Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1121: Zhao Yun Attacks

"So that's it! The Yellow Turban Army in Yangzhou is basically abolished! General Lin Mu, it is... the first achievement!" The burly general looked at Yuan Shu and said slowly.

The first achievement was made by Yuan Shu. He knew that it might not work to compete with Lin Mu for the first place. Because there are people in Lin Mu Longting!

As long as it is reported that Zhou Cang died of illness, Lin Mu has to be the first, even if Zhou Cang did not die, Lin Mu is also the first! Because the Yellow Turban Army, after being wiped out for a while, it is very difficult to get up.

At that time, you can directly say that Zhou Cang who came out is a fake, a lie compiled by Taiping Taoist to gather Yangzhou Taiping Taoist disciples.

These ways are very easy to compile.

Zhou Cang was defeated and dying, lost Fuling City, and the Yellow Turban Rebellion in Yangzhou basically came to an end.

Lin Mu sighed lightly when he heard the words, this guy really deserves to be a famous general in history, he has seen it thoroughly and won Yuan Shu's trust!

"However, our troops also traveled through mountains and rivers, and resisting Zhou Cang's troops head-on is a secondary achievement!" The burly general said again.

His words were a lot more tactful. Lin Mu also smiled slightly when he heard this.

"Of course, without General Yuan and General Ding Feng in this battle, it would be difficult to wipe out Zhou Cang's troops. Everyone has a share in killing the thieves in Yangzhou." Lin Mu laughed.

As long as it doesn't take his first credit, so what if I give you some credit!

Hearing that Lin Mu ranked him second, Yuan Shu's tense face relaxed.

He is confident that even if Lin Mu is the first and he is the second, as long as he operates properly, his promotion can be higher than Lin Mu's. This is the background of the famous family!

"In that case, I'll retreat first." Without continuing to exchange greetings, the burly general saluted Yuan Shu directly, and then Yuan Shu took a deep look at Lin Mu, turned his head proudly, pulled his horse and left.

Will be a man!

When Lin Mu and Yuan Shu met for the first time, Lin Mu's forceful confrontation was slightly better.

Soon, Yuan Shu's troops left the camp.

And Lin Mu also led his troops to rest in Fuling City. He is waiting for Ding Feng.



In a hidden valley, Ding Feng is cultivating with his remnants.

In a tall tent, Ding Feng and all the lieutenant generals were having a meeting.

"What did you say? Fuling City was destroyed by Lin Mu! Daqu is handsome, Zhou Cang, and he is seriously injured and dying?!" Hearing the report from the scout who went to inquire about the news, Ding Feng suddenly stood up, quite excited.

"General, according to the news from some strangers, it seems that the fleeing Yellow Turban Army has the latest news that Zhou Cang is dead. As for the specific situation, I don't know." The scout said again.

"Hehe... Zhou Cang was defeated and lost Fuling City. Even if he doesn't die, it will be difficult to turn the tide!" Ding Feng is also a smart person, and he has seen through the essence.

"General, how could it be? If Zhou Cang hadn't died and secretly continued to summon Taiping disciples, there might be another force to harm Yangzhou!" A lieutenant stood up and asked.

"No more! Zhou Cang was defeated. The Taiping Daoists in Yangzhou are just soldiers and generals. If the government grants them amnesty, how would they plan to rebel?!" Ding Feng waved his hands.

"Yes! Even the elite Taiping Taoists summoned by Zhou Cang can't deal with the officers and soldiers. Those ordinary Taoists will definitely not revolt easily again. Will they seek death?" Another lieutenant stood up and said.

"So that's it!" Everyone was stunned.

"Is there any other information?" Ding Feng asked.

"Xiaoqu Shuai Gao Sheng and Yan Zheng, under Zhou Cang's command, fought for the position of Yangzhou's banner bearer, and there was a fight between the two. The two have parted ways now."


"General Xuanwei, Yuan Shu, has led his troops away..." The scout told the whole situation.

Regarding Gao Sheng, Yan Zheng, and Yuan Shu's affairs, he ignored them and just nodded indifferently.

"Then general, how are we doing now?" asked the lieutenant who stood up first.

"How else... let's evacuate from Yangzhou... Where did you come from, where do you go back..." Ding Feng sighed.

This battle taught him a lot of lessons and experience.

He really didn't expect Zhou Cang to find Lin Mu's ambush soldiers, burn them all, and block their way of evacuation.

What made him even more unexpected was that at some point, Lin Mu led most of his troops to detour and raid Fuling City, and took out Zhou Cang's department in one fell swoop!

Everything just happened overnight, completely beyond his expectations.

This battle gave him the feeling that it was not that the combat power was not strong enough, but that he lost in strategy. Zhou Cang, there are counselors! Even under Lin Mu's command, there are great advisers!

In this battle, the counselor skill should be involved.

"You continue to inquire about the news, find out the information on how Lin Mu breached Fuling City, all the details! After that, catch up with us and report to me." Ding Feng instructed the scouts.

"No!" The scout ordered, and immediately turned and left.

"In this battle, of our 200,000 soldiers and horses, 130,000 are buried here, what a shame!" Ding Feng roared unwillingly.

When everyone heard the words, they all lowered their heads and became silent.

"Let's go! Evacuate Yangzhou, return to the territory, and recuperate." After pondering for a while, Ding Feng said in a low voice.


Ding Feng did not return to Fuling City, nor did he speak to Lin Mu, and directly evacuated Yangzhou.

Glancing in the direction of Fuling City, Ding Feng's dark eyes showed a gleam of brilliance.

Lin Mu, you are really like a pine tree on a cliff, continuing to stand tenaciously!

The Yellow Turban Rebellion in Yangzhou came to an end.



"What did you say? Ding Feng left directly?" Lin Mu said in surprise when he heard the report from the Rangers.

Ding Feng is so decisive!

"My lord, how are we doing now?" Huang Xu asked in the same way.

"Repair for two days, and then at night, transport the captives and supplies back to the territory." Lin Mu said.

"Afterwards, let's put on a show and go to encircle and suppress Gao Sheng, and take some strong prisoners and incorporate them into our army." Lin Mu said with a smile.

"Star Soldiers are no longer activated?" Cui Wu asked strangely.

"Hehe...they are already dead!" Lin Mu laughed.

Next, he was going to participate in the three core battlefields. There was a meat grinder, and he was not facing one or two commanders, but the most elite troops in Taipingdao. Let’s talk about the blue scarf fighters, not like Zhou Cang, there are only a few blue scarf fighters, and the green scarf fighters there are all organized by legion by legion!

It is not surprising that there are two or three all-blue scarf wrestlers.

"My lord, don't you need any other star soldiers?" Huang Xu asked.

"No need, let them 'exterminate the remnants of the Yellow Turbans' in Yangzhou." Lin Mu smiled.

"Should we be the master of the new move?" Cui Wu asked with wide-eyed eyes. This is a hard work!

"Of course!" Lin Mu smiled.

Huang Xu and Cui Wu looked at each other and smiled wryly.

The lord Lin Mu didn't tell them his plan after finishing the matter in Yangzhou, so he was waiting for them here!

"It's okay, next, our team will not have 200,000 troops, but more!" Lin Mai laughed.

He is going to take the players to do it next.



Youzhou, Qingzhou, Yangzhou, the three prefectures are in trouble, while Jizhou, Yanzhou, Jingzhou, Xuzhou, etc., have just erupted in large-scale battles.


In a magnificent mansion, Daqu Shuai Zhang Kaizheng and his subordinates are admiring the dancers' skills, drinking in big bowls, and eating meat in big mouthfuls.

"Drink, everyone! The city of Xuzhou is really rich, so let's drink!" Zhang Kai greeted.

"Thank you Da Qu Shuai for your hospitality! Let's give a toast to Da Qu Shuai!"

"Come on!!"

The arena was extremely lively.

Looking at the blushing generals, Zhang Kai was full of complacency.

He is in Xuzhou, really like a duck to water. What's more, he has a solid foundation in his heart, and he is extremely stable.

He is ready to be a peace king in Xuzhou!

The other commanders of Daqu obeyed the orders of Zhang Jiao, General Tiangong, and donated precious materials such as soldier talismans and powerful talisman seals to support the three core battlefields. But he didn't.

He dared to do this because he and Zhang Jiao were relatives.

In fact, he, Zhang Mancheng and other Taiping Taoists with Zhang's surname are all related to Zhang Jiao. However, because they are not as close as Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao, they did not declare it to the outside world.

Zhang Jiao trusted them so much because they belonged to the Zhang family and had a blood relationship with Zhang Jiao. It's just that outsiders don't know it.

If they knew that he was Zhang Jiao's relative, perhaps the gentry in Xuzhou would not get along with him in such a balanced way.

Exterminating Zhang Jiao's three clans is a great achievement!

The other Daqu commanders can surrender or avoid death, but even if Zhang Jiao's relatives surrender, they cannot escape death!

"Drink, keep drinking!!"

"Okay! Good dancing skills, there are really many beautiful women hidden in the handsome mansion of Daqu, I'm so envious!"

"Hey...Everyone follow me faithfully. If I drink meat, don't I give you soup? There are all, all!" Zhang Kai drank a lot of wine and was a little drunk at the moment.

However, at this moment, a hasty voice interrupted their enjoyment.

"Report! Commander Daqu, urgent military report! Someone is coming to attack the city!"

Hearing the report from the messenger soldiers, Zhang Kai's face became full of anger: "Who the hell dares to attack the city?! I'm impatient to live!"

"Anyone who listens to report the number, Changshan Zhao Zilong is also!"

"Changshan Zhao Zilong, where did you come from? All the generals will come with me and meet this man for a while." Zhang Kai's complexion changed, and he said in a deep voice.

"Let's go, let's go! You dare to interrupt our Daqu Shuai's elegant mood, you really deserve to die, wait until we kill him and leave him at the gate of the city to expose him to the sun for three days!"

All of a sudden, everyone became excited, as if they were invincible.

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