Chapter 45: The grace of knowing the encounter, Zhao Yun's allegiance! (Please ask for flowers and votes!)

"Zhao Yun?"

Gongsun Zan frowned and pondered for a moment.

He did vaguely remember that there was such a person.

However, the white horse is full of talents, and heroes and heroes have emerged in large numbers.

Zhao Yun is indeed a little brave, but among Bai Ma Yi Cong, it doesn't seem to be a special existence!

Is this kind of soldier worthy of Chen Chong's request?

He was a little confused, raised his head and looked at Chen Chong.

Chen Chong understood what he meant, and now he made up a reason casually.

"Brother Burgui knows something!"

"My ancestor, and Zhao Yunzu have an old relationship. So my father told me before he died that he must find Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong and take good care of him."

"This is a last wish of my father, and I hope Brother Bogui will fulfill it!"

Gongsun Zan nodded repeatedly.

"It's easy to talk about it, Brother Wuhui is really the most pure and filial person!"

"Since it is my father's last wish, then I naturally have to do my best to help!"

"As soon as I go back, I will let Zhao Yun report to you!"

He directly agreed.

In his opinion, Zhao Yun is nothing but a small white horse righteousness, and not a fierce general who is unparalleled in the world.

It's not a big deal to give it to Chen Chong.

On the contrary, Chen Chong's favor can be obtained and the business of hundreds of pure white horses can also be promoted.

This is not a loss at all, it is not too cost-effective!

"Then thank you Brother Bogui!"

Chen Chong bowed a little, with an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth.

Gongsun Zan is not at a loss, and he is not at a loss!

Speaking of which, Chen Chong really wants to see it.

When Zhao Yun becomes a famous Titan in the future, will Gongsun Zan regret his intestines!

"Bong first, you are responsible for deploying the white horses in the army, and handing over with Brother Bo Gui."

Chen Chong casually ordered.

Lu Bu nodded without hesitation.

"Lord, don't worry! Leave this to me, there won't be any problems!"

Gongsun Zan was full of spring breeze, and went with Lu Bu.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Zhang Liao was a little curious and spoke in a low voice.

"Lord! Why did you ask for Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong? Isn't it true that the lord's old age?"

Chen Chong smiled faintly.

"of course not."

"that is because?"

A light flashed in Chen Chong's eyes.

"Wen Yuan, Zilong is a rider who is not inferior to you and Fengxian. In the future, he will be as famous as you and Fengxian!"

Zhang Liao scratched his head, also a little excited, and began to look forward to Zhao Yun's arrival.

He knew that his father-in-law would never speak empty words, and his ability to discern beads was terrifying!

Zhang Liao himself, Lu Bu, Gao Shun, Zhou Cang, these are all very outstanding talents.

If you want to come, then Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong should not be bad!


Gongsun Zan's actions are very efficient.

After a short while, the handover was completed.

Nearly four hundred pure white war horses were included in the camp of Gongsun Zan.

The same number of high-quality war horses, as well as a large amount of money and food, including Zhao Yun, have all entered the camp.

"Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong, by the order of General Gongsun Zan, come and serve for General Cheng!"

Zhao Yun bowed to salute, and said in a deep voice.

Standing in front of Chen Chong, he was quite worried.

In fact, he is still at a loss.

I don't know what happened.

He used to practice guns in the army, but he was inexplicably called to the big account by Gongsun Zan.

Gongsun Zan pretended to encourage him, and then sent him directly.

From now on, Chen Chong will be his new lord?

What the hell is the old relatives?

His father had never mentioned that there was an old deceased in the distant Zhongling Tomb!

"Hahaha, Zilong is finally here!"

Chen Chong took a step forward, pulled Zhao Yun up, and took a good look.

White robe and silver armor, beautiful young man with spear.

Sure enough, as in the legend, Zhao Yun is not only extraordinary martial arts, but also extremely handsome.

Zhao Yun spoke softly.

"General Cheng, father and father..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Chong laughed loudly.

"Those nonsense are just dealing with Gongsun Bogui!"

"The reason why I asked for Zilong was of course not for those absurd reasons."

"It's because I value the talent of Zhong Zilong!"

Zhao Yun was still a little dazed.

Chen Chong raised his finger to one side and said softly.

"Zilong, what do you think of my thunder and fire cavalry?"

Zhao Yun replied without hesitation.

"From my point of view, the sharpness of Thunder Fire and Iron Cavalry is no less than that of the white horse Yicong under General Gongsun Zan!"

"In the first battle of Quhe, thunder and fire and iron knights competed on the battlefield, killing those yellow turban thieves who did not live or die, majestic and unparalleled!"

"I looked at it from a distance, although I didn't participate, but in fact, I yearn for it!"

Chen Chong nodded and said, "In that case, how about letting Zilong serve as the lieutenant of this thunder and fire cavalry?"

Zhao Yun was shocked when he heard the words, his eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't believe it.

Under Gongsun Zan, he was just an ordinary white horse Yi Cong.

How come Chen Chong is here, and he suddenly becomes a lieutenant of an elite cavalry?

This is more than a third-level promotion!

It's soaring into the sky!

He hurriedly bowed, and said anxiously: "General Cheng, when you arrive at the beginning of the next year, you have not done anything, so how can you rush into a high position!"

"What's more, the deputy general of Thunder Fire Iron Cavalry is not an ordinary position. When it involves two thousand iron Cavaliers, it is really difficult for me to take this important task!"

Chen Chong was silent.

On the side, Zhang Liao had already laughed.

"Zilong, don't be presumptuous! You know, Chollima often has it, but Bole doesn't often have it!"

"Now, you are the Maxima, and the lord is Bole."

"The lord's vision is not wrong, since he chose you, then you must be extraordinary!"

"Look at me. I used to be just a team in Mayi County. Now, don't you still command the cavalry and fight on the battlefield!"

Lu Bu also spoke softly to persuade.

"Yes, Zilong, even if you don't believe in yourself, you must believe in the Lord's vision!"

"Wen Yuan used to be a small team leader, I used to be a mere Jiuyuan county lieutenant!"

"There is also Gao Shun Gao Boping, who is just a centurion. Now he has been assigned the power of training by the lord to train the elite soldiers in the Zhongling. Zhou Cang and Zhou Yuanfu, originally a Yellow Turban thief, have now directly become the lord's guard captain!"

"Therefore, in the Lord's place, we only talk about talents, regardless of background, and give talents in all styles! Zilong, you can rest assured and be this lieutenant!"

Hearing Zhang Liao and Lu Bu's persuasion, he looked at Chen Chong's calm smile.

Zhao Yun no longer had any doubts in his mind.

He understands that he has really met Bole and noble people!

This is the most rare gift of knowledge!

At the moment, Zhao Yun bowed to the end and spoke loudly.

"In that case, Zhao Yun thanked the lord for his love!"

"From now on, in the future, I will go through the fire and water for the lord, and I will waste my soul!"

(PS: Dear handsome readers, the young author sets sail for a new book, ask for all kinds of support, ask for an evaluation ticket, a flower!)*

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