Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1227: Dong Zhuo Meets Liu Bei for the First Time

Take [Dungeon Heart] in your hand and return to the stronghold in Yujin.

"Let's start moving supplies, this stronghold has no meaning." After Yu Jin returned, he began to give orders.

Before guarding the stronghold, they wanted to ambush a wave, but they didn't expect Zhang Liang to wait!

This is already at its best.

Zhang Liang lost this stronghold, and was even extorted by Yu Jin from a secret realm, and suffered a blood loss.

It can be said that without Shangquyang City and without this stronghold, Changshan County was basically recovered by the big man.

As Zhang Liang went away, Yu Jin led the troops and began to move supplies. From daytime to starry night, it has been continuously transported, which shows how rich the materials inside are.

It is close to the big river, so all the supplies can be easily transported back.

After finishing the stronghold, it was already the third day.

Looking at the empty stronghold, Yu Jin was slightly moved in his heart.

"I don't know what happened to Zhang Liang, but he didn't activate the soul of the military way?" Yu Jin knew through the lord Lin Mu that Zhang Jiao, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang all had the background to activate the soul of the military way.

It may be that Zhang Liang was overconfident, and Fang refrained from activating his military spirit before being completely overwhelmed by his confidence and cognition.

Looking at the yellow scarf flag standing on the wooden wall at the door again, Yu Jin led the troops back to the conscription camp with a touch of thought.


"Hmph! Your regiment commander has been missing for a few days. He neglects military affairs and doesn't think about making progress. Isn't he afraid of being punished by the prefect?!" Yu Jin returned to the camp when he heard a supervising army arrogantly admonishing his lieutenant.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. This small supervising army has also formed a sinister chain of interests. Not to mention those envoys and eunuchs of the Dragon Court!

Yu Jin walked into the camp with neither sadness nor joy, and asked the guards to rest, as if he hadn't heard those words.

"The leader of the legion is finally back!" The military lieutenant was overjoyed when he saw Yu Jin who was busy in the world.

I don't know what happened, but after meeting a messenger soldier who came from the north, the attitude of these supervisors changed drastically. Even if they bribed with property and seduced them with wine and beauties, they were indifferent.

The lieutenant told Yu Jin about the situation, and Yu Jin frowned slightly when he heard this.

He and Dong Zhuo were vain and submissive, at odds with each other, and he even came with some kind of evil purpose.

So it's always been walking on eggshells. Although he has made good friends with some generals, it is within Dong Zhuo's acceptance range. Once he encounters strong pressure, he is basically unreliable.

With such a change in the supervisory army, it must be that some people have changed their strategy towards him!

"It seems that something has changed in the battle of Shangquyang City!" A worry appeared in Yu Jin's heart.

Dong Zhuo and Zhang Liang have fought against each other for a long time. From Jingjing City to Lingshou City and then to Xingtang City, they have fought no less than ten times.

Dong Zhuo didn't have the background to beat Zhang Liang all at once!

For Zhang Liang to be seriously injured and run for his life in desperation, there must be some external force involved. And this external force is a variable!

Yu Jin looked towards the north thoughtfully, and his brow deepened further. He felt a malice seem to grow.

"Could it be the change brought about by the lord..." After Yu Jin was promoted to the general, many feelings were different. For some small changes, it can be grasped.

Soon, Yu Jin learned from the supervisor that Dong Zhuo asked him to return to the army early, and planned to invade Zhongshan and encircle and suppress Zhang Bao!

No way, Yu Jin could only stop the population expansion operation and lead the troops northward.



Shangquyang City.

Just as Yu Jin expected, Dong Zhuo was able to break Zhang Liang in Shangquyang because of foreign aid.

The foreign aid is an acquaintance.

In the Mansion of the Lord of Shangquyang City, Dong Zhuo held a celebration party, eating and drinking.

Good food and wine, veiled dancers, make the banquet look extravagant.

Speaking of it, only Dong Zhuo, who is very successful, can be so extravagant.

"Brother Gongsun came to help, you have strengthened the morale of the army!" Dong Zhuo raised his wine glass and praised a burly man with a red face.

This big man was obviously Gongsun Zan.

And below Gongsun Zan is Liu Bei with long hands and long ears.

"Where, this battle is thanks to Dong Taishou fighting all directions, we are just icing on the cake." Gongsun Zan also raised his glass and said politely.

"I don't know who this general is?" Dong Zhuo respected Gongsun Zan, then looked at Liu Bei.

This is Dong Zhuo's second meeting with Liu Bei.

The first time was when he was besieging the city, he saw Liu Bei from a distance leading two giants on a rampage, smashing through Zhang Liang's army, and beating Zhang Liang to pieces.

"This is my senior brother Liu Bei Liu Xuande, a clan member of the Han Dynasty." Gongsun Zan introduced Dong Zhuo, and deliberately added a suffix to enhance Liu Bei's status.

"Oh, I don't know what position Xuande holds?" Dong Zhuo raised his eyebrows and asked with great interest.

Although Dong Zhuo's tone was flat and kind, there was a sense of irony in Liu Bei's ears.

"The lower official is currently an eighth-rank partial general." Liu Bei said neither humble nor overbearing.

Dong Zhuo's face changed slightly when he heard that Liu Bei was just a small eight-rank miscellaneous general. The clan of the Han Dynasty is easy to use, but in Dong Zhuo's eyes, it is just a title. The clansmen of the Han family are in Shenzhou, and there are not 100,000 but 80,000.

However, Dong Zhuo did not neglect Liu Bei arrogantly, but rather enthusiastically said: "You are worthy of being a clan member of the Han family. In times of crisis, even if you live in a humble place, you have the courage to stand up. The blessing of the big man!"

"Come! Drink!!" Dong Zhuo invited Liu Bei.

"Thank you, Lord Prefect!" Liu Bei also responded.

"Today's battle laid the foundation for Zhang Liang's defeat. If Zhang Liang hadn't been injured and fell into a coma, Shangquyang City would not have been so easy to take down. This is all thanks to the three fierce generals!"

"General Hua Xiong needless to say, he is also the general of the town army!"

Speaking of this, Dong Zhuo changed his tone, looked at the two burly generals behind Liu Bei who were different from ordinary people, and asked: "And the names of these two heroes who have made great achievements?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the banquet was slightly shocked, and then looked at the two generals behind Liu Bei.

These two are Zhang Fei and Guan Yu! !

It was these two generals who appeared like magic soldiers when the battle was in full swing, and they besieged and killed Zhang Liang with General Hua Xiong, and established the victory in the battle of Shangquyang City.

Although Dong Zhuo has many shortcomings, he also has advantages. Love is one of his strengths. For high-end talents, Dong Zhuo values ​​them very much, otherwise there wouldn't be so many heroes who would go through life and death with him.

Obviously, when Dong Zhuo saw Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, he fell in love with talents!

"These two are my foster brothers, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei." Liu Bei introduced in a deep voice.

At this moment, Liu Bei was overjoyed. The two fierce generals are his foster brothers. Their glory is his glory!

"I've met Governor Dong!" Zhang Fei and Guan Yu saluted Dong Zhuo.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, including Liu Bei, have a very good sense of Dong Zhuo at the moment. This happened because before the celebration banquet, Dong Zhuo, who was in charge of Shangquyang City, generously rewarded the soldiers, including the latecomers such as Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei, who were all generously rewarded with property.

atmosphere! lavish!

If Lin Mu were here, he would be a little surprised. Because in the previous life, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu's sense of Dong Zhuo was not as good as it is now.

Because of the changes in Youzhou, Gongsun Zan, Liu Bei and others had a rough and arduous process of exterminating the Yellow Turban Army. They were forced to leave Zhongshan County and enter Dong Zhuo, the congressman of Changshan County.

After jumping out of the part of the calculation circle in the Great Wilderness Territory, Gongsun Zan, Liu Bei and others officially started their killing career.

Pushing cups and changing cups, each expressing their own opinions, Dong Zhuo, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others communicated relatively harmoniously.

And Dong Zhuo also noticed that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei admired their elder brother Liu Bei very much.

This made Dong Zhuo's thoughts a little more obstructed.

However, Dong Zhuo is also cunning and cunning, not as fierce and arrogant as in the later period, but hides his little thoughts without changing his face.

Li Ru, who was accompanying him, was actually aware of the lord's careful thoughts, but his brows were slightly frowned, because before the banquet, no, it should be after Guan Yu and Zhang Fei joined the battle and beat Zhang Liang to death, he started secretly Information about the three brothers Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei has been collected.

(Forgive me for the irregular updates these two days. There may be only one update today.)

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