Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1568 Nangong is destroyed, the pulse of gods and demons changes

"Eh... an epic mission?!" Lin Mu frowned slightly after hearing the announcement.

Could it be that due to the impact of the Chunqiuyuedan rating event, the task rank has changed? ! Or was the task completed ahead of time, changing the reward? ! Or is it that the increase in the origin of China caused changes? !

Special prestige +5, special power +3, in fact, it is world epic speed and green forest horse sports!

Different from Dragon Luck and Tiger Luck, Horse Luck is the luck of Green Forest Ranger players!

Xia Hu is worthy of being the ceiling of the ranger world! Also started to get in touch with the high-end power system!

Later, Xia Hu will definitely come to ask what horse luck is! While chatting with Zhang Xinwen, Li Qingyu and other women about the announcement, Lin Mu edited an explanation, which was Ma Yun's explanation.

Sure enough, in the evening, Xia Hu hurried back and dragged Lin Mu to a private room for a detailed discussion.

Lin Mu, who had been prepared for a long time, sent some explanations to Xia Hu. And Lin Mu also asked about some details of the sacrifice.

There is no very complicated sacrificial procedure, just arrange the prepared spirit beasts and other sacrifices, hold a sacrifice on a flat ground at the foot of Mount Tai, light the sacrificial candles, read a few simple sacrificial texts, and wait... basically finished .


While Lin Mu was waiting for Xia Hu, No. 1 Qing Mu, who worked with Ning Xinhua Ji Shiting, went down the second floor and appeared in front of Jiang Chenglong and others.

"Huh? Why did you change? It's still the apple of the eye of the first family!!" Ji Beiqin, Jiang Chenglong, and the others were slightly taken aback when they saw the first Qingmu.

Afterwards, when they saw Ji Shiting and Ning Xinhua behind them, their expressions suddenly changed!

Lin Mu...was also involved? ! ! !

Because the previous backbone was unknown (Chen Donghai didn't show up too much), it was impossible to guess that Lin Mu was involved. Now, even his wife Ji Shiting and general Ning Xinhua appeared!

Why is there Lin Mu's shadow in every storm that sweeps the world? ! !

"Xiao Ting, what's the situation?!!!" Ji Beiqin immediately sent a message to Ji Shiting.

"It's a secret, hee hee!!" Ji Shiting responded immediately as if she knew Ji Beiqin would ask such a question.

And Ning Xinhua's No. 1 Qingmu two daughters also received similar inquiries. Ning Xinhua is a celebrity, in the friends list of Jiang Chenglong, Xuanyuan Changying and others!

And the first Qingmu was questioned by the first myth.

Unfortunately, none of the three women revealed their secrets.

Ji Beiqin and the others almost jumped up and cursed.

What drug did your Lin Mu give them? ! ! So obedient!

Ignoring the others, the three girls immediately went to work, and the exchange continued!

Quietly casting a glance at the three women, Xu Tiandu had a look of envy on his face, Mu Wang Lin Mu is also a winner in life! !



While the players are enjoying the excitement and joy brought by the grand event, Luoyang, the god capital of Sili, is also surging at this moment.

"No! Absolutely not!! This will shake the foundation of the country!! I do not agree with this action plan!" Yang Xu said excitedly.

At this moment, a crazy plan is being discussed in the General's Mansion! !

And below He Jin, Yuan Feng, Wang Qian, Zhao Qi, Zheng Tai, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Kong Rong, Wang Lang, Bian Rang, Dong Fu, He Yong and others sat impressively!

These are all high officials and celebrities! ! Any one of them can make players extremely popular!

It stands to reason that Liu Biao and others should also be there, because they, members of the Liu clan, were also involved.

It's just that because today's topic is more sensitive, the members of the Liu clan are ignored.

But at this moment, everyone had a look of sadness on their faces. Because Liu Tao and Chen Dan may be questioned by the eunuch!

In order to save the two of them, they thought of many ways and kept operating in the court, but none of them worked.

Liu Tao and Chen Dan are their allies, if they don't save them, what will other people think of them in the future?

"Everyone, the Nangong Yuntai Hall is an important place and cannot be destroyed!" Xun Yu also stood up and said in a concentrated voice.

"Hmph! Heavy ground? Do you know what kind of heavy ground it is?" Yuan Shu asked in a calm voice.

"I don't know!" Xun Yu shook his head helplessly.

"If you don't know, don't talk nonsense. I heard that your elders are going to match you and marry a certain eunuch's daughter... Hmph! Maybe you are doing something secretive and deliberately confusing the public!" Yuan Shuyi pointed out.

As soon as this statement came out, it really caught the attention of others. The matter of Xun Yu was originally planned by Xun Shuang and others secretly, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world!

The news is still out!

Xun Yu felt everyone's eyes, and his face was calm, calm and calm, as if he was not affected in the slightest.

What others will think, however, remains to be seen.

Xun Yu secretly sighed in his heart: "Lin Mu, Lin Mu... was tricked to death by you! He was also tricked to death by these pig teammates!!"

Xun Yu always felt that Nangong Yuntai Hall was a very important place. After all, Liu Hong's confidant Jian Shuo is often stationed there! It is rumored that there is the foundation of the country!

As for what it is, I don't know!

These guys actually thought it was Liu Hong's private treasury, and wanted to plunder and burn it there, then divert the conflict, and then use a series of means to rescue Liu Tao and them under certain conditions.

One of the key points is to burn the Nangong Yuntai Hall!

This proposal was strongly opposed by Yang Xu, Xun Yu, Dong Fu, He Yong and others. But Yuan Feng, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and others agreed!

Yang Xu and Xun Yu looked at each other and sighed silently.

If the Nangong Palace is destroyed, something big will definitely happen! !

It is absurd to use the great affairs of the country to cover the great affairs of people! ! Direct robbery is much more reliable than this! !

After that, everyone was noisy for a while, and the meeting ended.

However, after Yuan Feng, Xunyu and others left the General's Mansion, two situations occurred. Those who opposed it returned home without accident, while those who agreed were quietly invited back by He Jin!

General He Jin even agreed to this plan! !


Rumble! ! ! !

"Awwhhh!!!!" Lin Mu, who was chatting with Xia Hu, suddenly felt a turbulent throbbing.

And Xia Hu and others on the opposite side also felt it.

"Boom!!" The land of Shenzhou was shaking.

"What's going on? An earthquake?!!" The players felt the turbulent and majestic vibration, and they were all shocked.

"What are you afraid of from an earthquake? Keep queuing up for fear that you won't be able to exchange for yellow-rank weapons!!"

The players in line didn't panic in the slightest, shaking with the earthquake, they didn't take a step back.

"What's going on? That roar, seems to be the roar of an existence, full of unwillingness, anger... and hope!" Lin Mu suddenly stood up, supporting the wooden pillar that didn't shake in the slightest due to the vibration.

This Kyushu building is still very strong and has not been affected by the earthquake.

Lin Mu suddenly turned his head and looked to the north. In the dark night, it seemed as if a certain beast had awakened! !

He always felt that something big had happened in Luoyang, the capital of God!

But in the previous life, there was no such throbbing at all? ! !

Lin Mu opened the Huaxia District channel, and saw that players from all over the world were sending messages, asking if there were earthquakes everywhere.

After some understanding, Lin Mu knew that it was the whole territory of the Han Dynasty that shook! !

Afterwards, Lin Mu saw a player send a long message on Huaxia Channel: "

Just now, a violent explosion occurred in the southern palace of Luoyang, the capital of the gods. The turbulent and majestic atmosphere was surging, and the strange sky fire fell from the sky, raging the Nangong.

Howls and roars resounded through the sky! !

Combined with real history, it should be the truth of the incident:

In the second year of Zhongping (185), a fire broke out in Luoyang, the capital, and the Nangong was destroyed!

Among the eunuchs, Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong, who often served as eunuchs, persuaded Emperor Ling to tax the land to repair the palace and cast bronze men. So Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty ordered the world that, in addition to the normal rent and tax, the tax per mu would be 10 qian to help repair the palace. He also ordered the distribution of wood, aragonite, and stones in the prefectures and counties to transport the capital, and the eunuchs became traitors. In addition, it is stipulated that the removal of governors, prefects, Maocai, and Xiaolian must pay money to help the army repair the palace, except for those who are awarded big counties, they must pay 20 to 30 million yuan. Before new officials take office, they must first go to Xiyuan to discuss the amount of money. At that time, pay in full, or there may be those who fail to pay in full and commit suicide. Therefore, when new officials take office, they must compete to search for the people and accumulate wealth as compensation. The people complained about it.

It's just that I don't know what's going on, the Nangong was destroyed, how could there be an earthquake in the thirteen prefectures at the same time? ! !

Has anyone else gathered key information? Reply to the forum post!

I am the Analytical Emperor Yijian Piercing Heart! "

After reading this message, Lin Mu's expression changed drastically! !

Nangong? ! ! That seems to be the place where several battles took place after Dong Zhuo entered the capital in his previous life. The red dragon... is probably right there! ! !

In other words, Nangong is where the veins of gods and demons are buried! !

The trembling of the thirteen states should be due to the change of the pulse of the gods and demons! !

Regarding Chilong's thatched hut, Lin Mu had already speculated in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud.

Nangong, Xiyuan and other places are the key points. Xiyuan is a place of military affairs, and Nangong should be the place of dragon veins!

"What's going on? Nothing like this happened in the previous life!!" Lin Mu was extremely surprised.

Could it be his butterfly effect? ! Or is it Zhang Jiao's sequelae? ! !

"The pulse of gods and demons won't lose their confinement, right?! In that case, the Han Dynasty might collapse early!!" Lin Mu was a little startled.

Dong Du's search for dragon veins, changes in the veins of gods and demons, etc., were all things he could not predict! !

Some things are already getting trickier!

"Youping Gongyi, you have to work harder! Find Yizhou soon!!" Lin Mu said silently in his heart.

The main force traveling east to Yizhou was not himself, but Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin on the Dutian battleship.

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