Bai Feng has been living a very comfortable life these past few days.

Although there are many affairs in Hanzhong, most of them are handled by Yan Pu and Liu Ba.

Bai Feng is like a non-staff member. He only eats and sleeps every day. He goes to the military camp to see and practice martial arts with the soldiers.

It was a plain and simple life, but Bai Feng liked it very much.

But there was one thing that Bai Feng felt a little unbearable.

Just in terms of eating.

Although Bai Feng often fights in all directions, he doesn't pay much attention to food.

But there was a war going on at that time!

Now that there is no war, how can we not pay attention to what we eat?

Although most of these cooks were carefully selected and sent by Cao Cao.

But one thing is that the food they cooked was really not to Bai Feng's taste.

After all, ancient meals lacked oil and salt, and these chefs did not have the habit of adding salt and oil.

After all, there are too few.

Even when Cao Cao ate, he ate very lightly.

But Bai Feng really couldn't stand it anymore.

Moreover, there are nearly twenty chefs in this mansion alone.

Bai Feng really couldn't get used to the food cooked by these people.

I can't say it's unpalatable, I can only say it's hard to swallow.

Does the Hou Mansion lack this condition?

You can use as much salt as you want, as well as oil.

Bai Feng has hoarded a lot of these two things.

To put it bluntly, any household in Hanzhong today probably has better food than Bai Feng.

However, Bai Feng did not blame these cooks.

After all, they all prepare meals according to their own habits.

Therefore, Bai Feng directly drove the cooks out and asked them to buy vegetables.

Bai Feng called over Sun Shangxiang and Lingju Lu Lingqi Diaochan to help him cook.

However, Bai Feng will definitely not be the only one doing the cooking in the future.

Bai Feng had just entered the kitchen and complained that the food was not to his liking. The cooks knelt down quickly, fearing that they would be executed.

Bai Feng was suddenly speechless.

Good guy, when did you say you were going to execute them?

Are these guys a little too sensitive?

Bai Feng briefly explained, mainly to let them see how he cooks so that they can learn from it.

Let them adapt to their own appetites so that they can ensure that their subsequent meals are more delicious.

The cooks were immediately grateful.

After all, their cooking skills are still there, and what Bai Feng wants to correct is their habits.

It only took them one day to quickly adapt to Bai Feng's taste, and the meals they prepared were extremely delicious.

In fact, Bai Feng asked these cooks to change their habits not just for their own sake.

The most important thing is that tomorrow, civil servants, military generals, and even Cao Cao will come to the Marquis Mansion to hold a banquet!

Bai Feng was suddenly unable to complain.

What to host a party?

Isn't it obvious that he wants to come here to have a meal?

He also called it a beautiful name to congratulate himself on his new move.

However, since they are coming, and Cao Cao is also there.

Bai Feng can't refuse, so he must first improve their habits and make the meals they cook more delicious.

After all, Bai Feng felt bad about Cao Cao and the others' eating habits.

You can’t lose anything with your mouth!

However, since there is a banquet, Bai Feng needs too many ingredients.

From meat to vegetables, everything is available.

Nowadays, it is not the same as in the military camp. A plate of side dishes and a few jars of wine can be dealt with casually.

You have to be able to live up to your dignity no matter what.

Bai Feng also never expected that just a few days ago, he was still fighting, but now he actually started to study food.

However, this is better than fighting.

Therefore, Bai Feng immediately and instinctively thought:

"System, exchange some modern home-cooked recipes for me!"

For a long time, Bai Feng didn't hear a response.

Bai Feng didn't remember it until now.

Hey guys, the system has been upgraded!

It seems that you have to rely on yourself.

There was no other way, so Bai Feng could only write down all the vaguely remembered recipes and practices according to his own memory.

Fortunately, Bai Feng is still a little obsessed with eating.

Besides, Bai Feng basically cooked all his own meals before, so he was quite familiar with the recipes.

It will definitely not be on the level of a state banquet, and these chefs can't make it either.

Nowadays it would be nice to be able to cook some home-cooked meals.

However, Bai Feng didn't expect it.

Cao Cao and others had never eaten these home-cooked dishes, such as twice-cooked pork, stir-fried shredded potatoes, and three delicacies.

After giving the handwritten recipes to these cooks, Bai Feng sent Sun Shangxiang, Lingju, Diao Chan and Lu Lingqi to the kitchen to teach these cooks.

These four people have been with Bai Feng for a relatively long time, and they also know a little about the dishes Bai Feng wants to cook.

Therefore, their proficiency is enough to teach these cooks.

The cooks were stunned when they followed the recipe.


This is called food!

No wonder the Marquis disdains their food!

It turns out that everything he ate was so delicious!

The cooks were immediately excited.

Unexpectedly, you only need to change a few cooking techniques to make such delicious meals!

Now they realize that the meals they made before are still called meals?

These cooks also know how important oil, salt, and various other condiments they have never seen before are.

With these things to enhance the flavor, the meals become much more delicious.

After so much preparation work and all the food was prepared, Bai Feng left the kitchen.

At this time, it was already late at night.

Unexpectedly, I was busy all afternoon.

But it can be said that hard work paid off. Under such teaching, the meals prepared by these cooks finally met Bai Feng's requirements.

Therefore, Bai Feng, who had been busy all day, planned to have a good sleep.

Tomorrow's banquet, despite its name, is to congratulate Bai Feng.

However, there are actually many Taoisms in it.

The most important thing is that Cao Cao wants to see how these ministers stand.

What do they think of Bai Feng?

These may not be seen in the ordinary court, but in a situation like eating, not to mention drinking, you can definitely see some clues.

In fact, even Cao Cao couldn't understand the current state of the court.

After all, these guys are all very smart.

If he didn't take advantage of this opportunity, Cao Cao might not be sure where his spearhead should be directed.

After all, Bai Feng is the only one whose ideas match his own.

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