Chapter 0347 In the Xianbei tribe deep in the grassland, Lü Bu, Ma Chao, and Zhang Xiu divided their troops into three groups!!

The banquet continued.

The atmosphere was warm and harmonious.

The soldiers toasted each other and talked loudly.

But behind this joy, everyone knew clearly.

With the arrival of General Gu Chang’an.

The war against the Xianbei people is about to begin.

The banquet lasted until late at night before gradually dissipating.

The soldiers returned to their tents with a little drunkenness and full of expectations.

The city of Wuyuan County has returned to a quiet night.

But on the prairie in the distance, the Xianbei people did not know what kind of enemy they would face.

Their tents were scattered on the grassland.

The blazing bonfire illuminated their faces.

They laughed at the army of the Han court.

Because although these people are powerful, they can only eat dust behind them forever.

The Xianbei people do not believe that they can stay on the border for a long time.

Because this represents endless consumption.

As long as these troops withdraw.

The entire Bingzhou will become his again.���’s back garden.

At that time, they would rob money, food, and women.

They could vent their boredom from being chased by the Han Dynasty army recently.

They vowed to vent all the frustration they had suffered during this period.

Starting from the next day, everyone began to prepare for the expedition.

They selected the most elite soldiers and prepared sufficient 583 grains and weapons.

What made Cao Xiu, Cao Ang, and Cao Zhen collapse happened.

None of them, including the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, were selected for the expedition. They were actually assigned to the baggage camp.

It is impossible to rely on ordinary civilians to transport food and grass for the battle deep into the grassland.

In addition, if Gu Changan and his men broke through some Xianbei tribes, the baggage camp would also be responsible for transporting the spoils.

A few days later,

Gu Changan led Lu Bu, Ma Chao, and Zhang Xiu.

He commanded a full 30,000 of the most elite cavalry.

All the cavalry had three horses per person.

This time, they were ready to go deep into the heart of the grassland.

So they did not choose the most powerful Ferghana horses.

Instead, they chose the most hardworking Mongolian horses.

They advanced along the edge of the grassland, and every hundred miles, they would build a baggage camp.

Subsequent baggage camps would keep up with them.

These baggage camps were not ordinary civilians.

They were still very powerful cavalry soldiers.

If the Xianbei people wanted to come and attack the grain road, they would be in for a big surprise.

After more than ten days of marching, they finally arrived at the heart of the Xianbei.

This is a vast grassland that stretches as far as the eye can see.

But along the way, they did not find any tents.

But Gu Changan was very calm.

It was clearly shown on the small map.

These Xianbei tribes.

They had long been notified to migrate to the depths of the grassland.

Although the living environment in the depths of the grassland is harsh, it is not a year of famine now.

They can barely survive.

It is better than being killed and slaughtered by the army of the Han Dynasty.

However, the hiding places of these Xianbei tribes are clearly shown on Gu Changan’s small map.

Gu Changan was not going to look for the main force of the Xianbei to fight.

Because the main force of the Xianbei people are all cavalry.

Chasing them is not worth the loss.

But the tribes are like sweet cakes dotted on the grassland.

What Gu Changan has to do now is to eat these cakes in one bite.

Let the main cavalry of the Xianbei tribe become rootless water.

They have to take the initiative to fight.

Otherwise, all the tribes they depend on for survival will be wiped out by Gu Changan.

Gu Changan took out the map and marked the locations of the three nearby Xianbei tribes in detail.

Lv Bu, Ma Chao and Zhang Xiu were divided into three groups.

Leading 9,000 cavalrymen, they attacked the Xianbei camp. Gu Changan led 3,000 cavalrymen to build a camp here.

The location of the three Xianbei tribes is not far from this camp.

At the speed of Lv Bu, Ma Chao and Zhang Xiu, it would take about three days to go back and forth.

Moreover, the map is marked very clearly, and there is no danger of getting lost.

These three Xianbei tribes have no defense at all.

Because in the past, they hid in the depths of the grassland. They avoided the attack from Bingzhou.

They never thought that this time the whereabouts of their tribes were discovered.

Lv Bu, Ma Chao and Zhang Xiu were divided into three groups.

They soon found the Xianbei tribal camp.

Although there were still some young and strong men in the Xianbei tribal camp, they were still the best of all the troops of Gu Changan.

The remaining forces of these Xianbei tribes were like paper paste, vulnerable to a single blow…

The sun was rising, and the golden sunlight sprinkled on the vast Xianbei grassland.

The dewdrops flickered on the grass tips, as dazzling as gems.

However, this peaceful grassland was about to usher in a bloody storm.

The 9,000 cavalry soldiers led by Lu Bu had already arrived near a Xianbei tribe.

He led the scouts and quietly moved towards the camp of the Xianbei tribe.

They lay on the ground and carefully observed the Xianbei tribal camp in front of them.

In the tribe, young men and women of the Xianbei tribe were busy.

Some of them were repairing weapons, some were milking, and some were herding cattle and sheep.

They were completely unaware of the approaching danger, and laughter and joy echoed over the grassland.

Some Xianbei children were already riding young horses, holding light toy wooden bows in their hands, practicing archery on horseback.

This looked like children playing together.

But when they grow up, these Xianbei children will all become very elite warriors.

Riding and archery have been integrated into their blood.

A sneer appeared on Lu Bu’s lips.

There was no hope for this tribe.

What awaited them was destruction.

Lu Bu waved his hand, and he and all the scouts began to crawl backwards slowly.

His army was waiting for the commander’s order.

Lu Bu put on his armor again, holding a Fang Tian Hua Ji in his hand, and riding a red rabbit horse, like a god of war descending to the earth.

He stared at the Xianbei tribe camp in the distance.

He waved the Fang Tian Hua Ji and shouted loudly:”Charge!

” His voice was full of murderous intent and spread across the grassland.


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