The Xianbei cavalry were surrounded by Youzhou cavalry and had no possibility of escaping.

A small group of Xianbei cavalry who were most loyal to Su Li became red-eyed after seeing their leader split into two pieces by Bai Feng's sword.

"Brothers, avenge the leader!!!"



About two hundred Xianbei cavalry began to launch a suicidal charge towards Bai Feng's location.

Despite the obstruction of other Youzhou cavalry along the way, they still fought their way out!

When the Youzhou cavalry around Bai Feng saw these Xianbei cavalry shouting loudly and charging at Bai Feng desperately, they all stepped forward to fight.

The Youzhou cavalry were not worried about Bai Feng's safety.

They naturally knew how powerful the Hanzhong Hou was, and even if everyone fought tooth and nail for the two hundred or so Xianbei cavalry, they would not pose any threat to Bai Feng's safety.

The Youzhou cavalry came forward to fight in order to show their bravery in front of the Hanzhong Marquis.

In order to gain Bai Feng's attention.

Bai Feng saw the Xianbei cavalry coming towards him to avenge Su Li, and was about to stretch his muscles.

Unexpectedly, the Youzhou cavalrymen beside him didn't give him a chance to move his muscles.


The next moment, the Xianbei cavalry and the Youzhou cavalry were fighting together again.

With better armor and weapons, the Youzhou cavalry killed more than ten Xianbei cavalry in one encounter.

If these Xianbei cavalrymen who avenged Su Li had not decided to die, they would have fled by now.

With their obsession for revenge and fearless fighting style, the Xianbei cavalry still fought hard to kill Bai Feng who was protected by many Youzhou cavalry in the center.

But the result was not changed by the will of the Xianbei cavalry.

Until more than two hundred Xianbei cavalry who avenged Su Li were killed and injured under the swords of Youzhou cavalry, they were still unable to touch the corners of Bai Feng's clothes.

Other Xianbei cavalry who were resisting or fleeing saw these Xianbei cavalry charging towards Bai Feng fearlessly.

He originally planned to go with him to avenge Su Li.

But after seeing them falling under the swords of Youzhou cavalry like harvested wheat, the other Xianbei cavalry no longer had any intention of resisting.

So the only thought in the minds of all the Xianbei cavalry within the Suli tent was to escape from the encirclement of the Youzhou cavalry.

You can't beat him no matter what. Only by escaping can you have a chance to avenge the leader!

The remaining Xianbei cavalry found a reason in their hearts for themselves to escape.

While looking for weak points in the encirclement formed by Youzhou cavalry.

There are currently about 10,000 Xianbei people surrounded by Youzhou cavalry.

Originally, 30,000 people were used to surround 10,000 people. If these 10,000 people were determined to break through, the chances of a successful breakout would be very high.

It's just that the more than 8,000 Xianbei cavalry remaining now have become headless flies after losing Su Li's command.

In the encirclement of Youzhou Cavalry, they randomly searched for a way to break out, wasting their horsepower in vain.

Half an hour passed.

The battlefield where the Youzhou cavalry and the Xianbei cavalry fought has left the scope of the Suli Xianbei tent.

But still no Xianbei cavalry could escape the encirclement formed by Youzhou cavalry.

All Xianbei cavalry who wanted to avenge Su Li or carried out fierce resistance have died under the sword of Youzhou cavalry.

A small part of the remaining Xianbei cavalry realized that there was no hope of escape and simply dismounted and surrendered to the Youzhou cavalry.

The Youzhou cavalry, who shouted "blood debt must be paid with blood" before going on the expedition, did not receive Bai Feng's order to recruit the Xianbei cavalry.

For the Xianbei cavalry who dismounted and surrendered, they showed no mercy at all. They just rode over and killed them with a sword!

At this time, Bai Feng also saw some Xianbei cavalry who surrendered to Youzhou cavalry but were still killed.

Bai Feng did not stop him immediately.

These Xianbei cavalry plundered, harmed, and killed the people of Youzhou so much that it's hard to describe.

Now it was time for them to taste the powerlessness they felt when facing the Youzhou cavalry.

Can you avoid death by begging for mercy?

Wouldn’t it be necessary for all the tens of thousands of Youzhou people to die? !

What is blood debt?

This is blood debt repayment with blood!

With Bai Feng's acquiescence, all the Xianbei cavalry who surrendered and were still running continued to fall to the swords of the Youzhou cavalry.

The long swords of some of the Youzhou Iron Riders have already been cut with gaps.

After another hour.

On the entire battlefield, there was finally no living Xianbei cavalry!

The Youzhou cavalry were panting heavily, and some of them had their eyes turned red.

"Father! Mother! My son finally avenged you!"

"Brother, your spirit leader in heaven can rest in peace."

"One hundred and thirty-two fellow villagers in Huaishu Village, you can finally rest in peace."

On the battlefield at this time, Youzhou cavalry kept whispering something.

Bai Feng's ears were extremely strong, and the whispers of the Youzhou cavalrymen were all clearly transmitted to his ears.

For a moment, Bai Feng was filled with emotions.

The blood debt committed by the Xianbei people to the people of Youzhou was finally partially repaid today.

"Ke Bineng, Bu Dugen! I'll count you lucky this time."

Bai Feng thought in his heart.

In addition to the requirements of system tasks, if you really want to eliminate Kebi Nengbu Xianbei and Budu Genbu Xianbei together.

Just relying on Youzhou's 120,000 cavalry is not enough.

And among the three Xianbei forces, the Xianbei of the Suli tribe has caused the most harm to the people of Youzhou.

After the Youzhou cavalry recovered some strength, Bai Feng arranged the aftermath.

The first is the issue of disposing of the corpse.

The Youzhou cavalry suffered a total of thirty-six casualties in this battle.

Among them, 20 were seriously injured, six were slightly injured, and ten were killed.

The lightly injured and seriously injured Youzhou cavalrymen have been escorted back to Youzhou for treatment and training by others.

The bodies of the ten Youzhou cavalrymen who died in the battle were also brought back to Youzhou for burial.

Regarding the corpses of the Xianbei cavalry, Bai Feng's method of handling them was much simpler and rougher.

Set fire directly!

Bai Feng first asked the Youzhou cavalry to roughly clear an isolation zone outside the battlefield.

Prevent fire from affecting your own safety.

Then the grassland in the battlefield was set ablaze.

After being ignited, the dry ones burned very quickly.

In just a quarter of an hour, the entire battlefield where they fought previously was reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

The corpses of all the Xianbei cavalry also became fertilizer for the grassland along with the withered grass.

This time next year, the grassland in this area will be very lush.

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