After Bai Feng learned about the road construction situation with Himihu and Li Cunxiao, he began to ask them about how the people of Ugo Kingdom were living in Yamatai.

He still remembered that when he left Yamatai, he had already started building three-story buildings in Yamatai for the people who came from the Ugo Kingdom to settle down.

After hearing Bai Feng's inquiry, Beimihu and Li Cunxiao looked at each other.

"To be honest, sir, after we first built the residences for the people of Ugo Kingdom, they got along very harmoniously with the people of Yamatai."

"But later, as the contact continued to increase, there were still some language problems. There was a conflict between the people of Yamatai and the people of Ugo State before."

Then Li Cunxiao said to Bai Feng.

Bai Feng and Cao Jie were stunned when they heard this. They also saw the people of Yamatai and the people of Ugo talking happily together in the city.

Why is this a conflict?

"What specifically caused it? What is the result of the treatment now?"

Bai Feng then asked Li Cunxiao.

Li Cunxiao couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw that Bai Feng didn't come up to criticize him.

"The specific reason is that after the people of Yamatai saw the three-story building built by the people of Ugo, they felt envious and wanted to follow suit."

"But now there are no other suitable places to build new houses in the entire Yamatai except for the wilderness."

"So the people of Yamatai wanted to drive the people of Ugo Kingdom out of Yamatai."

There was actually an omen in this. The reason is that neither Li Cunxiao nor Beimihu paid attention to it at the time.

They all thought at the time that this was just a way for the people of Yamatai to express their dissatisfaction.

Neither of them thought that it would eventually develop into a armed conflict.

Naturally, the people of Ugo Country would not just give up the residences they had worked so hard to build to others.

Faced with the expulsion of the people of Yamatai, the people of Ugo, led by their tribal leaders, also began to unite to fight back.

Fortunately, the people of Yamatai and Ugo did not have weapons or armor in their hands.

Although a large-scale armed fight occurred, it did not lead to serious consequences due to the timely handling of Bei Mihu, Li Cunxiao and Meng Jie.

"Fortunately, you are coping well."

After listening to Li Cunxiao's narration and Bei Mihu's additions, Bai Feng nodded lightly and said.

It seems that I was too confident before and put the people of Yamatai and the people of Ugo directly on the most populous island to live together.

One is a tribe that has lived in the mountains and forests for hundreds of years, and the other is a tribe that has thrived by the sea for hundreds of years.

It is normal for two tribes to have conflicts in the early stages of getting along.

However, Bai Feng was still a little dissatisfied with the efficiency of Himihu, Li Cunxiao and Meng Jie in arriving to stop the conflict between the people of Yamatai and the Ugo Kingdom after the conflict broke out.

Then Bai Feng asked Himihu:

"Why haven't you seen Meng Jie? Is he on another island now?"

"Sir, Meng Jie is currently training militiamen in the military camp outside the city."

Himihu replied to Bai Feng.

Bai Feng understood why Meng Jie trained the militiamen without the need for explanations from Himihu and Li Cunxiao.

This is also a preventive measure taken to avoid another conflict between the people of Yamatai and the people of Ugo in the future.

"Okay, take us to have a look!"

Then Bai Feng said to Beimihu and Li Cunxiao.

So the two took Bai Feng and Cao Jie to the military camp outside the city.

In the military camp at this time, Meng Jie was training about five hundred militiamen.

Half of them are the people of Yamatai, and the other half are the people of the Ugo Kingdom.

Meng Jie selected the two groups who were at the forefront of the conflict to be trained as militiamen.

This is also to control these thorns under your nose.

As long as they are drilled every day until they have no strength, they will naturally stop making trouble.

"Sir, you are here!"

After Meng Jie saw Bai Feng, he ordered the militiamen to rest where they were and then stepped forward to salute him.

"Madam is here too!"

Then Meng Jie saw Cao Jie standing behind Bai Feng and said again.

"How are these militiamen trained?"

Bai Feng asked Meng Jie.

"Fortunately, they were all the thorns in the quarrel at the beginning, but now they are drilled by me every day and they have no temper at all!"

Meng Jie also knew at this time that Bai Feng had learned about the conflict that broke out on the island from Bei Mihu and Li Cunxiao.

Bai Feng nodded with satisfaction after hearing this.

Then he said to Meng Jie, Li Cunxiao and Bei Mihu:

"The current approach is only treating the symptoms but not the root cause."

"If we want the two tribes to merge into one, then in the future we should no longer distinguish between the people of Yamatai and the people of Ugo."

"From now on, they are all common people of the Wei Dynasty, and they can only call themselves the people of the Wei Dynasty!"

Meng Jie, Li Cunxiao and Bei Mihu all took Bai Feng's words to heart.

"Another point is that in future schools, children from the two tribes must go to school together."

"In this way, after they have become familiar with each other since childhood, they will not continue to have new barriers due to their parents' indoctrination when they grow up."

Bai Feng continued to provide guidance to Meng Jie, Li Cunxiao and Bei Mihu from an educational level.

There are not many schools on Yamatai.

After the people of Ugo Kingdom settled down, Himihu built two more schools for them.

Previously, the children of Yamatai and the children of Ugo State attended their own schools.

However, teachers are all arranged by Himihu.

Now according to Bai Feng's intention, from now on there will no longer be a distinction between the people of Yamatai and the people of Ugo.

After listening to Bai Feng's arrangement, Meng Jie, Li Cunxiao and Beimihu all nodded in agreement.

He also stated that he would start rectifying all schools on the island as soon as possible according to Bai Feng's arrangements.

After understanding the whole story of the conflict among the people on the island and providing new solutions, the time also came to noon.

So under Himihu's arrangement, Bai Feng and Cao Jie, as well as Li Cunxiao and Meng Jie all ate together at the house.

While everyone was having dinner together, Bai Feng told Bei Mihu, Li Cunxiao and Meng Jie about the establishment of an R\u0026D center outside Hanzhong City.

"Construction of the railway can begin next year, and by then the first train should be tested here."

Bai Feng said to the three of them.

After hearing what Bai Feng said about trains, Himihu, Li Cunxiao and Meng Jie suddenly became very interested.

With the arrival of trains, transporting food and troops has become much easier.

Of course, an important prerequisite must not be ignored, and that is the railway!

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