Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1130 The Ambush of Ju County Magistrate

"The pit on the right, yes, that's right there, make it a little deeper, and place the spikes inside better, otherwise it won't be lethal!"

"On the left near the mountain forest, the farmer team, pay attention, the pit should be more spacious. Do you think we can only install a few yellow turban thieves? We want to install hundreds of thousands of yellow turban thieves!"

"Be careful... don't fall!"

"Hurry up, everyone, hurry up. Everyone is done, get the coins and evacuate here, return home, don't come out!" A rather burly and majestic general in his twenties stood on a boulder and commanded.

"Xiao Wu... We work so hard, there will really be yellow scarf thieves coming to attack us? Didn't we go to Fanyang City to beat them? Why do we want to ambush them instead?!" An old farmer tapped his sore Lumbar, asked in surprise.

"Eh... this... this order was issued by Ju County Magistrate, just follow it!" the burly general named Xiao Wu stammered.

"Oh... so it was an order from Ju County Magistrate, so there must be a Yellow Turban Army coming to attack us." Everyone said suddenly when they heard the words.

Hearing these words, the general smiled slightly. Sure enough, the movable type signboard of Ju County Magistrate is easy to use.

This general is obviously Geng Wu whom Han Fu has been thinking about.

Geng Wu, courtesy name Wenwei, was later the general of Mu Hanfu of Jizhou.

When Han Fu tried to get Jizhou to Yuan Shao, he once persuaded Han Fu with Min Chun and Li Li. Later, he was killed by Yuan Shao's general Yan Liang for plotting to assassinate Yuan Shao when Yuan Shao came to Jizhou. (This is the plot of Romance of the Three Kingdoms.) Yan Liang killed Geng Wu, Wen Chou killed Min Chun.

Dare to fight Yuan Shao's existence, not to mention other things, it is already extraordinary in terms of courage.

"How's the situation?" At this time, a fluttering voice suddenly came, and at some point, a relatively thinner figure appeared.

This figure is what they call the magistrate Ju. An outstanding county magistrate who dared to organize hundreds of thousands of troops to resist in the enemy-occupied area and the hardest-hit area of ​​Taiping Road.

"The basic layout is complete, as long as all the soil is covered, it should be completed." Geng Wu grinned.

"Okay! Thank you for your hard work, folks." County Magistrate Ju said gratefully.

"No hard work!! The county government is doing its best for everyone. I'm just waiting to do some small things, which are not worth mentioning." The farmers all said in unison.

Ju county magistrate heard the words, smiled slightly, the people's hearts are available!

The Yellow Turban Army in Wei County has secretly persecuted the people and seized their property. Many people at the bottom gradually began to recognize the true face of Taipingdao.

Zhang Jiao ordered the Yellow Turban Army not to harass the gentry, but he did not mention ordinary people. Although many Yellow Turban soldiers came out of ordinary people, they were nothing to ordinary people at the beginning, but as time went by, they gradually became confused and forgot that they were ordinary peasants before. They who have deteriorated have begun to show their ferocious faces.

The magistrate of Ju County can muster hundreds of thousands of troops. Except that the officers and soldiers of the county and county have no resistance and flee directly if they don't resist, there is also the support of the people.

"Tell everyone to speed up, I feel that the enemy is coming." Looking around, Ju County Magistrate said solemnly.

"Okay!" Seeing the dignified expression on Ju County Magistrate's face, Geng Wu nodded heavily, then he jumped off the boulder and began to tell the farmers to continue to speed up, and he joined in.



"General Dian, the scouts have found the enemy's camp! The enemy is currently repairing in a canyon five miles away." A messenger reported.

"Okay!" Dian Wei shouted suddenly: "Don't rest, everyone, go straight to Huanglong and defeat the enemies in the north!"

Dian Wei, who was riding on a horse, continued to lead the soldiers on their way.

"Military division, this battle will definitely make that Lu Zhi's heart ache! Haha..." Dian Wei laughed boldly when he thought of Lu Zhi's eagerness.

The empty nest plan is their plan this time!

"It should be a pain! They will definitely rush into the city eagerly, and then be tossed by the traps in the city."

"When I think of Lu Zhi seeing his subordinates being tortured by the trap and gnashing their teeth, I feel relieved." Guo Tu said with a flushed face.

This plan was his idea.

In fact, Dian Wei had already decided to retreat after knowing that the magistrate of Ju County would bring guerrillas to attack Fanyang City.

If you keep it for a long time, you will lose it!

There was no enemy blocking the back road to the north before, but he continued to spend with Lu Zhi. Now that there is such an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, can he still spend with Lu Zhi wholeheartedly? !

"Military division, the cavalry of the former army will be under your command." Dian Wei said softly.

"Haha... no problem, I will do the first wave of shock!" Guo Tu's face was full of confidence.

Then, Guo Tu rode away.

"Boom!!" The iron cavalry was in front, and the troops rushed into the distance.

Dian Wei led the infantry and followed behind. As for the further back, it is the logistics force that carries the supplies.

In fact, a few days ago, Dian Wei had already arranged for the logistics troops to carry the supplies, and his logistics troops were busy in the nearby several miles.

Wulidi is not far away. With the footsteps of war horses, they arrived soon.

"Kill!!!" After Dian Wei continued on his way for a while, there were bursts of shouts of killing in front of him. These shouts of killing are not from Guo Tubu, but from the enemy.

However, the next moment, bursts of wailing suddenly resounded through the sky ahead.

"Ah!! My hand!!"

"Ah! Why is there a trap!! I was pierced through the stomach by an iron thorn, save me!"

"Help! Help!!!"

These wailing sounds were not from the enemy, but from Guo Tubu.

Hearing these voices, Dian Wei trembled suddenly, and a look of panic appeared in his eyes.

The magistrate of Ju County, counting that they will give up Fanyang City, the fortress city? Will come to attack them?

This terrifying feeling of being calculated in advance is like a real murderous intent, rushing straight.

NND Great God Huang Tian, ​​Guo Tu's strategy is not as good as that Ju County Magistrate? !

"All speed up, hurry up!" Thinking of this, Dian Wei yelled fiercely.

Then the troops moved a little faster.

"Dangdang!!!" The clang of the armor kept ringing along with the running, playing a military song to aid the robe.

"Ah! Ah!!" At this time, there was another roar that shook the sky.

Accompanied by the roar, columns of black and gray smoke rose into the sky in the distance.

Enemy, use fire!

It must be that Guo Tu commanded the cavalry to attack the enemy from the side of the forest, but the enemy used fire to attack them to death.

One hundred thousand cavalry, is it just gone? !

Dian Wei's face was very ugly.

There are many plains in Jizhou, and cavalry is the best and most powerful unit. However, because of the huge cost, he doesn't have many under his command. Only two hundred thousand.

Now, a small shock battle is half gone? !

At this moment, Dian Wei raised the danger level of that Ju county magistrate to the highest level!

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