Not only Bai Feng had discovered a team that was most likely Xianbei cavalry, heading towards their resting place.

Wang Xun, who had lied down to rest early, also discovered this group of cavalry coming towards them.

So Wang Xun got up and went outside the tent, extinguishing a torch in the center surrounded by three tents.

Then Wang Xun came outside Bai Feng's tent and asked softly:

"Hanzhong Hou, are you resting now?"

"Not yet, Uncle Wang, come in!"

When Bai Feng heard this, he knew that Wang Xun had also discovered that there should be cavalry arriving in the distance.

After Wang Xun arrived at Bai Feng's tent, he said directly:

"While in Hanzhong, a group of cavalry came in our direction from a distance."

"I suspect it was the Xianbei cavalry. They saw our torches from a distance and wanted to come over to find out."

"Please also ask the Hanzhong Marquis to ask your three maids to get out of the way first, otherwise there may be trouble!"

Among the three girls, Liuli, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying, except Liuli, she looks like a cute little girl.

Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying are both first-class beauties.

If they were seen by the Xianbei people, it would be hard not to think of taking them as their own, or taking them back to the tribe leader.

Although Wang Xun knew that Bai Feng was brave and good at fighting.

But Wang Xun had not seen with his own eyes what Bai Feng looked like when he was actually fighting.

In Wang Xun's view, with three women and an old man dragging him down, the strength that Bai Feng can exert will be greatly restricted.

If more than a dozen Xianbei cavalrymen want to be dealt with by one person, even those with strong martial arts skills would not dare to say that they are 100% sure.

Wang Xun was even more worried if something bad happened to Bai Feng here.

Then this mutual trading matter will definitely not proceed smoothly.

At that time, the angry Cao Cao will definitely go out to Xianbei to avenge Bai Feng, the Hou of Hanzhong.

Although Wang Xun did not sympathize or pity the Xianbei people, he did not want to see a problem that could have been solved more easily end up being solved by war.

Bai Feng smiled after hearing this.

"Thank you, Uncle Wang, for worrying, but there is no need to be so nervous."

"No matter what the purpose of this group of Xianbei cavalry coming to our door is, there is no need to worry about our safety."

Wang Xun saw that there was no look of panic on Bai Feng's face, and he even looked forward to the coming Xianbei cavalry.

Suddenly Wang Xun no longer worried about the Xianbei cavalry.

How could Bai Feng be so calm if he didn't rely on him?

Therefore, the anxiety and worry in Wang Xun's heart gradually calmed down.

After Zhang Ning, Zhang Qiying and Liuli discovered that the torches outside the tent were extinguished, they all came to Bai Feng's camp out of curiosity.

Then Bai Feng told the three of them that there was a small group of about sixteen or seventeen Xianbei cavalry coming in their direction.

Liuli, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying heard that Xianbei cavalry were coming to their door again.

The expression on his face was very similar to Bai Feng's, with a look of confusion and expectation.

Wang Xun felt even more relaxed after noticing the looks on Liuli, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying's faces.

I think the maids who can follow Hanzhong Hou are definitely not ordinary people.

Wang Xun originally planned to personally negotiate with the incoming Xianbei cavalry to buy time for Bai Feng, Liuli, Zhang Ning, and Zhang Qiying to evacuate.

At this time, I also want to know what those Xianbei cavalry are coming to do.

At this time, Wu Geli and his friends were trotting towards the place where the torch was found ahead.

They still don't know that their whereabouts have long been exposed to the eyes of Bai Feng, Wang Xun and others.

"The torch in front has been extinguished!"

"Did they notice we were coming?"

"It's still so far away. How is it possible? Besides, our riding speed is not very fast."

"They must be going to sleep!"

"That's a good thing, it makes it easier for us to start, hahaha!"

These Xianbei cavalry, taking advantage of the light just after sunset, rode towards the tent of Bai Feng and others.

They are the cavalry of a small tribe under Bu Dugen.

There was news a few days ago that a rich man on the grassland would come to the Xianbei tribe to buy furs.

This kid from a rich family spends a lot of money, his family is very wealthy, but his whereabouts are uncertain.

When the tribal cavalry heard the news, most of their thoughts were to kidnap the rich boy and then blackmail his family into exchanging large sums of money for hostages.

As for buying and selling furs, it's really too much trouble.

Wu Geli also had the former idea in his mind.

So he discussed with the other Xianbei cavalry in the tribe whether they should try their luck on the grasslands near Youzhou.

If they can really meet this rich kid, their tribe will be able to get enough food to survive the drought this year.

At this time, Wu Geli became excited as he listened to the low-pitched exchanges among his companions.

Maybe there is that rich boy in the tent in front!

The other Xianbei cavalry beside Wu Geli began to communicate with each other less and less loudly.

Because they could now clearly see the three tents under the leeward slope in front.

Wu Geli raised his right hand, and suddenly all the Xianbei cavalry stopped moving forward.

Then Wu Geli signaled his companions on the left and right with his eyes.

The Xianbei cavalrymen, who understood what Wu Geli meant, began to separate into two groups in a tacit agreement, and went around to the side.

Because Wu Geli first saw the eight tall horses tied to the side of the tent.

These eight tall horses were already a valuable trophy for Wu Geli and the others.

After six of Wu Geli's companions were surrounded from three directions.

At this time, Wu Geli took the remaining ten Xianbei cavalry and continued to advance towards Bai Feng's tent.

And at this time, Wu Geli and the Xianbei cavalry around him did not cover up anymore, and the sound of horse hooves could be heard clearly in the distance on the grassland.

Inside the tent, Bai Feng signaled Wang Xun not to worry, then stood up and left the tent.

Then Liuli, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying also followed Bai Feng and left the tent.

Originally, Wang Xun wanted to ask the three women to stay in the tent, but the next moment he thought of Bai Feng, Liuli, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying's expressions when they heard that the Xianbei cavalry was coming.

Wang Xun shook his head and laughed, and then followed Bai Feng and the others out of the tent.

He also wanted to see what these Xianbei cavalry were going to do.

And how Bai Feng and his three maids dealt with more than a dozen Xianbei cavalry.

When Wu Geli saw someone emerging from the tent, he speeded up again with the Xianbei cavalry around him and rode forward.

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