Chapter 551 Diversification of High Yield Corn

Mother Wu was shocked when seeing so many people here! Chen Chong stepped forward, holding Aunt Wu's hand and said:

"Auntie, don't panic, I heard that you are good at cooking and have researched more than ten kinds of corn eating methods, so I came to visit you here."

Mother Wu immediately became happy when she heard it, and greeted everyone to come in and sit down, saying:

"Sit down, I will cook you something delicious now. Seeing that you are all high-ranking officials, I'm really wronged!"

Zhao Yun was about to get up and identify himself, but Chen Chong stopped him! Chen Chong winked at him, and Zhao Yun sat down again. Chen Chong looked at Aunt Wu and said:

It's okay, you can just cook, we just want to come and eat your cooking. "

Mother Wu smiled happily, and quickly smashed in it, and a pot of corn batter was ready! Mother Wu gave everyone a big bowl, and everyone carefully tasted the taste, and they were full of praise. , All praise this thing is so delicious!

"Auntie", this is the most delicious soup I have ever tasted, none of them.

"Mother, the soup you make is called a beautiful one. It's really memorable. I want to drink it after I drink it.

The aunt listened to everyone's admiration, and was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.Even Chen Chong drank three bowls, and finally drank his lips, with a look of endless aftertaste, and exclaimed:

"Auntie's paste is comparable to Queen Mother's Qiongye Yuye. It really makes people want to drink it after drinking it. It's simply delicious in the world.

Zhao Yun asked him to pay attention to the image, and Chen Chong chuckled, looking indifferent.

"Auntie, I would like to invite you to cook at my house, take care of all meals and accommodation, and give you five taels of silver a month, what do you think? The main reason is that your cooking is so delicious!"

The aunt was silent for a moment and said:

"Yes, anyway, I'm an old lady, there is nothing to worry about."

Everyone looked envious, and followed Chen Chong. After Chen Chong returned to the palace, he arranged Mother Wu in the imperial dining room. She cooked for herself every day, and she made it with corn. Mother Wu thanked Chen Chong for accepting her. , I change the method every day to cook various kinds of food for Chen Chong.

The news of Mother Wu’s entry into the palace spread among the common people. The common people lamented that Mother Wu was really a good blessing that she had cultivated through virtue and deeds in her previous life. At the same time, she praised Chen Chong for being a good emperor who loves the people.

Chen Chong treats Mother Wu like a mother every day, and even the two queens call her "Mother Wu". Mama Wu became a man of influence for a while, which not only promoted economic development, but also brought good news to the people. The corn food she invented has been passed down by the people!

In a blink of an eye, a year has passed, and the busy harvest season has come again. The corn planted by the people this year has doubled compared with last year, and the yield per mu has reached two thousand catties. Chen Chong feels that this corn is really amazing, and the output is violent every year. increase.

Due to the bumper corn harvest and good national policies, the common people live at home except for part of the grain handed in. Every household is well-fed and has a truly prosperous life.

With the widespread promotion of corn food, corn food shops have opened in big cities across the country. Food such as corn paste, corn cakes, corn nests, etc. can be seen everywhere in the streets, and they have entered thousands of households.

This day Chen Chong feasted the officials in the hall. Everyone sighed that the people's life was getting better and better, the country was stable, and it was truly a peaceful and prosperous world. At this time, Lu Xun said:

"^ Your Majesty, if you are in peace today, the common people live and work in peace and prosperity, but there is only Cai Yan in the harem, two queens Jiang, and one of the three palaces has been empty for a long time. The minister recommends that you immediately order the selection of shows from the people. Women enter the palace, and one of them is selected to fill the vacancy in the east palace.

As soon as this remark came out, the officials responded to the altar one after another.

"Your Majesty, this is a major national event. The harem must not be vacant for a long time, otherwise it will be ridiculed by people all over the world.

"Yeah! Your Majesty, this was originally a matter of ignorance, and it is also a tradition passed down in China. The new emperor must have a draft contest when he is enthroned, and the common people understand it."


"Your Majesty, make the decision early. The position of the East Palace is indispensable. If you don't register it early, the harem will change after a long time."

Chen Chong listened to the suggestions of everyone, and felt that this matter was imminent and should be put on the agenda! So he ordered Lu Xun to draft and issue a call, and soon the notice was issued to various states and counties across the country. Full of ordinary people.

Many illiterate people asked what it was written. At this time, an old man read it to everyone. It probably means that the world is now set. In order to show the majesty of the emperor, a beauty contest was specially held. Used to fill vacancies in the harem.

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