Not only that, if you say that, then you can't let these two people go!

Because there is no reason at all!

Without a good step, what reason can be used to let them go without them becoming suspicious?

Li Cunxiao had made it very clear just now that these two people must not be killed!

Not only can't you kill them, you can't hurt them either.

No matter who sent them, they can't cause trouble to Bai Feng because of this kind of thing.

But now, things are in such an anxious state.

However, Zhu Rong did not expect that it was not Hua Xin and Wu Zhi who had become stupid.

It's because of the environment.

In such a depressing environment, one may face the threat of death at any time.

And the only one who can save them is Bai Feng.

Nowadays, they are told that their hope in this life has been extinguished. How can they not be afraid?

And this scene was heard by Li Cunxiao, who had just arrived.

Li Cunxiao was so direct that everyone was dumbfounded.

Qin Liangyu, what is this operation?

Tell them directly that Bai Feng is dead?

Li Cunxiao has never met these two people, so he doesn't know their identities.

Under such circumstances, telling them such shocking news, isn't this asking for trouble?

Moreover, now, it is neither letting them go nor killing them.

A dilemma.

This move was really poor!

However, it is not easy for Li Cunxiao to come to the rescue now.

If he appeared at this time, maybe these two people would know him.

When the lies are exposed, things will get even more difficult.

Now he can only stand still and see what Qin Liangyu wants to do.

If she really wanted to kill these two people, it would not be too late to do so then.

Hua Xin took a long breath and said:

"Ma'am, please calm down."

"The two of us have no other intentions."

"Since General Bai Feng is dead, please send his body to us."

Qin Liangyu suddenly smiled coldly:


"Both of you are in danger of losing your lives, why are you still thinking about getting the body?"

"Of course I will send you two to meet him on Huangquan Road!"

After saying that, Qin Liangyu raised his sword and tried to chop it down.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Hua Xin whispered:

"This is for the good of Nanzhong!"

"I hope Madam can calm down!"

Qin Liangyu had no intention of killing them, so he took back his sword and looked at Hua Xin.

Seeing this, Hua Xin breathed a sigh of relief and whispered:

"You two might as well think about it."

"Now the Wei Dynasty has been unified, and there are more than one million soldiers in the Wei Dynasty."

"General Bai is a king with a different surname that your Majesty canonized. Now he dies in Nanzhong. How can your Majesty just let it go?"

"If this is the case, if a million-strong army attacks, Nanzhong will not be able to defend it!"

Qin Liangyu narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Are you threatening me?"

Hua Xin hurriedly waved his hand and said:

"I don't dare, I don't dare at all!"

"I really think about Nanzhong!"

"Madam, please think about it, if someone can take Bai Feng's body back and tell him that Bai Feng died during the crusade due to illness."

"In this case, His Majesty will only be heartbroken, but he may not be angry with Nanzhong because of it."

"In this way, the safety of Nanzhong can be guaranteed!"

Qin Liangyu glanced at Hua Xin:

"How can I trust you?"

"If I let you two go, I will give you your bodies."

"You Central Plains people are very cunning. What if you go back on your word and come with a large army instead?"

"What's more, who do you think you are? Will the emperor listen to you two?"

Now, before Hua Xin could speak, Wu Zhi said hurriedly:

"Ma'am, please don't worry!"

"The two of us are under the command of Cao Pi, your majesty's legitimate son!"

"After the two of us return to the young master's door, we will inform him one by one of the news."

"As long as the young master comes forward, your majesty will definitely believe it!"

"On the contrary, if the two of us cannot go back, things will become more serious!"

"The two of us are really thinking about Nanzhong!"

"The two of us are willing to swear to God that we will never go against what we said today!"

At this time, it was obvious that Wu Zhi was anxious.

Wu Zhi was about twenty years younger than Hua Xin. Although he was smart, his mind was not as mature as Hua Xin's.

Hua Xin was still thinking about it.

Fearing the threat of death, Wu Zhi couldn't help but speak directly.

Hua Xin froze on the spot.


How could I tell them their identities?

Moreover, what Wu Zhi said just now was too ill-considered!

The barbarians are very upright in mind.

What if they thought this was a threat and killed them both forcefully?

This kind of thing is very likely to happen!

However, Hua Xin never expected it.

This news is Qin Liangyu's real purpose.

Qin Liangyu knew that before meeting Bai Feng, the two men probably wouldn't be able to get anything out of their mouths.

If the two of them knew that the Bai Feng Army had peacefully coexisted with the South Central Army, they would not have explained their identities.

Therefore, Qin Liangyu directly adopted extreme measures.

There is no need to provoke them in extraordinary ways, I'm afraid things will become more difficult.

At this time, Li Cunxiao finally understood what Qin Liangyu meant, and he smiled knowingly and said:

"As expected of my husband's little sister, she really has a bit of a genius like him."

However, neither Qin Liangyu nor Li Cunxiao expected that these two people were actually Cao Pi's people!

Although Cao Pi was on good terms with Bai Feng on the surface.

But both of them knew that Cao Pi was doing a lot of tricks behind the scenes when he was seizing the throne.

After all, Mr. Now is ostensibly assisting Mr. Cao Chong.

However, now Cao Pi sent them, traveling thousands of miles and risking their lives, to find Bai Feng?

This is a bit puzzling.

What is the purpose of these two?

However, now that he has learned the identities of the two, Qin Liangyu has an idea.

As for their purpose, Qin Liangyu knew that even if he wanted to ask, he absolutely couldn't ask directly.

If you continue to ask questions and discover a flaw, all your efforts will be wasted.

"Madam, I think what they say makes sense."

"Why don't we just let them go and give Nanzhong some peace?"

Thinking of this, Qin Liangyu turned to look at Mrs. Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rong's reaction was quite quick. When he saw this, he immediately nodded and said:


"The people of the Central Plains are extremely cunning. If they go back on their word, we will only be in more danger."

"It's better to just kill these two people!"

Hearing this, Hua Xin and Wu Zhi's expressions suddenly became extremely ugly.

Even if you reveal your identity proactively, can you still escape?

Judging from Zhu Rong's expression, it seemed that he wanted to kill the two of them quickly.

"Madam, madam, think twice!"

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