In the main palace of the capital of Ugo Kingdom.

The leaders of the tribe had just arrived at the palace hall.

At this time, I didn't understand what was happening in front of me.

"Didn't Aguduo and the others go to encircle and suppress Wei's hundred men?"

"Yes! Why are they kneeling here now?"

"What's happening here?"

"I just came here too, so I don't know!"

More and more tribal leaders came to the palace hall.

They couldn't help but communicate in low voices.

Not to mention the newly arrived leaders of the tribes.

Aguduo and the remaining four tribal leaders who were enjoying their meals were also in a state of confusion.

Wutu Gu didn't give them any chance to explain.

He dragged them from the dining table and forced them to kneel in the palace hall.

Aguduo felt a little nauseous.

I ate a little too much just now...

Wait until all the leaders of the tribe in the capital of Ugo Kingdom came to the palace hall.

Wu Tu Gu then stood up from the chair.

Seeing Wu Tu Gu stand up, the leaders of the tribes who were originally talking about each other in the palace hall immediately fell silent.

"We are calling everyone here for two main things!"

Wutu Gu said in a deep voice after scanning the palace hall for a week.

"The first thing to do is to execute those who escaped from battle!"

Wu Tu Gu just finished speaking.

Two words suddenly appeared in the minds of Aguduo and the remaining four tribe leaders who were kneeling on the ground:

It’s over!

Could it be that some of the soldiers who survived that battle came back to report to Wu Tu Gu?

Aguduo and others speculated on the reason in their hearts.

But for them, the outcome is already determined.

The other leaders of the tribe who came to the palace hall looked at Agudo and others who were being held down and kneeling on the ground by the guards.


"You can't do it!"

"Yes, they brought six hundred people with them!"

"Six hundred people fight a hundred people, and they can still escape?!"

"Are the soldiers of Wei so powerful?"

I heard Wutu Gu say that Aguduo and others escaped during the encirclement and suppression of the Wei Hundreds.

All the tribe leaders in the main hall began to discuss.

Most people didn't believe that he could lead 600 people to encircle and suppress a hundred-man army of the Wei Dynasty, and still escape from the battle.

However, looking at Agudo and others kneeling on the ground, they did not refute.

At this time, the other tribe leaders had to choose to believe that Wu Tu Gu said that A Guduo and the five other tribe leaders who went to encircle and suppress the Wei Hundreds escaped before the battle.

After the other tribe leaders in the palace hall discussed for a while, Wu Tu Gu waved his hand to stop the noise.

Wu Tu Gu then continued:

"The second thing is that we have to take the initiative!"

"Don't let the soldiers of the Wei Dynasty get even closer to the capital!"

After saying this, the leaders of the tribes in the hall suddenly cheered.

The fact that Aguduo and other tribe leaders escaped before the battle was no longer on the minds of other tribe leaders.

All the leaders of the Ugo Kingdom have been coveting the armor and steel swords worn by the Wei soldiers for a long time.

It's just that I was lucky enough to get two armors and steel knives.

All have become Wutu Bone’s personal collection.

Later, when the Wei scouts formed a team of three, it became difficult to kill the Wei scouts.

Even if they were injured by Ugo's scouts, the three of them could ensure that Wei's scouts evacuated the mountains alive.

Now not only can we launch a large-scale attack on the soldiers of the Wei Dynasty,

The loot is also enough to make a lot of money!

"Your Majesty! When will we launch an attack on Wei's camp?"

"Your Majesty! I request to be the vanguard!"

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! I will lead my troops to capture the black or white maple for you right now!"

The excited leaders of the tribe rushed to challenge Wu Tu Gu one by one.

Wu Tu Gu looked at the excited leaders of the tribe and showed a satisfied smile.

Bai Feng, right?

I won't give you any chance again!

Wutugu then escorted Aguduo and other four tribe leaders who had escaped from the battle outside the main hall.


With everyone watching, Wu Tu Gu gave an order, and the heads of A Guduo and the other four people fell to the ground.

None of them could have imagined it.

In the end, he did not die in the hands of Wei general Meng Jie.

Instead, he died under the sword of his great king Wu Tu Gu.

It's not that the leaders of the tribe who were not on good terms with Aguduo wanted to plead with Wutugu for Aguduo.

But after they met Wu Tu Gu's cold eyes.

Everyone knows that Wu Tu Gu must be killed by A Guduo, and the other four tribe leaders who escaped from the battle...

After packing up the bodies of Aguduo and others.

Wu Tu Gu then ordered all the tribe leaders to gather their troops.

He wants to fight Bai Feng to determine the outcome!

Bai Feng, who was in the camp, asked Himiko to check Liuli's body again.

Still no problem found.

Liuli also expressed to Bai Feng that she had become stronger.

Bai Feng is now determined at noon.

The "glazed glass" in the Rouquan environment.

It should just be a product of illusion.

Finally, the mysterious man transformed into Liuli.

She must have sensed the connection between him and Liuli in the illusion.

Fortunately, the final result is not a bad thing.

Bai Feng finally understood why the mysterious man said he had lied to him in the end.

"It's okay, haha!"

Bai Feng looked at Liuli and smiled.

Then Bai Feng couldn't help but think about how the battle between King Duosi and Meng Jie was going.

Then Bai Feng realized that King Duosi and Meng Jie had only been in the mountain for three days.

There shouldn't be much gain...

Bai Feng still doesn't know that the hundred-man team led by Meng Jie has already broken through six camps.

Wutu Gu was forced to kill A Guduo and other tribe leaders.

Finally, Wutu Gu will launch a general attack on Bai Feng in advance.

What's more, King Duosi is already holding the head of Gando.

They began to hunt down the defeated Ugo soldiers.

There were over a hundred more Ugo soldiers who went to encircle and suppress King Duosi than those who went to encircle and suppress Mengjie.

But the end result didn't change much.

The soldiers of the Ugo Kingdom were now in the mountains and forests, and they began to become no match for the soldiers of the Wei Dynasty.

"Everyone is following closely!"

In the mountains and forests, King Duosi gave orders to the Wei soldiers behind him.

After launching a surprise attack on Nagandor, the Ugo soldiers finally had a gap in the encirclement of King Dosi's hundred-man team.

It was by taking this opportunity that King Duosi, together with the 96 remaining Wei soldiers, began to launch a counterattack against the leaders of the Ugo Kingdom.

After killing three Ugo Nation tribe leaders, the remaining tribe leaders and Ugo Nation soldiers began to flee.

King Dosi just had the opportunity to chase the fleeing Ugo soldiers and tribe leaders.

Use this to find the capital of the Ugo Kingdom.

In this way, the good news can be sent to Bai Feng before Meng Jie.

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