Chapter 144: Policy for the popularization of civilian coal, Dong Zhuo takes office as the leader of the vassals! (Second!)

Zhuge Liang took over the Shanggong Division.

Immediately began drastic reforms.

The three major organs of the newly born Shanggong Department began to function in an orderly manner.

Compared to the original, it is a bit more prosperous.

At the same time, raw coal mining, coke extraction, and equipment building have formed a perfect assembly line!

A steady stream of cavalry equipment was sent to the barracks.

Leihuo Camp, Benlang Camp, and Shanshan Camp have all changed their outfits!

Moreover, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, which is formed by drawing elites from the three major battalions, has also made its debut.

Xu Chu is the head coach of this army.

The camp and the tiger and leopard cavalry have become synonymous with the strongest infantry and the strongest cavalry under Chen Chong!

In the prefect.

Gou or is reporting the latest situation to Chen Chong.

"Master! The new batch of scholars from Zhongling Academy have already graduated, and they have perfectly filled our current talent gap."

"It has been sent to the counties and counties of Bingzhou to take office. At present, the whole Bingzhou is under our control!"

Chen Chong nodded slightly.

At this time, the door opened.

Guo Jia hurried out.

His face is full of dust and dust, and it is obvious that these days are also quite tiring.

But his eyes were extremely bright.

"Master, the result of the fairy entrusting the dream is really nothing wrong!"

"New coal mines have been discovered in all parts of Bingzhou, which was named by the lord's "Two Six Zero". The quantity and quality of the Hepingcheng Coal Mine are not inferior!"

"Now, in terms of the amount of coal resources alone, our Binzhou can already crush other prefectures and counties in Dahan!"

"Don't say it is to supply the needs of our state, even if it is opened to the world, it will be enough for decades!"

Of course, the last sentence is just a talk.

Important strategic resources like coal belong to the same level as iron ore and war horses!

It must be strictly controlled.

It is absolutely impossible to give it to other princes!

A bit of joy flashed in Xun's or eyes.

This is a great thing!

Chen Chong nodded and looked at Gou Or.

"Wen Ruo, remember the fire pit and bacon design I told you before?"

Naturally, "Remember! The lord's unique ingenuity, the design of the fire pit is far more practical than the current fireplace, and it can make the room warmer."

"With the unique smoke mechanism, there is no need to worry about the smoke problem!"

"However, the lord asks what is this for?"

Gou Or spoke softly, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Should the lord, do you want to popularize coal to the people?"

Chen Chong chuckled lightly.

Back or indeed is a smart person.

In this era, people do not use coal frequently.

The vast majority of people still use firewood as the fuel for cooking and heating!

The amount of heat that firewood can provide is very limited, and it cannot be compared with coal.

Bingzhou is located in northern Xinjiang, and the winter is extremely cold!

Every year, people freeze to death due to the cold.

If coal can be popularized among the people, then this problem can be solved!

"The huge reserves of Pingcheng coal mine can meet the production needs of Shanggong Division!"

"Jinyang Coal Mine can be used for civilian use, and it is supplied to the people of all counties and counties in Binzhou!"

"However, we must pay attention that the supply of coal must be strictly based on the head of the population, to prevent people from accumulating in the country and smuggling to make a profit!"

"Wen Ruo, you take the lead and call on the people in the state to renovate their houses and add fire pit facilities."

"If everything goes well, when this winter arrives, and all the people in the state will be able to live a warm winter!"

His head or eyes are already full of excitement.

He agreed without hesitation.

"Master, don't worry! I will do my best to advance this matter!"

"If this matter can be achieved, under the rule of the Lord, there will be no one to freeze to death!"

"Big Bingzhou, there will be no more riverside winter, and every family will be warm as spring!"

"This is a great merit! Ten thousand people in Binzhou will be grateful for the Lord's grace!"

Whenever this happens, Gou's admiration for Chen Chong will explode indefinitely.

He understands that by following Chen Chong, that is really fighting for the people of the world!

For this great goal, even if he is the enemy of the Han Dynasty and the family of the world, he will not hesitate!

At this time, the voice of the guard suddenly sounded.

Lord ", Mr. Wen Ruo, Mr. Feng Xiao, the two chief officials of the Department of Commerce and Trade, please see you!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Chong frowned.

Zhen Yi and Mi Zhu are here?

He is also planning to find these two people to arrange the supply of civilian coal!

Unexpectedly, the two of them took the initiative to come!

"Let them in!"

Chen Chong spoke softly.

Not long after, Zhen Yi and Mi Zhu walked in under the leadership of the guards.


"You two are very busy. Why do you have time to come to me?"

Chen Chong said something.

Zhen Yi and Mi Zhu glanced at each other, a look of embarrassment flashed across their eyes.

After pondering for a long time, Mi Zhu spoke boldly.

Lord, "We two came here, we really have an unreasonable request!"

"The "San Zi Jing" is selling well in the entire Han Dynasty, and it is of great significance! This represents one thing. In addition to the words of the saints, these relatively simple and simple works also have a huge market."

"However, the "San Zi Jing" has not been sold recently, and the entire market has been saturated! I have discussed with Brother Yan Xuan, it may require brand new popular works to reactivate the market!"

"I have already found Cai Yonggong, Zheng Xuangong, and Lu Zhigong, but these great scholars are helpless in this matter."

"The "San Zi Jing" was written by the master after all. We both wanted to ask the master if there are any new works recently?"

Chen Chong was shocked when he heard the words.

He didn't expect it to be such a thing.

Mi Zhu has been observing Chen Chong's face.

Hastened to find a supplement.

"Of course, Brother Zhen Yi and I also know very well that the Lord has a lot of opportunities and has many affairs. You can't force this matter!"

"If the lord is embarrassed, then assume that we haven't said it!"

Chen Chong laughed.

If Zhen Yi and Mi Zhu are asking for other things, then he is really hard to say.

But if you want some popular works, it couldn't be easier!

So many literary masterpieces in later generations are all best-selling masterpieces.

Just take out a copy, enough to detonate the whole world of Han!

"It's not difficult, but give me some time.

Hearing that, Zhen Yi and Mi Zhu were both ecstatic.

"Then all rely on the lord!"

Chen Chong nodded lightly, and told them about the sale of civilian coal.

at this time.

Hanoi County.

All 18 princes from all over the Han Dynasty have arrived at the Huimeng.

In the big account.

The princes from all walks of life have gathered to discuss the Northern Expedition and the merger of the state.

Operation Cao was the initiator of this alliance, and naturally he was the first to stand up and speak.

He held sake and looked sincerely.

"Duke Ningguo perversely acted unrighteously and supported the emperor to go north. My Dahan Sheji is already in danger!"

"Even though I, Cao Mengde, is light-hearted, I definitely can't sit back and watch Duke Ning behave like this, so I dared to give out a message and shouted!

"Fortunately, in this big Han world, there are still heroes who are willing to fight for the help of the Han family!

"I will toast you all 0.....

After speaking, he toasted directly and poured the spirits into his abdomen in one breath.

Sun Jian, the prefect of Changsha, chuckled and spoke loudly.

"Meng De, if you want to talk about a hero, you are the real hero!"

Ning Guogong "The Chen Chong district is unparalleled, and suppressed at home, countless officials in the court are silent and dare not speak!"

"Only Meng De, you dared to be the first to rise. This courage is really admirable!"

Everyone in the account is nodding their heads.

Obviously, they all admire Cao Cao.

Beihai prefect Kong Rong coughed slightly.

"Those who have gained the Dao help more, those who have lost the way are few. Since Meng De's words have inspired the world, 18 princes have gathered to respond. This is enough to prove that Ning Guogong Chen Chong has lost the heart of the world!"

"In this battle, he will undoubtedly lose!

"But, in the final analysis, Chen Chong is known as the god of the army of the Han Dynasty. Soldiers have their own unique features. I still can't underestimate the enemy!"

"In my opinion, we eighteenth princes should jointly elect a leader, take the overall situation, and control the whole army, so that we can be foolproof! Otherwise, we will fight separately, and the dragons will have no leader, and they will be afraid of harming the overall situation!

As soon as this word came out, the big tent suddenly became quiet.

Everyone looked at each other and kept thinking in their hearts.

They all knew that the status of the leader of the princes was extremely important.

If the Northern Expedition succeeds and welcomes the emperor, then this leader should take the lead!

Yuan Shu glanced at Yuan Shao without a trace.

This leader, even if he can't do it.

I will never let Yuan Shao do it!

Seeing that everyone was silent, Cao Cao stood up suddenly and said in a deep voice.

"Since everyone has no ideas, then I want to recommend someone!"

With that said, he was looking at the Liangzhou provincial governor on the side.

Dong Zhuo, Dong Zhongying!

"Zhong Yinggong sits in Xiliang, and has repeatedly put down Ding Qiang's chaos. Whether it is military planning or merit, it is enough to compare with Ning Guogong Chen Chong!"

"Ning Guogong Chen Chong is the army god of the Han Dynasty, and Zhong Yinggong is not inferior to 1.5!

"Therefore, today I would like to recommend Lord Zhong Ying as the leader of the princes!"

Everyone also turned their heads and cast their eyes on Dong Zhuo.

Like Chen Chong, Dong Zhuo started his career with military service.

Step by step to the high position!

The Xiliang Army under his command is even more famous for being fierce and brave.

Moreover, among the 18 princes, his prestige and official position are the highest.

It is also worthy of his name to let him be the leader!

At the moment, everyone agreed.

"Gong Zhongying's military merits are outstanding, and he will surely be able to be the leader of the league."

"Yes, I also believe in Zhong Ying's military talent!"

"I'm waiting for the public to recommend Zhong Yinggong as the leader.

Seeing the enthusiasm of everyone, Dong Zhuo's eyes also flashed a bit fiercely.

"Okay! Since you can value me, Dong Zhuo, then I will be the leader of this lord!"

"But, the ugly words are at the forefront. If you recognize me as the leader, then you have to abide by the military orders under my account!"

"Anyone who violates the order shall be engaged in military law!"

Cao Cao nodded.

Zhong Yinggong "Don't worry, I am obedient!"

"If you don't comply, the whole world will discuss it together!"

All the princes looked solemn.

Agreed in unison.


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