At the same time, Qingzhou.

The entire Qingzhou is still as peaceful as usual.

Even when they were competing in the world, compared to other states and counties, the entire Qingzhou seemed like a paradise.

There hasn't been much movement.

Now that the Wei Dynasty has been established, Qingzhou is even more comfortable.

Although it is not as famous as Jingzhou and other prefectures, it does not have as many talents as other prefectures and prefectures.

But Qingzhou is better in one word.


No matter what happens, the entire Qingzhou seems not to be affected at all.

This is also the reason why Cao Zhi chose Qingzhou as his fiefdom.

At this time, Cao Zhi was contentedly in his prince's mansion, playing chess with a few Qingzhou dudes.

Yang Xiu looked on from the side and was not in a hurry. He just waved his feather fan gently and chatted and laughed with everyone.

It looks like he really is a free king.

By night, all the guests have dispersed.

In the huge prince's palace, apart from the guards and maids, there were only two people, Cao Zhi and Yang Xiu.

The two of them were making tea and playing chess thoughtfully.

Cao Zhi said seemingly unintentionally:

"Dezu, how are things going lately?"

Yang Xiu smiled slightly and said:

"Please rest assured, King Xiaoyao, things are going very smoothly."

After saying that, Yang Xiu couldn't help but look to the side.

Cao Zhi immediately understood, waved his hand and said:

"You all, please step back."

"Master Yang and I still have something to discuss."

The surrounding slaves saw this and hurriedly left.

When Yang Xiu saw that everyone had dispersed, he whispered:

"Sir, there are about thirty-six households in the entire Qingzhou that can be called great gentry."

"There are eight major noble families among them, which are the most powerful noble families in Qingzhou."

"Among the thirty-six households, Xiu has convinced twenty of them, and they all expressed their complete obedience to the prince."


Originally, Cao Zhi just smiled knowingly when he heard the previous words.

From the looks of it, things went quite smoothly.

To be honest, Cao Zhiben didn't have much hope for this after coming to Qingzhou from the beginning.

But unexpectedly, as if the entire Qingzhou had faded out of the sight of others, all the noble clans actually had little to do with the people in the court.

This is simply a blessing from God!

However, when he heard Yang Xiu hesitate to speak, the smile on Cao Zhi's face immediately retracted and he said doubtfully:

"But what?"

"Dezu, you can speak freely in front of me. There is nothing you can't say."

Yang Xiu sighed lightly and said:

"Although twenty households have decided to submit to King Xiaoyao."

"However, among these twenty households, not one belongs to the eight major noble families."

"It's not an exaggeration to say they are among the last twenty households."

Upon hearing this, Cao Zhi immediately waved his hand and said:

"This king takes this as a big deal."

"Don't worry Dezu, we have plenty of time to spend with them."

"If you don't agree, then slowly lobby."

"If I have accomplished my great cause, I can certainly give them many benefits."

Yang Xiu sighed helplessly and said:

"Having said that, my lord."

"The main resources of Qingzhou are concentrated among these eight major noble families."

"Xiu heard rumors from the outside world that it seems that these eight noble clans intend to move closer to Bai Feng."

"However, it was probably because he was afraid that His Majesty would mistakenly think that he was forming a clique, so Bai Feng did not agree."

"But they don't seem to want to give up."

"If this is really the case, then no matter how generous the reward we offer, they may not be willing to act under the prince."

Hearing this, the smile on Cao Zhi's face immediately disappeared completely, and his expression suddenly darkened:

"Stupid, extremely stupid!"

"Why do they all have to go to Bai Feng?"

"No matter what happens to Bai Feng, he is just a king with a different surname."

"What can a king with a different surname do?"

"What is he comparing to this king?"

"How could my father trust an outsider like him but not his own son?"

"What's more, it is impossible for a king with a different surname to participate in the matter of seizing the legitimate son, and Bai Feng would not dare to do so."

"Are these guys crazy?"

not understand.

Cao Zhi really couldn't understand.

What's so good about Bai Feng?

It would have been a good thing if he had not been named a king with a different surname. After all, as the current majesty's son-in-law, he might have the opportunity to participate in the fight for the heir.

Just look at his methods.

Moreover, Bai Feng is not a person who lacks means at all.

But now he is known as the King of Different Surnames.

At first, Cao Zhi was a little worried.

However, the new laws of the Wei Dynasty have made it clear that feudal princes are strictly prohibited from interfering in government affairs.

This does not include himself, the Xiaoyao King.

Obviously, this is aimed at Bai Feng and others.

Moreover, Bai Feng also made it clear through his actions that he had no idea about the position of prince.

Otherwise, he would not agree to assist Cao Chongcai.

But what about now?

These nobles were still stubborn and ran towards Bai Feng regardless.

No one wants it anymore, but they still think about it.

Isn’t this asking for trouble?

Looking back on myself, I extended an olive branch, but was rejected in various ways.

"Hateful, really hateful!"

"If one day, this Bai Feng falls into my hands, I will definitely cut it into pieces!"

Cao Zhi immediately gritted his teeth and said.

After all, the feud between Cao Zhi and Bai Feng has lasted for more than a day or two.

Originally, Cao Zhi was not a grudge-bearing person.

But these many things caused some changes and distortions in Cao Zhi's mentality.

But in the final analysis, Bai Feng clearly had no intention of competing with him.

On the contrary, this became an even more grudge against Cao Zhi.

People don't want to fight, but they have the upper hand everywhere.

However, I wanted to compete, but I couldn't compare to others.

Why doesn't this make Cao Zhi angry?

"Your Majesty, please calm down."

"The current situation is only temporary."

"I wonder if the prince still remembers what Bai Feng is doing now?"

However, Yang Xiu didn't seem to be in a hurry and just smiled.

Cao Zhi was stunned for a moment, then said:

"Aren't you just going to conquer Nanzhong?"

"I really don't understand what my father is thinking."

"The Wei Dynasty has so many generals, why did Bai Feng go there?"

"Father, do you still think Bai Feng is not powerful enough?"

Yang Xiu shook his head and said:

"My lord, actually, things are not as bad as you think."

"His Majesty agreed to Bai Feng to go to Nanzhong, which actually gave the three princes a chance."

"With Bai Feng's absence, the three princes can let go."

"And there's an important message in it."

"That is, going to Nanzhong was actually proposed by Bai Feng."

Cao Zhi suddenly didn’t understand:

"Please tell Dezu Ming!"

"What exactly is involved in this? I don't understand very well."

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