"Hahaha, finally succeeded!"

"Success, success!"

"We finally made the steam engine, hahaha!"

In the R\u0026D center, Zhu Zhu and all the craftsmen were cheering loudly.

Twenty days of continuous hard work finally yielded a very satisfactory result.

Li Tiedan was standing in the crowd at this time. He, who was originally not good at words, was cheering loudly along with the people around him, his face flushed with excitement.

Nearly two months have passed since he obtained the drawings of the steam engine.

In the past two months, Li Tiedan basically spent all his time building steam engines.

In the R\u0026D center, when the steam engine was finally able to operate normally, perhaps Li Tiedan was the one who felt the deepest.

After the plowing column cheered, he motioned to the other craftsmen to stay quiet.

Although the steam engine is now able to start operating, no one knows whether other problems will occur during the operation.

So the craftsmen gradually calmed down from their excitement.

Everyone was staring at the steam engine in operation.

Zhijian steam engine is transmitting the kinetic energy provided by the continuous water vapor to the outer flywheel through the piston cylinder, driving the flywheel to rotate.

Half an hour later, neither Cuo Zhuzhu nor the other craftsmen found any problems with the operation of the steam engine.

Then the tillage column begins to adjust the steam power output.

I saw that under the adjustment of the plowing column, the speed of the flywheel on the steam engine gradually changed from slow to fast, and then from fast to slow again.

After many consecutive experiments, Tongzhu was finally satisfied.

So he excitedly said to the craftsmen in all R\u0026D centers:

"Nothing is wrong with this steam engine now!"

“Now we can truly say that we succeeded!!!”

Among the excited voices of Plowing Pillar.

The craftsmen in the R\u0026D center who had already calmed down now cheered even more excitedly.

"We succeeded!!!"

"We finally succeeded!!!"


This time the plowing pillar did not stop the craftsmen from cheering again.

He looked at the excited craftsmen in the R\u0026D center and felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Compared with when I was an official in Chu State, I felt more fulfilled when I solved an unsolved case.

Because the emergence of the steam engine meant real change!

In Bai Feng's narration about Geng Zhuzi, Geng Zhuzi understood that steam engines can be used as power to drive steam trains.

If a steam train can be built, then the entire world will be rewritten again!

The steam engine train has a large load capacity and operates around the clock.

Whether it is transporting people or goods, the efficiency is many times higher than that of horse-drawn carriages and bullock carts.

Even the existing steel production is not enough to build railways between every city in the entire Wei Dynasty.

But as long as two important railways running through the north and south can be built first.

This would be an unparalleled improvement for the economic development of the entire Wei Dynasty and the court's control over local areas!

At this time, Geng Zhuzhu was filled with excitement.

In just one month after arriving in Wei, he had already made such important achievements under Bai Feng.

This is really an exciting and exciting new life!

By eating and living together with the craftsmen in the R\u0026D center for several days, Geng Zhuzhu learned more about the situation in the entire Wei Dynasty.

Now he has completely regarded himself as a common citizen of Wei.

There is no longer the sense of alienation and estrangement that belongs to the people of Chu.

After the craftsmen in the R\u0026D center completely released their excitement, they realized that the sky had completely darkened.

The stomachs of several craftsmen could not help but growl, and they happened to be heard by the plowing pillar standing nearby.

"Hahaha, let's go to the cafeteria to eat!"

"I'm here looking at the steam engine."

Then Geng Zhuzi said to the other craftsmen in the R\u0026D center.

After hearing this, the craftsmen all went to the canteen to eat.

Li Tiedan ran at the front.

However, Li Tiedan ran so fast not because he was the hungriest, but because he wanted to come back to the factory to eat after eating.

Soon Li Tiedan made two portions of rice, and the other was for Geng Zhuzhu.

After returning to the factory in the R\u0026D center, Li Tiedan handed the rice to Geng Zhuzi.

Geng Zhuzi did not expect that Li Tiedan would bring him food. After thanking him with a smile, he and Li Tiedan sat next to the steam engine and ate together by candlelight.

In the opinion of Geng Zhuzhu and Li Tiedan, the noise produced when the steam engine is running is more delicious than any other dish.

After dinner, Li Tiedan asked Geng Zhuzi:

"Mr. Geng, after this steam engine is manufactured, where do you plan to use it in Hanzhong? I think it would be great to use it on a water-powered loom!"

Geng Zhuzhu did not expect that Li Tiedan would now start thinking about the future use of steam engines.

For water-powered looms, we naturally understand the plowing pillars.

When he and Bai Feng were touring the city before, Geng Zhuzhu also saw the water-powered loom operating by the river.

Li Tiedan's idea of ​​using steam engines as the driving force for hydraulic looms instead of rivers as the driving force made Gongzhu couldn't help but give him a high look.

Because the method he mentioned was also mentioned by Bai Feng and Geng Zhuzhu before.

"Hahaha, Tiedan, your idea is very good. The Hanzhong Hou also said before that the steam engine should be used as the power of the hydraulic loom."

"In this way, efficient weaving can be carried out regardless of whether it is in the south or the north, whether there is a river or not!"

Then Geng Zhuzi smiled at Li Tiedan.

"Really Mr. Geng?!"

Li Tiedan never thought that one day he would be able to go together with the Wei War God and Hanzhong Hou Bai Feng.

So Li Tiedan asked Geng Zhuzi very surprised.

"of course it's true!"

"Okay, it's getting late, go back to the dormitory and rest!"

Geng Zhuzi smiled at Li Tiedan, and then asked Li Tiedan to go back and rest.

After hearing this, Li Tiedan smiled and said goodbye to Geng Zhuzhu, and happily went back to the dormitory to rest.

After lying on the bed in the dormitory, Li Tiedan was so excited that he couldn't sleep for a while.

I can actually have the same idea as the Hanzhong Hou. Who would believe it if I told him!

But it is the truth!

Li Tiedan now feels that working in the R\u0026D center should be the most correct decision he has ever made in his life.

Naturally, Geng Zhuzhu didn't know that his words would bring such a big impact and surprise to Li Tiedan.

It even gave Li Tiedan the direction in life.

At this time, the plowing pillar was sitting next to the steam engine, constantly recording the operation of the steam engine under candlelight.

Tomorrow he will invite Bai Feng to come to the R\u0026D center and make a report to him.

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