Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1088: Ding Feng's game! (superior)

That's right! Zhu Xuan's troops encountered the Yellow Turban Army who scattered on the border between Youzhou and Jizhou and engulfed the people in the villages and towns!

Gong Du led a large army into Jizhou, but he didn't just leave in a fool. Instead, he sent several teams to disperse along the way, agitating the poor people to rise up.

These elite Yellow Turban soldiers, in addition to being able to fight, agitation is their specialty! After tens of thousands of elite Yellow Turban soldiers went to the countryside to agitate, they even pulled in more than 300,000 troops.

This army is the Yellow Turban Army that truly fits the historical description: skinny, yellow and emaciated, lacking weapons in their hands, they are all supported by farm tools and sticks. Moreover, they are all with their families!

All of a sudden, the number of people reached hundreds of thousands!

What's more coincidental is that because of the hasty retreat, Zhu Xuan's troops stretched too long, and after encountering the enemy, they were directly cut off by the enemy, causing chaos.

Facing the ferocious poor rebel army, those player soldiers and the soldiers trained by Zhu Xuan couldn't do it at all, and were directly crushed by others!

Such a tragedy directly made the players who participated in it complain endlessly on the Huaxia Channel.

The player described some situations clearly and in detail on the channel. After analyzing the tiger-like operations of the emperors, a post titled "Four Brothers Liu Bei: Bloody Misfortune!" appeared on the forum. "s post!

Because Liu Bei and others are the protagonists, this post became popular all over China!

Even Lin Mu, who had just stepped out of the teleportation formation and was about to rush to the Governor's Mansion, knew about this post!

"This style is really similar to Xi Zhicai's style!" The sensitive Lin Mu was surprised after reading the post.

Mix in the deserters and return to the enemy camp to make trouble! audacious in the extreme!

Although it is written as an overview, and the danger is not visible, many things in it need to be cautious and cautious. If one step is wrong, the whole game will be lost.

"Could it be that Tianjiajiu and the others have already returned there? Are they targeting Liu Bei?" After seeing the post, Lin Mu was quite relieved.

"The affairs of Youzhou are basically over. As long as Li Dian cooperates with Liu Yan, Youzhou should be stabilized. I hope that Liu Yan, who has saved his life, can give Li Dian a good official position!" Lin Lin Mu thought in his heart.

It turned out that when Lin Mu was on his way to Xuzhou, Li Dian caught up with Liu Yan who was fleeing for his life, and there was a scene where a hero saves the beauty... Bah... a hero saves the prefect!

The Dahuang Territory and the Yellow Turban Army sang together a great drama about the hero saving the prefect from danger! !

Anyway, under the leadership of Lin Mu, Guo Jia, and Xi Zhicai, the routines of the Great Wilderness Territory are set.

The urban routine is deep, I want to go back to the countryside!

"Master!! You're back?!" While Lin Mu was wondering whether Tianjiajiu and the others would return to Youzhou, and how Li Dian would develop, a familiar voice came.

"Why are you waiting for me here?" Lin Mu asked in a daze.

The person waiting for him was Cui Wu!

"Hey, I've been waiting for you here, and by the way, I've brought the officials of the Governor's Mansion to assign missions to the aliens." Cui Wu chuckled in a low voice, and pouted his lips behind him.

Behind him, there are several long dragon-like teams.

At some point, Cui Wu had sneaked into the governor's mansion and was still in command of a group of officials.

Lin Mu squinted his eyes, looked around, and then led Cui Wu directly to the Governor's Mansion.

The familiar Yangzhou Governor's Mansion, he is here again!

Last time I came here, I met Dian Wei, Zhu Hao and others, and also met... fiancee... Cai Yan...

Feeling slightly emotional in his heart, Lin Mu entered the Governor's Mansion without hindrance.

"How is the situation in Yangzhou?" Lin Mu, who had been away for more than a month, also knew that the flames of war in Yangzhou had already been ignited.

"Yangzhou Daqu Commander Zhou Cang, he started that plan without our encouragement." Cui Wu said in a low voice.

Lin Mu moved slightly when he heard the words, the plan was to coerce the people and encircle the city from the countryside.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Cang has already walked on this road.

"The chaos in Zhoucang is just in Jiujiang County, right?" Lin Mu asked in a low voice.

"That's right! They are all under our control in Jiujiang County! The Yellow Turban Army in Lujiang County, Yuzhang County, etc. have basically been wiped out and have not joined Zhou Cang." Cui Wu explained.

Planning Zhou Cang in the Great Wilderness Territory will not make him and Cheng Yuanzhi grow stronger. The same was true for Liao Hua who was in Guangyang County back then.

"By the way, my lord, your friend Zhu Hao has already gone north. He may have gone to find his father. Before he left, he told me to let me inform you. The most elite mainstay of the Yellow Turban Army..." Cui Wu said slowly.

"Hehe... My lord's friend is not in vain. When the time comes, I will go north and work under the command of General Zhu Junzhong, and I will be guaranteed." Cui Wu teased.

"I didn't expect him to go north so soon!" Lin Mu said with emotion.

Zhu Hao's father, Zhu Jun, was ordered by the emperor Liu Hong to go south to destroy the Taiping Dao, but he did so out of restraint, and he has great power!

If they can really build a good relationship with Zhu Jun, then some of Zhongyuan's actions will be smoother!

"Star Legion, where is it currently stationed?"

"Stationed in Xiacai City, the hometown of the commander of the Zhou Tai Army, Wang Lang is stationed in Hefei City! Zhou Cang has occupied Fuling City..." Cui Wuhui reported.

"Wang Lang and Zhou Cang are both in the fortress city!" Lin Mu nodded.

"The governor's mansion, why is it so deserted? Why are you running errands for the governor's mansion?" Lin Mu continued to take Cui Wu into the governor's mansion, and found that the governor's mansion was very deserted, and no one was walking around.

"Hehe, that guy Wang Lang may be afraid of death. He has already led people away from Shouchun, and he is not in the governor's mansion. As for these officials, they were all brought to me by a general named Ding Feng." Cui Wu whispered. .

"Ding Feng?!" Lin Mu kicked his tiger's eyes when he heard the words, and stopped suddenly.

Ding Feng is in Shouchun City? !

Could it be that Ding Feng is really Wang Lang's general?

Shi A, Xu Huang, etc. are all his generals, and now Ding Feng is really under his command? !

This Wang Lang has a bit of background! It's not the Wang Lang who vomited blood and died after being scolded by Zhuge Liang in real history!

"You and Ding Feng... are very familiar?" Lin Mu asked with a strange look on his face, staring at Cui Wu.

"It's okay!" Cui Wu scratched his head and said.

Lin Mu nodded upon hearing this. However, instead of hurrying, he stopped.

Ding Feng is a person who does things informally, resolutely and resolutely. Even a big guy like Boss Cao has been planted in his hands, which shows his outstanding ability.

"That is to say, Ding Feng invited me to come to the governor's mansion to discuss the encirclement and suppression of the Yellow Turban Army?" Lin Mu asked in a low voice.

" was Wang Lang who invited the lord, but Wang Lang suddenly withdrew from Shouchun City, so General Ding Feng was left." Cui Wu nodded.

"Oops! This is Ding Feng's game!" Lin Mu patted his thigh, and then said in a concentrated voice.

"Ding Feng's game? What game is he setting up? Could it be... against the lord?" Cui Wu exclaimed.

"Ding Feng is not a sour scholar, nor is he an upright gentleman. He is full of banditry. Although we have made peace with Wang Langyan, it is all superficial. I will plot against him secretly, and he will secretly design me... It's a tacit understanding." Lin Muning said.

"Then... let's go now?" Cui Wu didn't feel the danger at all, and was blinded by Ding Feng's enthusiasm.

"Let's go? No... let's go in and meet him!" After pondering for a while, Lin Mu smiled and said in a deep voice.

"You take the troops, leave first, let me meet him for a while alone!"

"In addition, I also want to notify Fengjin of Wenyuan Town to be vigilant. I always feel that a storm is coming to our Dahuang territory!" Lin Mu took out the pages of the Qiankun alphabet from his arms and gave them directly to Dahuang. The people of the territory sent messages.

When Cui Wu heard this, his expression was solemn.

Reconciliation, huh... just believe it.

(I've been busy with work these past two days, I'm a little sad, I'm in a bad state, everyone forgive me. After adjusting the state, I'll make an update! Ollie!! In the next chapter, there will be people on the Hero List... Everyone expect!)

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