Kebineng did not mention the details of this battle in his letter to Bu Dugen.

Just talking to Bu Dugen, Bai Feng led 30,000 Youzhou cavalry and killed all the Xianbei of the Suli tribe in one day.

In order to prevent Wei from using troops against them, they also ensured the smooth development of mutual trade.

Ke Bineng wanted to meet Bu Dugen.

Bu Dugen just thought for a moment and agreed to the meeting with Ke Bineng.

Not to mention that Xianbei of the Suli tribe was wiped out in one day, but due to the increasingly serious drought, Condo Dugen was increasingly looking forward to the development of the mutual trade.

Budugen then wrote back to Kebineng and arranged the meeting place.

That afternoon.

Bu Dugen and Ke Bineng each brought ten close guards and met at a grassland where their forces converged.

After the two met, Bu Dugen first spoke to Ke Bineng and asked:

"What you said in your letter is that Bai Feng led 30,000 Youzhou cavalry to wipe out Xianbei, the Suli tribe, in one day. Is it true?"

Regarding this news, Budugen wanted to know more details.

"Of course it is true. This is Wu Duo, the Xianbei leader of the Suli tribe who escaped from the siege of Youzhou cavalry led by Bai Feng that day."

"Today, let's go to the location of the battle that day to find out what happened. Is it okay?"

"Okay! Let's set off now. On the way, Wuduo, tell me about the battle!"


After Ke Bineng and Bu Dugen reached an agreement, they went to the battlefield where Bai Feng and Su Li fought that day under the leadership of Wu Duo.

Before arriving at the battlefield, Wu Duo once again told Budugen about the battle that day.

Bu Dugen was silent for a long time after listening.

He felt roughly the same as Ke Bineng about Suli Xianbei being destroyed by Bai Feng.

Of course it would be better to destroy Xianbei, the Suli tribe, so that you can save yourself the trouble of doing it yourself.

It's just a pity that the population, cattle, sheep and horses of Xianbei in Suli tribe are poor.

That’s a lot of wealth!

Just like that, Bai Feng was burned to the ground.

At the same time, he was even more afraid that Wei would attack his people.

Because Bu Dugen knew how many people Suli had killed in Youzhou and how many unscrupulous things he had done.

Unlike Kebi, who can yearn for and learn the culture of the Central Plains.

Budugen and Suli have always followed the ancient laws of survival on the grassland.

That is the law of the jungle!

Therefore, Bu Dugen did no less than Su Li in plundering Youzhou.

But Bu Dugen is not as good as Su Li. He basically just grabs food and grass and then leaves. He doesn't kill people if he can.

After all, his Budugen tribe was much larger than Suli's tribe.

If Cao Cao is really provoked and wants to send troops to the grassland regardless of the cost, then Bu Dugen will definitely be the first to be beaten.

Taking advantage of his small size and flexibility, Su Li acted much more unscrupulously.

Therefore, Xianbei of the Suli tribe was driven to death by Bai Feng. In Bu Dugen's view, Suli brought the blame on himself.

Bu Dugen did feel sad about the death of the rabbit and the fox, but he still did a good job for Bai Feng.

As long as you don't use troops on yourself from now on, that will be the best thing.

"Fortunately, I didn't cause too much murder in Youzhou!"

Bu Dugen secretly rejoiced in his heart for his wise decision.

Half a day later.

Wuduo, the Xianbei leader of the Suli tribe, took Kebineng and Bu Dugen, and finally arrived outside the battlefield that had turned into a white field.

Bu Dugen and Kebi Neng looked at the grass ashes all over the ground, as well as the burned and mutilated human and horse bones.

I was very shocked by the battle at that time.

If it weren't for the one-sided massacre, it would be impossible for the corpses of the Xianbei cavalry of the Suli tribe to be distributed so densely.

Wu Duo's eyes were red at this time and he didn't dare to take another look.

Until this moment, Kebineng and Bu Dugen fully believed everything Wu Duo told about the battle.

The two watched Wu Duo walk away.

There is still a faint smell of burning in the air, and there are hungry wolves gnawing on the burnt bones.

"This pasture will be very fertile next year. If you don't want it, I'll take it!"

After Bu Dugen was shocked, he fell in love with this pasture at a glance.

"You have a pretty good idea. You should know that Suli's pasture is the closest to me!"

Ke Bi Neng said without giving in after hearing the words.

"Hahaha, that's an advantage for you."

"In my opinion, you have to treat Bai Feng to a good meal, hahaha!"

Bu Dugen knew whether Kebi could give up the fat in his mouth, it was just a test just now.

If Kebi Neng was really afraid of the Wei Dynasty and did not dare to occupy this piece of grassland near Liaodong, it would be easier for Bu Dugen.

Both of them were used to life and death on the grassland.

After the shock of the burned-to-white battlefield passed over them, they began to fight for the grassland vacated by the Suli tribe.

"There is no need to mention the pasture in advance."

"Do you know the reason why Su Li was killed by Bai Feng?"

"What's the inside story? Tell me quickly!"

After Kebineng changed the topic, Bu Dugen immediately asked.

Before meeting Bu Dugen, Ke Bineng had already asked Wu Duo whether Bai Feng went to Suli Ministry to discuss opening a mutual market.

"Nasuli didn't know whether to live or die, and he promised Bai Feng that he could open a mutual trade with Youzhou."

"Secretly, they keep sending cavalry to Youzhou to explore the transportation routes and warehouses of grain, cloth and salt!"

"Wu Duo guessed that Bai Feng and his party met the cavalry who were inquiring about the situation in Youzhou on their way back to Youzhou."

"This is most likely the trigger for Bai Feng to send troops. If Shi Suli had offended Bai Feng, the Emperor of Wei would not have been able to agree to Bai Feng's troops sending troops to the grassland so easily!"

"According to my guess, when the Suli tribe is eliminated, it should also be a warning to you and me."

Next, Kebineng will learn about the situation from Wuduo.

As well as his own analysis and guesses, they were all revealed to Bu Dugen.

Bu Dugen listened and thought, thinking that Ke Bineng's analysis and guessing were probably the reason why Bai Feng led his troops to eliminate the Suli tribe.

"I think your guess makes sense!"

"Next, we must restrain our troops not to approach the border of Wei Dynasty. Whether it is Youzhou or Bingzhou, we must stay far away."

"If it attracts unnecessary attention from Bai Feng or Youzhou Prefect Liu Yan, it will be more than worth the gain!"

Then Bu Dugen also told Ke Bineng about his next arrangements.

"Yes, after returning today, I will also restrain my subordinates."

"But if this happens, I, Xianbei, may lose the opportunity to take over the Central Plains forever!"

Ke Bineng couldn't help but sigh.

"Hahaha, you and I don't have the ability to take over the Central Plains, but future generations may not have that ability!"

"Today you and I just need to ensure that the Xianbei tribe does not continue to decline. One day a real warrior will stand up!"

Bu Dugen is much more optimistic than Ke Bineng.

"But Bai Feng is still very young."

Ke Bi Neng heard the words and whispered, and Bu Dugen was also silent at this time.

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