Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1342 A Gathering of Heroes (Part 2)

"Promote a foreigner?!" The old man raised the two sparse eyebrows above his hollow eyes when he heard the words, and said in surprise.

"Why did you make such a decision?" the old man asked in a low voice.

"You should know Wang Mang's identity by now!" the old man said again.

"I know!" Liu Hong nodded heavily.

"Since you know, do you know Wang Mang's harm to Chang'an?!" The old man said again. At this moment, the old man seemed to be serious, and deliberately mentioned a few important information.

"I know too! However, at that time, Wang Mang was only one person, but now, there are tens of thousands of strangers!!" Liu Hong nodded.

"I'm going to promote the aliens to fight against them!"

"At the beginning, Chang'an suffered great damage, but in the early days of Luoyang, wasn't it also brilliant and prosperous, and the state of China was prosperous?" Liu Hong said a lot in one breath.

The old man curled his lips, was Wang Mang really the only one at that time? Hehe... Besides, was the Han Dynasty really prosperous at that time? !

"This is your decision, I hope you don't play with fire and set yourself on fire!" the old man said quietly.

In fact, Emperor Liu also asked him this question! ! At that time, he also answered like this!

"I can't control them at all. They are able to dispatch the generals in the capital without being imprisoned. This is already very dangerous!" Liu Hong said fiercely, with a ferocious expression on his face.

As far as he is concerned, if he does not use some hole cards, it can directly threaten his personal safety. Which emperor is not afraid?

God generals can only be controlled by the emperor, otherwise, it will be a time-bomb-bomb! !

"Only by promoting some new blood can we resist!"

"I'm ready to make a big promotion!!" Liu Hong said the decision he had pondered for a long time.

"Break everything, maybe... the situation will be different!" the old man said in his heart.

The old man actually agreed with Liu Hong's decision, otherwise when the emperor asked this question back then, he would have stopped him. You know, he knew that Wang Mang belonged to a different person from the beginning! Although he cannot be resurrected infinitely, he still has certain characteristics.

But he won't say anything to Liu Hong. The decision is made by the emperor!

Liu Hong, who has been bitten by a snake, is still raising snakes like crazy at this moment, and his heart of breaking the boat is already very firm!

Just like that... A decision that had a huge impact after the event happened beyond everyone's expectations! !



"My lord, I really want an ability like yours!!" Cui Wu looked at Lin Mu enviously.

"Hehe... this is exclusive to the lord, you can't have it! Hehe..." Lin Mu's face was full of joy at the moment.

Because on the way here, he actually picked up a few more things. Gold coins, silver coins, even blacksmith blueprints can be picked up... It's amazing to be able to pick up so many things on the road full of footprints! !

Lin Mu's ability has already been hammered into stone! !

"Why didn't more than 20 dragons and dragons appear before, but now, the accumulation of dragons, is there really such a numerical horror?!" Lin Mu murmured.

"It must be! I was thinking... At the beginning Zhang Jiao had so many, did he get gold coins and blueprints every time he took a step? Hey... Then he sent it?!" Cui Wu did An impossible guess.

"No way! Back then Zhang Jiao didn't have a lot of dragon luck, it was all on the equipment." Lin Mu said quietly.

"Zuo Zhonglang brought the left-wing general Lin Mu into the camp!!!" When Lin Mu and Cui Wu walked to the camp of the Chinese army, a loud shout sounded and echoed over the entire camp.

It turned out... to sing people! !

According to the usual practice, they should go to pass the pass and enter the camp in a low-key manner. But now, they actually sang their official titles and names openly and aboveboard!

Lin Mu and Cui Wu had strange looks on their faces again.

Dong Zhuo is so high-profile? !

With an inexplicable expectation, Lin Mu walked quickly towards the tall tent in the center of the camp.

As soon as he walked to the tent, several burly generals were already waiting there.

Lin Mu took a look, his brows twitched suddenly.

Good guy, the leader is actually Gongsun Zan! ! And behind him, there are heavyweights! ! !

"General Gongsun, why are you standing here?" Lin Mu stepped forward and asked politely.

For Gongsun Zan, Lin Mu actually quite recognized it.

"Haha! Would you believe me if I said I'd come here to wait for you?!" Gongsun Zan raised his head and smiled, with an inexplicable look on his face. This was the first time the two met, but Gongsun Zan didn't even ask about Lin Mu's recognition of him at a glance, as if it was a tacit understanding!

"I believe it!" Lin Mu nodded emphatically when he heard the words.

"Oh? Interesting... General Lin Mu is indeed a wonderful person!" Gongsun Zan laughed again.

"The main family did come out to wait for General Lin after hearing that the general had entered the camp." At this time, the white-armored general behind Gongsun Zan said.

This white armor general. It was Zhao Yun! !

"Thank you Zilong for telling me!" Lin Mu bowed politely to Zhao Yun, and Lin Mu, who lowered his head, had a touch of excitement in the depths of his dark eyes. Zhao Yun was so polite to him!

Zhao Yunneng took the initiative to chat with him, apparently to defend Gongsun Zan, but secretly wanted to express something. This, as a player in the game, he can feel it! !

Otherwise, someone as proud as Zhao Yun would defend Gongsun Zan? would be considered abnormal for Zhao Yun not to defy Gongsun Zan openly!

"General Lin is too polite!" Zhao Yun hurriedly returned the salute when he saw Lin Mu salute. Now Lin Mu's status is higher than his master Gongsun Zan, how could he accept this gift!

"Let's go! Advance to the camp!" Afterwards, Gongsun Zan enthusiastically took Lin Mu's hand and walked straight into the tent.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun behind him sighed slightly. Lin Mu is just a stranger, yet he has already achieved such an achievement. Thinking about himself, after he became an official, he only got a position as a white horse righteous servant. If there is no comparison, there will be no harm!

You know, just now, Lin Mu was the one that the big shots were talking about!


Good guy, really good guy!

A gathering of heroes! ! !

Lin Mu was drawn in enthusiastically by Gongsun Zan, and what caught his eyes was a group of big shots! What caught his attention the most was the burly man sitting at the top.

Her horned dragon-like muscles are full of explosiveness, her eyes are as sharp as a falcon's, and she is wearing a golden armor. She looks heroic and mighty like the sky.

No need to guess, Lin Mu knew that this person was Dong Zhuo.

At this moment, Dong Zhuo has not gained weight yet. He has fought on the battlefield all year round, and his fierce aura has not weakened at all, on the contrary, it has become more vigorous. Moreover, the soaring aura, and the keen Lin Mu could feel it all.

On the small table on the left behind Dong Zhuo, sat a refined man, even if Lin Mu just glanced at him, his heart trembled, Li Ru! ! !

If we were to talk about the counselors that Lin Mu feared the most, this guy should be in the top three.

After that, there was the familiar face on the small table on the right, Hua Xiong! Xiliang's number one general!

For Hua Xiong, Lin Mu is the most familiar, because the Ji family has specially gone to attack this guy in the previous life! He has dealt with Hua Xiong many times. Unfortunately, it was inevitable that the plan of the Ji family failed, because in the battle of Hulao Pass, he was cut down by the second master Guan!

The story of Warming Wine and Killing Huaxiong happened!

Under Dong Zhuo, there are many great figures.

On the left is the Zongyuan General, and a little below, there are actually sitting Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and other prominent children, and a little below, it turns out to be Cao Cao with the presence of the old god!

Behind Cao Cao, many tables were also set up, including Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Cao Chun, Xia Houdun and others!

At the back, it turned out to be Zhu Xuan, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei! At this moment, Liu Guan, Zhang Zhu and others were all staring at Lin Mu.

Below Liu Bei, there are only a few vacancies, and those positions should be the positions of Gongsun Zan and others.

A little later, there are some familiar but very strange faces, which should be the children of some noble families.

And on the right. The first and second places are free, but the next one is actually Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji Xu Rong and others!

A little further below are some of the sons of the gentry who followed Huangfusong.

This ranking... is very meaningful!

Lin Mu just flicked it lightly, and felt the weirdness in it!

The first and second places on the right should be reserved for Huangfusong and Lin Mu.

But the arrangement of other positions, although it looks disorganized, seems to contain some malice!

"Haha! There are so many talented people here today!" At this moment, a deep voice came.

Everyone turned their eyes away from Lin Mu, and saw a burly general walking in.

The person who came was Huangfusong!

In fact, as Huangfusong said, the people gathered here are basically the heroes who will dominate China in the future! !

If the Dongying people who lived a good life fried this place with super mushroom eggs, it might really make China's national strength -10000!

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