Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1281 Interrogation and ending

"Oh! Released all the elite captives of Bocai?!" Qin Jie, Cao Cao and others were slightly surprised when they heard this.

Lin Mu doesn't look like a person with the heart of Mary!

Dare to plan to ambush Bocai, um... Although I don't know what happened, but the person who would do this is not like the Virgin.

Lin Mu transferred the captives away secretly, but on the surface, he had to come up with an excuse, and releasing the captives back to the fields was a good excuse.

Lin Mu was good, but Huangfusong could feel that Lin Mu lacked a sense of courage to kill and attack, but instead had a sense of pity.

This, he is not satisfied.

Lin Mu directly disarmed the captives and returned them to the field. If he was tricked into taking up arms again, it would be a hidden disaster!

Especially those yellow scarf soldiers are the elite of Bocai!

If it were him, he would have killed the captives long ago, built a landscape of human heads, and then frightened the surrounding Yellow Turbans to prevent them from resurging.

However, Lin Mu is a left-wing general with certain powers of disposal, so it is difficult for him to say anything. And with Cao Cao's backing, Jingyu's Yellow Turban Army should be fine.

After Huangfusong thought about it in his mind, he stopped worrying and prepared to watch quietly.

"Oh... this matter. It's nothing. It's just that the ordinary Yellow Turbans were released. They were bewitched by Bocai to cause cholera. Now that the culprits have been punished, there is no need to kill them. Of course, the core Yellow Turbans still have to be killed. This is not... There are still 100,000 captives in the prison! They are all Bocai's most elite personal guards, and if they want to be killed or recruited to surrender, they will all be controlled by General Zhonglang and other generals." Lin Muyi The face is calm and calm.

Fuck... Open your eyes and talk nonsense, those skinny and undisciplined soldiers are the elite of Bocai? !

Some of the gentry children who followed Lin Mu cursed Lin Mu secretly.

Even the corners of Huangfusong's mouth twitched. Very good, your face is thick enough, then when you arrive at Longting, even if someone says they want to kill your nine clans in front of you, you shouldn't get violent, right?

Huangfusong did not speak, and remained silent.

Afterwards, another person stood up to challenge: "Besides, General Lin Mu was at fault. He allowed the soldiers to loot everywhere after they entered Xiangcheng and disturbed the people. It has seriously damaged the image of our Han army. I hope that Zhonglang will be able to withdraw. Lin Mu's left-wing general."

"After repelling He Yi's troops, General Lin Mu didn't come to support our central army in time, causing Daqu Commander Peng Tuo and hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans to flee to the north, which is also a crime!"

"Yes! Add crime to crime!"


A group of generals began to make things difficult for Lin Mu. Even Lin Mu approached Bo Cai secretly, and these guys called him black, saying that he was a left-wing general, a commander-in-chief of an army, and he went so far as to take such a risk, he was not worthy of being a left-wing general...

However, they overlooked: Lin Mu killed the true spirit, Bocai killed Lin Mu, and the He Yi trilogy that encircled and suppressed Cao Cao was defeated by Lin Mu... These are all due to Lin Mu, but they all ignored them , specifically grabbing Lin Mu's little feet and biting them!

You are strong and let you be strong, the breeze blows the hills;

Like an outsider, Lin Mu sat calmly and calmly, without any change in his expression. Even if the people under his left-wing legion accused him, he didn't change his expression.

These gentry children who followed him, the left-wing general, who made meritorious service, stood up and bit Lin Mu without gratitude, which is really disgusting. Even Huangfusong, the real bystander, frowned and looked at these clowns with a vicious look in his heart.

Huangfusong took a deep look at Lin Mu, and Lin Mu also looked over, looking indifferent.

Cao Cao on the opposite side also frowned when he heard these guys' complicated questioning. These people are not manipulated by him, because this is too low-level. Lin Mu has made great contributions, even Huangfu Songzhong Lang, his contribution is not as great as others.

Of course, Lin Mu is Huangfusong's general, and Lin Mu's meritorious service is also Huangfusong's. When the time comes, Huangfusong will definitely have more rewards than Lin Mu.

In the battlefield, head-grabbing incidents happened from time to time, and he was well aware of this, so he didn't make things difficult for Lin Mu.

But these guys are so blatantly criticizing Lin Mu, they are jealous!

Those high-spirited and high-spirited sons of the gentry might still think in their hearts: If they were in the position of left-wing generals, they would do better than Lin Mu!


"Okay!" Huangfusong, who had watched a scene, finally spoke.

"In this battle, Lin Mu, the left-wing general, destroyed the true spirit of Taiping Dao belief, killed Bocai, and made his first contribution in the battle of Xiangcheng. Congratulations to him!" Shepherd pays tribute.

"Haha!! Where! Where! My credit is thanks to General Zhonglang's command and knowledge!" Lin Mu, who had always been an old god, suddenly stood up, laughed boldly, and raised his wine glass.

actor! Their previous criticisms were based on the performance of the two of them as actors!

An indescribable sense of shame rose in the chests of those who made things difficult for Lin Mu.

Cao Cao on the right frowned when he saw Huangfusong like this. Even if there is no ruling, one shouldn't praise Lin Mu so bluntly!

A general should have a degree of control over his subordinates, and the restraint should still be restrained! The suppression should still be suppressed.

It is king to use carrots and sticks together!

But Huangfusong was useless... This was beyond Cao Cao's expectations. Huangfusong is a very powerful general, so he should not make such a low-level mistake.

Huangfusong, do you really prefer Lin Mu? !

A questioning, under Huangfusong's praise, turned into a cloud and dissipated. The boss of the people talks, they are small, and they still want to continue to be clowns?

The banquet continued.


After the banquet, Huangfusong did not slaughter the 100,000 captives, but was divided among them. Even Lin Mu got a quota of 10,000 captives.

After that, Huangfu Song's army divided into three groups and took back all the cities in Yingchuan County, even hitting Changshe City.

The mottled and dilapidated city of Changshe, like a dying old man, lies under two huge peaks.

Zhu Jun's troops seemed to have disappeared, and did not appear in Yingchuan County, not even Sun Jian.

After easily regaining Yingchuan County, Huangfusong led his army into Yanzhou and Chenliuguo in a hurry, preparing to go north to Jizhou.

Huang Xu was nowhere to be seen beside Lin Mu. He led his troops to cooperate with Huang Ying in Yanzhou to destroy the Yellow Turban Army.

Only Huang Zhong and Cui Wu followed Lin Mu.

And beside Cao Cao, there is only Xiahou Dun, and Xiahouyuan may have stayed in Yingchuan County.

Originally, Lin Mu wanted Huang Xu to stay in Yingchuan County to plan for Peng Tuo and He Man, but seeing that Cao Cao had kept Xia Houyuan, he gave up this idea.

Xia Houyuan didn't dare to do Lin Mu, but he dared to do Huang Xu and the others!

He Yi and He Manpengtuo can only look at their good fortune.

Following Huangfusong's entry into Yanzhou, the Jingyu Yellow Turban Rebellion has come to an end!

(Bocai died, and Zhang Mancheng joined the Sili, so the battle of the Yellow Turban Army in Jingzhou and Yuzhou was over, let me have a meal, and I will continue to come back and update!)

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