"Tell me, what conditions do you want?!" Guo Jia said softly. A gleam of self-confidence appeared in Guo Jia's deep eyes. Yang Xiu came here to negotiate the bottom line, he already knew through Gu Yong.

Gu Yong is from the Great Wilderness Territory!

Guo Jia knew that Gu Yong and Yang Xiu were old foxes, and knew that Yang Xiu had no choice but to let Gu Yong play after he showed his determination.

In fact, Gu Yong had already been waiting below, and the two came together.

"We don't want Wang Lang's territory anymore, but we want to take it back as the auspicious beast is healthy." Yang Xiu and Gu Yong looked at each other and said in a deep voice.

In fact, that territory belongs to Wang Lang himself, that is to say, whether it exists or not is not important to Yang Xiu and Gu Yong, but that auspicious beast is a rare thing. have special benefits.

"General Lin Mu has already recognized the owner of that auspicious beast." Guo Jia said in a deep voice.

What Guo Jia meant was: No way!

"Impossible! How could Auspicious Beast recognize its master so easily!" Yang Xiu condensedly said.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Ruishou Dangkang followed Lin Mu, but he really did not recognize his master.

"What's the matter...General Lin Mu is a stranger, with a unique blessing, so it's so strange to recognize the master of the auspicious beast." Guo Jia said with a smile.

He used the weird blessings of heaven and earth as an excuse, well, it was very reasonable and there was nothing wrong with it.

It was difficult for Yang Xiu and Gu Yong to refute for a while.

"I have a rare item here, which can unlock the Ruishou contract. After using it, there will be no sequelae. Even, when we get the Ruishou Dangkang, we can give Lin Mu a compensation. I believe we will not treat him badly." .” Yang Xiu said as if he had been prepared.

As soon as the words fell, Yang Xiu took out a simple black scroll.

Good guy, he went straight to the guy!

In fact, he didn't know much about the auspicious beast. Yang Xiu must know more information than he did, and that's why he made such a multi-step effort.

Guo Jia guessed that this guy may even have discussed the compensation!

Guo Jia never expected that Yang Xiu would be so prepared. Gu Yong next to him also showed surprise in his eyes. He didn't know this situation either.

Even Guo Jia and Gu Yong thought that Yang Xiu was already mentally prepared to return empty-handed.

However, after this situation appeared, Yang Xiu's determination to obtain Dangkang rose several levels.

Guo Jia frowned slightly. It's a bit difficult now! The matter of him becoming the magistrate is actually a certainty. Even if he directly refuses, he will go to be the county magistrate.

But Yang Xiu's determination made him a little elusive.

The scene suddenly fell into a cold stage, and the three of them were silent.



Yuzhou, Runan County.

In a hidden valley somewhere, after Huang Zhong made the soldiers eat and drink well, he began to reorganize the troops and prepare for the expedition.

After the sun set and night fell, Huang Zhong directly led the troops out of the valley and headed straight for the destination.

One hundred thousand troops came out of the valley, all on horses, and the hooves of the horses were all wrapped in sackcloth. There was even a faint magical light lingering on the horse archers, which was Huang Zhong's special buff effect. Although there were still slight vibrations and rumbling sounds, they were not loud, and such rumbling sounds should not be heard a mile away.

As long as the timing is right, it should be a perfect sneak attack battle.

After Huang Zhong led the troops out, there were actually quite a few people in the valley. These were logistics troops, some belonged to the Yellow Turban Army, and some belonged to the Great Wilderness Territory.

The place where He Yi's troops were stationed was not far from the bottom of the valley, almost in the middle of the bottom of the valley and the nearby city.

"Kill! Everyone insist, don't let these thieves enter the village, or it will be terrible!" When Huang Zhong led the troops on their way, there was a burst of shouts of killing in the darkness.

Listening carefully, the sound of wailing and roaring continued. At the same time, there are also some strange words: "Brothers, work harder, I'll give it a shot, as long as you capture this rich village, there are a lot of food and gold coins, and you are offline, I will take everyone to the club... the big sword!"

"Legion Commander, the village on the right side of the official road ahead has been ravaged by the Yellow Turban Army." At this time, a scout ran over to report.

"The Yellow Turban Army has started cholera! Let's go, let's ignore them for now!" Huang Zhong frowned slightly when he heard this.

In such a situation, the Great Wilderness Territory has long been psychologically prepared, so it is not surprising.

Now their goal is to swallow He Yi's troops, and then start to control the resource points in Yuzhou.

The resources of the Yuzhou resource point will no longer increase as the riots begin. After all, they are not the transmission points of the beacon bags, but were transported by the Yellow Turban Army after they occupied the city. The benefits generated by the riots of the Yellow Turban Army basically fell into the pockets of the leaders of the Yellow Turban Army.

The fruit of the resource point can basically be harvested.

Without too much pause, the troops continued to rush towards their destination.

The night was dark and the wind was high, and the earth that had been scorched by the scorching sun during the day began to blow a light cool breeze, which made the summer heat a bit less.

On a plain dozens of miles away from Gushi City, there is a huge wooden camp.

On the wooden city wall of the camp, piles of bonfires were burning in the wind, and the firelight made the surrounding area extremely bright.

In the camp, there was a continuous noise, the sound of drinking, shouting, and gambling. In the dark night, this camp seems to have entered a real nightlife state.

In a tall tent, a group of leaders of the Yellow Turban Army gathered in it. They were drinking and eating meat, and in the middle of the camp, a group of graceful dancers were still dancing to cheer everyone up.

"Xiao Qushuai, today's action can be said to be quite generous! Haha..." An elder of the Yellow Turban Army said with a flushed face.

"It's quite rich! It's quite rich...hehe!" The burly little Shuai Qu in the main seat heard this, and a gleam of joy appeared on his ruddy face.

"Those manors of the gentry are indeed rich. Just by grabbing three of them, they can compare to half of what we have gained before!"

"That's right! Those rich and noble families are really rich. However, they are all exploiting ordinary people. We have avenged the common people by robbing them today!"

"If you want me to say, they should have been robbed long ago."

"Neither Zhang Mancheng nor the envoy Bo Cai gave any instructions. If we do this, will we violate the will of General Tiangong?! Moreover, we also looted more than a dozen villages today, will this be..."

"Don't worry, the news from Jizhou has started intermittently. From now on, it's up to us. Let's borrow some food and grass. It's nothing."

"What's more, it's the news from Jingzhou that they started looting the nobles and nobles there first, and the harvest can cover the entire field. We just robbed the farms outside the city."

"Yes! We're just imitating it. We're not afraid. As long as we don't kill or ask for money, there's no big problem."

"That's right, I heard that other places have started to do the same thing. We're just following the general trend. As long as we don't overdo it, there's nothing wrong with it."

"We took the risk of losing our heads to seek rebellion against General Tiangong and ask for a small fortune. We won't blame you."

"Hey... I got a baby in Shangshui Village today..."

For a moment, everyone was enthusiastically advocating today's harvest.


In a low flat mountain forest far away from the camp, Huang Zhong led the team and waited silently.

"Legion Commander, the enemy camp has not yet entered a state of rest. It may be that they went out to plunder today, harvested a lot, and are celebrating." A scout ran back and reported in a low voice.

"Hmph! I didn't expect to be so cool at this late hour. Then in the middle of the night, after these guys go crazy, their energy and stamina will be lower. At that time, their vigilance may be the lowest. God-given opportunity!" A lieutenant next to Huang Zhong whispered road.

Huang Zhong couldn't help but nodded when he heard that.

"Legion Commander, wait for the battle. Do you want to surround the camp, first throw three waves of arrows to frighten them, and then subdue them?"

"There must be patrolling soldiers. Our three waves of arrows will be aimed at them. As for the people in the camp, they are just soft-shelled turtles." Huang Zhong smiled slightly.

"Also, the middle force of this army is three heaven-rank generals and twelve earth-rank generals. These people are entrusted to me, and I will capture them with my own hands." Huang Zhong looked at the distant figure in the dark sky. Bright and powerful.

"League commander, we want to capture them? Those people should be devout Taoists of the Taiping Dao, right? Can you subdue them?"

"Pious Taoists? Maybe... However, they dare to plunder, which means that their selfish desires are relatively serious, but they did not commit obscene acts of massacre, which means that they still have a bottom line. When the time comes, they will be subdued and trained. Not bad power." Huang Zhong saw it very clearly.

"Start to let the troops assemble according to the previous formation plan, and wait for the enemy to rest after going crazy, then start to act." Huang Zhong instructed.


Everyone started to get busy.

Huang Zhong, on the other hand, waited silently for the passage of time.

The waiting time always felt very long, but the celebration time of the Yellow Turban Army in the camp felt that it passed very quickly. Before they had drunk enough alcohol, Xiao Qu Shuai let the camp end the madness and went back to the camp to rest.

But to the surprise of the Yellow Turban soldiers, they can continue to go out to 'hunt' tomorrow.

Soon, the Yellow Turban soldiers staggered back to the camp supporting each other, and the entire vast camp began to fall into silence.

An hour later, apart from the murmurs of the patrol soldiers on the city wall, the entire camp was filled with snoring.

On the face of the snoring soldier, there is still hope for tomorrow's life.

However, tomorrow will not be as they wish. A mysterious troop was rushing towards them.

"The first lieutenant led 30,000 soldiers to detour to block the enemy's rear. The second lieutenant led 30,000 soldiers to rush forward on the flank. The nineteenth and twentieth parts were led by their respective soldiers to contain the right flank. The others rushed with me. The camp of the Chinese army." Huang Zhong arranged the troops in an orderly manner.

Soon, the surging troops were swimming around the edge of the plain like a dragon, slowly encircling the camp.

After Huang Zhong felt that the troops were starting to take their positions, his heart suddenly moved, and a mysterious aura rippling away. Even the troops that are far apart can feel a magical breath coming, they feel light all over, and their eyes are twinkling, as if there is a blue light bursting out of their eyes.

They discovered that the dark night sky was suddenly gray, and they could see the camps in the distance very clearly.

This is a special signal for the army commander to launch an attack!

Without beating drums or horns, the cavalry archers of the Nine Suns Legion rushed towards the camp in silence like lightning.

This momentum swept away with a destructive aura.

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