble as possible.

But not to the point of pleading.

After all, Bai Feng is still a prince no matter what, and Wang with a different surname is also a prince, and he was still canonized by His Majesty.

As courtiers, the two of them would not feel disadvantaged if they treated Bai Feng with respect.

"Okay! If that's the case, then the two of us will pack up and set off tomorrow."

Wu Zhi is also a cheerful person.

Now that the plan has been decided, there is no need to say anything more and get it done as soon as possible.

To win over Bai Feng, whether you succeed or fail, you have to give it a try, and the sooner the better.

Moreover, in Nanzhong, it can be said that the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. If the two of them go there secretly, they will not be noticed by anyone.

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