After the break.

Bai Feng and his party set out again.

It took a day to return to Liaodong County, and no blind Xianbei cavalry came to seek death on the way.

After returning to Liaodong County, Bai Feng found Liu Yan immediately.

"Prefect, Su Li has agreed to a mutual trade, and now we should temporarily give up on plundering Youzhou."

Bai Feng briefly introduced the contents of the mutual market negotiations between himself and Su Li to Liu Yan.

Liu Yan couldn't help being shocked when he heard that Bai Feng had dealt with a group of Xianbei cavalry from the Suli tribe who were investigating the situation near Liaodong County.

Sulidu has already sent spies near Liaodong County, and he is still unaware of it!

In fact, this cannot all be blamed on Liu Yan.

After all, Youzhou's cavalry has a limited reconnaissance range. If they go too deep into the grassland, they may disappear.

"Suli probably won't find out that Liaodong County has assembled 30,000 Youzhou cavalry, right?"

The thing that Liu Yan is most worried about now is that this annihilation operation against Xianbei, Suli's tribe, was discovered by Suli in advance.

"Probably not, otherwise I might be beheaded or put under house arrest as soon as I arrive at Suli's tent."

"Furthermore, I observed that the faces of the Xianbei guards outside Suli's tent all had very relaxed expressions."

"If Su Li had noticed that we were going to completely annihilate him, I'm afraid he would have already prepared to move the big account."

Based on his analysis of what he saw in Xianbei, Suli's tribe, Bai Feng believed that Suli had not discovered that Liaodong County was already heavily armed at this time.

"So good!"

After listening to Bai Feng's analysis, Liu Yan felt relieved.

"The food and fodder have been prepared, enough to last the army for five days!"

Then Liu Yan explained the situation of food preparation to Bai Feng.

Then Bai Feng and Liu Yan checked the food and grass again and confirmed that there was no problem.

"I will lead the troops to attack early tomorrow morning to avoid long nights and dreams!"

Bai Feng finally said to Liu Yan, and Liu Yan also agreed with Bai Feng's decision.

That night, all the Youzhou cavalry from Liaodong County knew that they would march into the grassland with the Hanzhong Hou tomorrow morning.

The Youzhou cavalry, who had eaten and drank enough, were very excited at this time.

I can finally get my revenge!

Early the next morning, the sun had not yet risen, and there was only a white line on the horizon.

In the camp of Liaodong County, 30,000 Youzhou cavalry were already ready to go.

The soldiers talked to each other in low voices, and the horses neighed softly from time to time.

It wasn't until Bai Feng climbed onto the high platform that the voices of the soldiers gradually disappeared.

"The Xianbei people have been plundering the border of Youzhou for a long time, and the people are suffering terribly!"

"And today, I will lead you to make the Xianbei people pay with their blood for the sake of the people of Youzhou!"

Bai Feng didn't give any big principles to the soldiers of Youzhou.

Having personally experienced the Xianbei people's rampage in Youzhou, they can better understand everything involved.

"eye for eye!"

"eye for eye!!"

"eye for eye!!!"

The next moment, all the soldiers of Youzhou raised their swords and shouted, and the sound of blood debt repayment went straight through the sky!

"Set off!"

Bai Feng gave an order, and 30,000 neatly dressed Youzhou cavalry slowly left the camp and marched towards Xianbei, the Suli tribe.

Liuli, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying watched Bai Feng drifting away with the army.

Wang Xun regretted that he could not witness the Xianbei people begging for mercy under the sword of the Youzhou cavalry but not being able to do so.

The people of Liaodong County also spontaneously sent 30,000 Youzhou cavalry all the way outside the city gate.

In the eyes of countless Youzhou people with blessings and expectations.

Bai Feng disappeared into the depths of the grassland with 30,000 Youzhou cavalry.

"No one of the Xianbei scouts will be left alive!"

After entering the grassland, Bai Feng gave orders to the Youzhou scouts in the military formation.


The Youzhou scouts agreed loudly, and then began to march deeper into the grassland to sweep away the Xianbei scouts.

The Xianbei cavalry of the Suli tribe who were originally investigating the situation near Liaodong County were all unlucky.

They never imagined that 30,000 Youzhou cavalry would suddenly appear on the grassland.

All the Xianbei cavalry near Liaodong County were wiped out by Youzhou scouts!

After Bai Feng arranged the scouts, he led the army directly towards Su Li's Xianbei tent.

Thirty thousand Youzhou cavalry galloped freely on the prairie.

At this time, Suli was still in the big tent, drinking kumiss and chatting and laughing with his tribal leaders.

"The Hanzhong Hou took the initiative to come and talk to us about mutual trading."

"Then there is no reason to refuse at all! Hahaha!"

"And Bai Feng also said that Youzhou has already prepared a large amount of grain, cloth and salt for the mutual trade!"

"These are our next targets for robbery!"

Su Li drank the kumiss in the glass in one gulp, and then drunkenly said to the tribal leaders in the big tent.

"The leader said it well!"

"Youzhou has prepared everything for us now, just waiting for us to get it, hahaha!"

"Do we have to wait until the mutual market starts? I can't wait to take my cavalry to Youzhou to plunder!"

"You don't understand the leader's foresight. Only after having a mutual trade with Youzhou will Liu Yan of Youzhou relax his guard against us!

At that time, we can catch Youzhou by surprise!

Doesn’t it mean that it’s up to us to take as much grain, cloth and salt as we want? ! "

The tribal leaders held wine glasses filled with kumiss in their hands and shouted in agreement to Suli.

Su Li heard that some of the tribal leaders under his command could not wait any longer. Fortunately, a Xianbei leader who understood his plan spoke out.


"The purpose of agreeing to mutual trading is to paralyze Bai Feng and Liu Yan!"

"Then Bai Feng came over and said that if he wants to open a mutual market, he must send your children to Youzhou to go to school!"

"I wonder if the Xianbei people who came out of Youzhou School can still ride a horse or have the strength to bend a bow and shoot an arrow!"

Naturally, Su Li didn't want to agree to the various rules and regulations proposed by Bai Feng regarding the mutual market.

However, in order to get a big vote, Su Li at that time naturally agreed to all the conditions proposed by Bai Feng without hesitation.

"Come on, Chief, even if Bai Feng claims to be the God of War of the Wei Dynasty, he can defeat more than 50,000 Xianbei warriors by himself? What a joke!"

"I think Bai Feng's reputation is just a boast from Da Wei!"

"If I meet Bai Feng again, I must show him what it means to be a Xianbei warrior!"

"Hahahaha, well said! Come on, do it!"

Everyone in Suli's tent didn't know at this time that Bai Feng, who they were constantly mocking, was getting closer and closer to them.

"General! You can already see the Xianbei people's felt tents twenty miles ahead!"

A Youzhou scout came to Bai Feng and said in a deep voice.

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