Inside the R\u0026D center.

After Geng Zhuzi finished testing the steam engine for Bai Feng, Bai Feng was very satisfied.

"The next plan is to mass-produce the steam engine."

Bai Feng then said to Geng Zhuzi.

Successfully manufacturing the steam engine is only the first step, and there is still a long way to go.

Geng Zhuzi nodded after hearing this.

He understood Bai Feng's plan.

In the future, if steam engines are to be used in trains, ships, and water-powered looms, it is necessary to ensure that steam engines can be mass-produced.

"So in the R\u0026D center, we must start to build a steam engine production line."

"Production line?"

It was the first time that Geng Zhuzi heard this term from Bai Feng.

"Yes, the so-called production line refers to the establishment of a special equipment process for the production and assembly of steam engine parts in the factory of the R\u0026D center."

"The main thing is to standardize the production of various steam engine parts to ensure that each part has only slight differences in specifications."

"In this way, we can continuously replace parts on the steam engine."

"To give a simple example, when a steam engine has damaged parts, there are two ways to solve this problem.

The first is to directly replace a new steam engine, and the second is to replace the damaged parts on the steam engine."

"The existence of the production line is to ensure that parts can be continuously replaced while ensuring the stable operation of the steam engine."

Bai Feng explained the meaning of the production line to Geng Zhuzi in detail.

This is very necessary for the future development of the R\u0026D center.

Because all kinds of goods manufactured by the R\u0026D center will be produced in the production line mode in the future.

Bai Feng is now helping Geng Zhuzi change the previous production mode.

Adopting the more advanced production mode of production line to produce products.

After listening to Bai Feng's explanation, Geng Zhuzi immediately understood why Bai Feng wanted to establish a steam engine production line in the R\u0026D center.

"Okay, sir, I will build the production line during the next steam engine manufacturing process!" Then Geng Zhuzi said to Bai Feng in a deep voice. Bai Feng nodded with satisfaction. He was very confident in Geng Zhuzi's ability. Then Bai Feng continued to say to Geng Zhuzi: "Now the drawings of the steam train have been sorted out. As long as you build the steam engine production line here, you can start to manufacture the steam train!" "Steam train!" Geng Zhuzi said excitedly after hearing this. Compared with the steam engine, the steam train is the carrier that can truly exert the power of the steam engine. For example, applying the steam engine to the water-powered loom is only the most basic application. "Sir, have you brought the drawings of the steam train?" After hearing about the steam train, Geng Zhuzi asked Bai Feng impatiently. He couldn't wait to see what the steam train looked like. "I haven't had time to bring it here yet. The drawings of the steam train are more complicated and more numerous than the steam engine." Bai Feng smiled at Geng Zhuzi after seeing Geng Zhuzi's impatient look. "First, complete the steam engine production line, and then consider the steam train. Don't let the steam train affect your state." After thinking about it, Bai Feng decided not to give the steam train drawings to Geng Zhuzi immediately. After hearing Bai Feng's warning, Geng Zhuzi calmed down. What Bai Feng said was indeed very reasonable. If he really got the steam train drawings, he would definitely focus most of his energy on the steam train. Let's listen to Bai Feng and complete the steam engine production line first! "I understand, sir!" Then Geng Zhuzi said to Bai Feng in a deep voice. "Hahaha, that's good!" "I believe that with your ability, it will take at most two years to successfully manufacture a steam train." "So we can't be in a hurry now, and lay a good foundation for the R\u0026D center first." Then Bai Feng encouraged Geng Zhuzi again. After that, Bai Feng did not stay in the R\u0026D center for long. After instructing Geng Zhuzi, he left the R\u0026D center directly. After leaving the R\u0026D center, Bai Feng did not return directly to the Marquis' Mansion, but went to the soap production workshop in the north of the city first.

After arriving at the soap production workshop, Bai Feng unexpectedly met Cao Jie, Diao Chan and Cai Wenji in the workshop.



Cao Jie, Diao Chan and Cai Wenji were also surprised after seeing Bai Feng.

They all knew that Bai Feng went to the R\u0026D center today to see the operation of the steam engine.

I didn't expect to see Bai Feng in the soap workshop.

"Why are you all here in the soap workshop?"

Bai Feng asked Cao Jie.

"Didn't my husband say before that he would entrust me with the expansion of the soap production workshop, so I will bring Xiao Chan and Wen Ji to perform soap skills and inspections."

"This is also to prepare for the establishment of a new soap production workshop later."

Cao Jie smiled and answered Bai Feng, and Diao Chan and Cai Wenji kept nodding beside him.

"Hahaha, Jie'er is really hardworking, thank you for your hard work!"

"Xiaochan and Wenji have also worked hard, and they will be rewarded when the new soap workshop is completed!"

Bai Feng said happily to Cao Jie, Diao Chan and Cai Wenji.

Ever since he handed over all the soap production workshops and accounts to Cao Jie, Bai Feng really didn't care about the soap production workshops anymore.

Now Cao Jie brings Diao Chan and Cai Wenji to conduct research on the soap production workshop, which surprises and gratifies Bai Feng.

Cao Jie and the others couldn't help but laugh when they heard Bai Feng say there was a reward.

Regardless of whether there are rewards or not, they all gained achievements and happiness in the construction of soap workshops.

"Okay, okay, what do you think after seeing the steam engine?"

Cao Jie asked Bai Feng with a smile.

Bai Feng also smiled and replied to Cao Jie:

"The steam engines manufactured by Gengzhu and the others in the R\u0026D center are already operating normally."

"Before I came back, I had asked Guozhu to seize the time to build the steam engine production line, and gave all the craftsmen in the R\u0026D center a three-day long vacation, and rewarded each of them with ten taels of silver."

Cao Jie laughed when he heard this and said:

"I have already distributed the money to the craftsmen of the R\u0026D center who came to the house to receive their rewards."

"One day's profit from this soap workshop is enough for you to give a reward to all the craftsmen in the R\u0026D center."

Bai Feng gave Cao Jie a thumbs up:

"Hahaha, Jie'er is really my good wife!"

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