Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1204 Unbeatable Xiaoqiang

If Sun Jian knew that Zhang Huozhu was targeting him in this way, he would definitely scold his mother. Labor and capital have no grievances or enmities with you. It’s not enough to design a few times, but you still hate it to death. Are you a son of man? !

"Lieutenant Deng, lead another 30,000 elite soldiers to support him, and see if there is a chance to surround and kill Sun Jian." Elder Huangjin thought for a while, and immediately ordered.

Are you sending 30,000 soldiers over there? Including the original strength, there are already 100,000 troops, and there are only 6,000 people!

When the others heard this, the corners of their mouths twitched.

"Sun Jian has such a great reputation, he is not a good person, so be more cautious." Elder Huangjin said in a deep voice.

"Also, there are natural dangers on the north and south walls, so there will be no problems. Although the alien troops on the west wall seem to number in the hundreds of thousands, they are just miscellaneous soldiers. They hide and shrink, and it is difficult to make a big deal." Elder Huangjin analyzed.

"Okay, everyone continues to put their whole body into defending the city, and the Alien Legion is about to charge."

"Kill!!!" The turbulent tsunami-like shouts of killing trembled in the sky, and soldiers all over the sky charged forward.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhout continued to shoot out of the city wall. Even if 60,000 troops are supported, there are still 100,000 troops on the western city wall at this moment!

In front of the tent of the alien army camp, a group of high-level executives from the Huaxia Super Guild [Heaven and Hell] are watching the siege situation in the distance in front of the tent.

These high-level officials did not charge, because their strength was quite low, and they were unable to take the lead.

In such a large-scale siege battle, even Xuan rank generals would be easily killed, so they dare not rush forward. Only be a boss behind the scenes.

It can't be compared with a pervert like Lin Mu, and in terms of money, it can't be compared either. It's not that they don't want to do the money corruption plan, they don't have the background to do it.

They have no choice but to seek benefits like walking on eggshells.

"Boss, we don't have many troops in this wave. It should be difficult to break through such a city wall."

"Xiping City is a fortress city. It is impossible to take it down at once. However, I just saw the situation of its defense and found a piece of information, that is, they all use human power to resist our catapults. Moreover, their counterattacks are also sparse and ordinary, without that kind of coverage." Luo Tiange, the president of Heaven and Hell, stared at the city wall, and said in a concentrated voice.

"Oh? Why is this happening? Are they showing weakness to the enemy?"

"It's not like... They seem to be very conservative... Let's observe the first wave, anyway, the first wave of charge is all players and NPC troops." Luo Tiange said meaningfully.

"But it's a pity. In Xiping City, there is not a single alien player. They have all been cleared out. The Yellow Turban Army has become more and more cautious."

"That's right, it's a pity, we only got the achievements and trophies of the two cities, too can't be compared with Lin Mu!" The players all took Lin Mu as a standard for comparison.

"It's good enough to win the two cities without spending too much troops."

"Hmph... After the completion of the series of missions released by Wang Yun, the governor of Yuzhou, the Yellow Turban Army has already tightened their camp. They must have realized that some players are acting as traitors. Many players from the Yellow Turban camp have been sent out."

"Huh? Hey! Boss, good news, the team lurking in the east of Xiping City has sent a message that someone has attacked the east wall!" At this time, a high-level exclaimed.

"Oh? Who is attacking? How many troops are there?" Luo Tiange asked in surprise.

"Boss!! It's... Sun! The banner is Sun! The army is only 6,000! However, it seems that some of their generals have already climbed the city wall, too fast, too fierce!" the player envied.

In fact, they all envied Lin Mu's courage to move forward like Lu Bu, the god of war. He is so handsome! It's a pity that they have such ideas but don't have such strength.

"Sun Zi's banner? Could it be Sun Jian?" Luo Tiange was particularly sensitive to Sun Zi, and the first thing he thought of was Sun Jian and Sun Quan!

"I don't know the specific situation at the moment, but the leading generals are very fierce, and they can compete with Lin Mu!"

"Lin Mu is an earth-level general, so those generals are at least earth-level generals... Maybe it's Sun Jian!"

"Boss, if it's really Sun Jian, should we change our plan and attack with all our strength?!"

Hearing this, Luo Tiange frowned suddenly, and didn't make a decision right away.

After pondering for a while, Luo Tiange said quietly: "Let's consume it first, anyway, we have already started to attack the city, if there is any change in the east wall, then we will attack and kill with all our strength."


East wall.

Soldiers wearing yellow scarves frantically surrounded and killed the four enemy generals who jumped up.

"Kill! The military commander is ordered to surround and kill with all his strength! Whoever takes Sun Jian's head will be rewarded ten thousand gold and promoted to three ranks!!"

Hearing such words of reward, the Yellow Turban Army, who was originally a little crazy, became even more irritable. Those Yellow Turban soldiers who were still queuing up screamed loudly.

All of a sudden, the morale of the whole army on the city wall was like a rainbow.

The few people who were besieged were stunned. Especially Sun Jian, his face was extremely ugly.

Whoever takes Sun Jian's head will be rewarded ten thousand gold and promoted to three ranks? Or was it the order of the military adviser Zhang Huozhu? When were they exposed?

Could it be that Zhang Huozhu also came to Xiping City? Here, there will be no more traps, right? !

Sun Jian's incomparably brave heart suddenly slowed down by half a beat. After all, Zhang Huozhu's harm to them is really indescribable!

TNND, they escaped far away from Yuzhou, and they failed to escape Zhang Huozhu's calculations?

The ghosts linger, the ghosts linger! !

Glancing at the troops behind him, he found that under the leadership of Sun Ce, they were already close to the city wall, and the arrow had to be fired!

"Kill!!" Sun Jian came out of the tiger, shouted loudly, and then shot out with a majestic force. The ancient ingot sword swept away suddenly, and the surrounding soldiers were thrown away under the impact of the huge force.

"Unfortunately, I can't use my divine energy to kill ordinary soldiers, I can only use brute force, otherwise I would have taken down the city wall long ago." Sun Jian said regretfully.

Using divine energy to kill ordinary soldiers will contaminate karma. If the amount is small, it's nothing. If it accumulates too much, it will affect the growth of his god-level generals.

Especially in his current state, after suffering a big loss in Dangyang City, he has to be more careful.

Although he couldn't be crushed with divine power, his martial power was also very high, and no one in the scene could beat him at all.

Open and close, he also killed a lot of Yellow Turban soldiers.

In fact, after Sun Jian retreated from the defeat of Dangyang City, he never went to attack the city, nor did he encircle and suppress the Yellow Turban Army who was fighting cholera in the villages and towns. He kept marching northward in a low-key manner.

Rao himself, in fact, what is the route for tomorrow. He only knew that the target was Xiping City.

It was also because of this that they went round and round and walked a lot of wrong ways before arriving in Xiping City dozens of days later.

After breaking through Xiping City and entering Yuzhou, they can get rid of Zhang Huozhu's calculations. However, he thought too much. It seems that Xiping City is still under the shadow of Zhang Huozhu!

Where is this Zhang Huozhu sacred? So powerful, why didn't he assist Zhang Jiao in Jizhou, but came to Jingzhou instead.

Thinking of this, Sun Jian's face darkened again, and he swiped the sword in his hand again, several Yellow Turban soldiers who were not afraid of death were cut in half.

Sun Jian stomped suddenly and jumped, avoiding the previous battlefield where the ground was covered with blood and piled with corpses, and opened up another battlefield.

In this way, Sun Jian kept jumping, and bloody scenes kept appearing on the city wall.

This time, Sun Jian didn't back down, and didn't command Sun Ce to retreat. Instead, he exploded with breath, which made Sun Ce feel that the charge was faster.

Soon, Sun Ce's troops approached the city wall, and the other Yellow Turban troops on the city wall began to throw arrows to prevent Sun Jian's troops from approaching.

If it was an ordinary soldier, the arrows all over the sky might bring casualties to the attacking side. However, these are the elites who have experienced despair and survived the tragic war. Ordinary arrows are useless at all.

The speed of the charge didn't change at all because of the arrows.

"Don't shoot people! Shoot horses first!!" The Yellow Turban soldiers on the city wall realized that the arrows were useless.

These 6,000 elite soldiers are all cavalry. As long as there are no speed, there are already tens of thousands of them, and they will be exhausted!

As the strategy changed, Sun Jian's troops began to suffer casualties. It wasn't shot to death, but because the charge was too fast, the horse fell down due to inertia after being shot, and was trampled to death by his own people.

"Continue to charge! Live to die! This time we must take down this city to cultivate ourselves!" Sun Ce yelled immediately.

"Kill! Contribute!!" Although there was a small episode, the morale of the troops was still high.

"Boom!!" Sun Jian's troops finally rushed to the city wall.

Sun Ce rushed directly to the city gate, shouted suddenly, and leaped up, holding a sharp spear, and even directly attacked the heavy city gate.

"Drink!!!" Sun Ce yelled loudly, putting all his strength into the gun, and the majestic red energy flowed on the blade of the gun, filled with an astonishing sense of sharpness.

"Dang!!!" However, under the blessing of Sun Ce's huge strength and Yuanli, the sharp gun did not explode with broken wood and the city gate collapsed.

There was only a loud bang bang sound from the heavy city gate, and the sound kept echoing.

At the point of contact, only a white dot appeared.

The city gate is really hard! !

"Although he lost his affiliation with the big man camp, his tenacity is still very high." Sun Ce thought to himself. He also knew that it was impossible to shatter it with one blow.

The gates of the county towns of Dahan are very tough, and only the continuous impact of large instruments such as bumpers can break them.

Sun Ce didn't adjust his breath, and directly attacked again, and the spear blade pierced the white spot here.

This time, there was a muffled hum from the city gate. The white point is a little darker.

Sun Ce's attack was effective!

Just when Sun Ce was crazy, the turbulent energy rushed in again, the Yellow Turban Army came for reinforcements! !

"Kill!!!" When the reinforcements came, they didn't encircle and suppress Sun Jian, but they brought huge trees and threw them to the edge of the city wall, bombarding Sun Jian's troops.

Where did these giant trees come from? It turned out that some houses were demolished when the reinforcements arrived. Some Yellow Turban soldiers even carried stone slabs.

Whoosh! !

Pieces of stone slabs and giant logs were constantly thrown away.

Seeing this, Sun Jian's eyes were fierce.

Could it be another round of hell difficulty? !

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