This time it was Wu Geli and the other Xianbei cavalry's turn to be confused.

How could he still smile so happily when he had just threatened to cut off his tongue and kidnap him?

Wu Geli was very puzzled.

He also experienced what Bai Feng and the others felt just now.

The few cavalrymen behind Wu Geli were initially confused.

Then they were attracted by the beauty of Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying.

The Xianbei cavalry looked at Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying one by one, like wild wolves who had been hungry for three days and three nights on the grassland and saw two plump rabbits.

Because Liuli looked the most charming in appearance, she was not stared at by the wolf-like eyes of the Xianbei cavalry.

Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying were smiling and laughing, and they realized that the Xianbei cavalry were staring at them more and more strangely.

Then Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying suddenly felt angry.


Zhang Qiying directly pulled out the sword from her waist.

He described him as a rich man who bought furs. After he revealed his identity, he laughed loudly and threatened to cut out his tongue.

The most outrageous thing is to kidnap Mr.

Now here he is staring at himself with such greedy and lustful eyes!

Zhang Qiying felt that her anger level had exploded.

If Bai Feng hadn't been in front of her, she might have let Wu Geli know about it the next moment.

What does it mean that you can eat indiscriminately while cooking, but you can't talk indiscriminately!

We also need to let other Xianbei cavalry understand what it means to see no evil and hear no evil!

Bai Feng heard the sound of a sword being drawn behind him and knew it was Zhang Qiying.

Then Bai Feng noticed the obscene looks staring at Zhang Qiying and Zhang Ning, and immediately understood why Zhang Qiying was so angry.

"Oh, you all brought this on yourselves. You really can't blame me."

Bai Feng sighed in his heart.

Originally, I just wanted to give them a lesson casually.

After all, these Xianbei cavalry are cutely stupid.

But now they have completely angered Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying.

Then I have to stand up for my maids!

So Bai Feng turned around and gave Zhang Qiying and Zhang Ning a look that said, "Don't worry, I'm here and I won't make you feel wronged."

Zhang Qiying then sheathed the sword and quietly put away the talisman in the cuff of her left hand.

Then Bai Feng turned to look at Wu Geli again.

It's just that at this time, Bai Feng's aura is fully activated!

At this time, in the eyes of Wu Geli and other Xianbei cavalry.

The man just now looked harmless, looked like a rich man, and claimed to be the Marquis of the Great Wei and Han Dynasties.

He has become completely different from before!

The domineering power of the superior, the murderous aura that has been battle-tested, and the unparalleled self-confidence.

The Xianbei Qin soldiers who had been staring at Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying had to turn their attention to Bai Feng!

Now Wu Geli suddenly believed that the person standing in front of him was not some bullshit rich man who came to the grassland to buy furs.

He is the Great Wei Hanzhonghou!

"I am Bai Feng, the Marquis of Hanzhong in the Great Wei Dynasty!"

"You have come forward to provoke me again and again!"

"Let me take the place of your father and teach you a lesson!"

"Don't say that I bully the small ones, let's go together!"

After Bai Feng finished speaking, he stood with his hands behind his back, waiting for Wu Geli and the others to attack him.

Liu Li, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying looked at Bai Feng's domineering appearance, their eyes full of admiration and admiration.

This is the Bai Feng they trust and rely on!

This was also the first time Wang Xun saw Bai Feng show off his Hanzhong Marquis style.

It is worthy of saying that with the power of one person, the Wei Dynasty was able to unify the world in advance!

Wang Xun has even more respect for Bai Feng, who is approachable in daily life.

Proud but not arrogant, strong but not bullying the weak, this is the real strong man in Wang Xun's mind!

Different from Liuli, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying, there is also Wang Xun on the side.

Wu Geli and all the Xianbei cavalry, who were facing Bai Feng's momentum, were shocked at this time.

Even the horses under their crotches were plowing the grass with their disciples uneasily.

At this time, they felt very regretful about the extremely wanton ridicule they had just made when Bai Feng said that he was the Great Wei Hanzhong.

If only time could go back.

Wu Geli would not leave his tent today no matter what.

The other Xianbei cavalry all felt their throats were dry and their scalps were numb.


"The men on the grassland are just like you!"

"Bullying others with strength!"

"Are you lustful and lustful?!"

When Bai Feng saw Wu Geli and others standing there stunned, he couldn't help but shouted coldly.

Now Bai Feng is really angry.

Wang Xun, who was behind Bai Feng, suddenly realized that he had forgotten to translate for these iron-hanhan-like Xianbei cavalrymen. What on earth had Bai Feng said to them?

Then Wang Xun relayed Bai Feng's words to Wu Geli and other Xianbei cavalry verbatim.

After hearing this, these Xianbei cavalry were also aroused in their hearts.

After turning his attention to the leader Wu Geli, he saw Wu Geli nodding heavily.

Then Wu Geli said to Bai Feng in a deep voice:

"Even if the great Wei Hanzhong Hou comes face to face, we prairie men will not surrender without a fight!"

After Bai Feng listened to Wang Xun's translation, he nodded slightly, and then still stood with his hands behind his back.


Wu Geli shouted loudly, then drew out his machete and struck Bai Feng on the head.

Liuli, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying had already retreated to the tent with Wang Xun who had completed the translation work.

Facing Wu Geli, Bai Feng struck at the top of his head with a powerful and heavy sword.

Not moved at all, not even blinking!

Wu Geli's sharp scimitar was only an inch away from Bai Feng's head.

The next moment, Bai Feng gently stretched out two fingers of his right hand and gently clamped the blade, no matter how hard Wu Geli used it.

Even his face was suppressed to turn red, but the scimitar in his hand couldn't make any progress!

Bai Feng then waved to the right, and Wu Ge fell to the ground with all his strength, unable to get up again.

Everything happens only in the blink of an eye.

The Xianbei cavalry behind Wu Geli also drew their swords and slashed at Bai Feng's body.

Bai Feng stood still and didn't move at all from beginning to end.

He even kept his left and right hands behind his back, relying only on the two fingers of his right hand.

With a speed and unparalleled strength that made the Xianbei cavalry unbelievable, they clamped all the scimitars that were slashing at them, and then waved their hands.

After three breaths.

Ten Xianbei cavalrymen, including Wu Geli, lay on the ground in front of and around Bai Feng, moaning softly.

One unlucky guy was stepped on the butt by a horse and passed out from the pain.

At this time, none of the Xianbei cavalry could laugh anymore.

Liuli, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying who were watching the battle knew that this was Bai Feng's routine operation.

But Wang Xun, who had lived for more than fifty years, had his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open, and he was so shocked that he could not speak.

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