Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1856 Big Event: Killing the Duke (Part 2)

As time passed, the sun in the west gradually dimmed, and the dark night fell on the world.

However, the night was still dark and windy one second ago, but the next moment there was a strong wind, and the thick black clouds drowned the stars all over the sky.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Booms continued to explode in the dark night.

Dark clouds are overwhelming the city and want to destroy it!

"Wow!!" After half an hour, the thick black clouds finally began to rain heavily.

The citizens in the huge city packed up their belongings, covered the curtains, and hid in bed. Listening to the thunder outside, it seemed as if they could feel a murderous aura rising... Uncontrollably, the citizens once again Tighten the quilt.

"Boom!!" A ray of lightning pierced the dark night sky, as if splitting the entire sky in half.

Such thunderstorm weather made the royal city of Atum, which is entrenched on the plain, seem to add a touch of murderous aura.

Even the heavily guarded guards on the city wall were a little slack and hid in the attic.

In such rainy weather, there will be no enemies to attack the city.

"Boom!!!" The huge thunder continued to stir above the sky, and it also covered up certain sounds.

Under the light of Lei Mang, several figures slowly appeared in a dark place near the king's castle.

These few people are Lin Mu, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun and others.

In order not to be discovered, several people restrained their breath, did not use any props, and let the heavy rain slap on their bodies.

"The weather just happens to be convenient for us." Zhao Yun wiped the rain from his face and laughed softly.

However, as the protagonist, Lin Mu frowned.

Because the Duke of Artem is a god-level water mage, he will definitely release some water-type summons to hide in the water for vigilance.

They invaded the king's castle and would likely be discovered in advance.

As if knowing what Lin Mu was thinking, Huang Zhong said in a low voice: "My lord, why don't you just let Zilong open the Qiankun God Realm to affect the surrounding space, restrict its means of transmission, and then attack?"

Lin Mu didn't answer, but looked at Zhou Tai, and asked in a concentrated voice: "You Ping, your ability is inclined to the ocean, and you should understand a little about the system of water, right?"

"Well, let's understand a little..." There are many things that are hard to describe in words and can only be understood.

"A god-level water-type magician should be good at summoning strange water-type monsters, which can be hidden in water. Can you find them?" Lin Mu asked.

Hearing the words of the lord Lin Mu, Zhou Tai breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be this.

"There is no problem with this."

"Okay, Ni goes first, followed by Zilong. Han Sheng and Ziyi attack from both sides."

"Wen Ze, this is the Heaven and Earth Killing Order. It can be used against the duke when necessary. If we succeed, don't use it." Lin Mu explained cautiously.

"Promise!" Yu Jin took over the heaven and earth killing order and put it away carefully.

As the lord of a kingdom, he must have the means to suppress the bottom of the box. Just like that red dragon knight, he escaped from the hands of Huang Zhong, who was in the spirit fusion state and burst out with all his strength.

You know, Huang Zhong is a god of heaven and earth known as the god of arrows. If you can slip away from his hands, how dare you go to Liangshan without counting one, two, three.


"I just received a response from the empire. The first wave of strong support from the empire has all died." A thick-backed, blond, middle-aged man sat in front of a warm fireplace and said quietly.

Around its neck hangs a strange cross necklace.

"What?! So many god-level combat powers and special professionals have fallen? Hiss!!" A slightly thin blue-haired noble man next to him gasped when he heard this.

It is rare in the principality or even the empire to make him act like this.

You can see the seriousness of this matter.

"Didn't it mean that only aliens invaded? Could it be that the core power of China is hidden behind it?"

"Probably not. The heavens have given reminders, and only aliens have invaded. It's just that the supervisor, Lin Mu, has many powerful people under his command."

"It should be the cause of the Divine General of China who is holding a big bow and a big sword."

"Sure enough, I can drive you out and completely occupy the principality. If you don't have the strength, you can't justify it."

"Also, recently... there seems to be something brewing in heaven. I always feel that something big is about to happen, and I feel a little depressed."

"Me too, Saavedra in Dragon Ring, also has anxiety."

After all, he walked to the window and looked at the violent storm outside the window, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

Seeing this, the blue-haired man walked to the window and sighed: "I just experienced the attack of the undead, and encountered such turmoil again. The turmoil of the world seems to be happening again."

"That's right...the empires in the north are faintly making moves, and the heavens are also undercurrents, and they are ambitious and want to get their hands on the kingship."

"Some alien races, the undead race, have also paid the surface of the water, and the stable America is about to fall into turmoil again..."

The two of them were not compassionate, but the higher they stood, the more they could feel the turmoil.

Just when the two were silent, a strange fluctuation suddenly came.

The next moment, the thin blue-haired man seemed to sense something, and raised his eyebrows suddenly: "Huh... what's going on? The dark blue water element, was it struck by lightning?"

He who was lamenting the morals of the world didn't notice anything at the first time.

However, the next moment, there was another strange water ripple.

This time, even the blond man next to him sensed it, and he also sensed that the red dragon in the dragon's lair that was connected to him started to get irritable and roared as if he had encountered something...

As a bereaved dog, he already had a strong sense of vigilance, and a deadly crisis enveloped his heart.

Without the slightest hesitation, he took out an ancient scroll from the space ring and prepared to tear it open.

However, it was too late.

In Xumijian, a majestic and vast strange force enveloped the huge castle.

He just tore a small crack in the scroll, and the strange space power just wanted to burst out, but it seemed to be restricted by some force.

The blond-haired man whose face changed drastically was agitated, his hands were concentrated, and he wanted to tear the scroll with all his strength.

"Hoo!!" The next moment, a bright golden arrow and a dazzling white arrow pierced the night sky and attacked.

Among them, the golden light arrows hit the blond-haired man, and the white-glowed arrows hit the blue-haired man who was a little slower.

The blue-haired man just took out the hole card from the space ring at this moment.

"Boom!!!!" Two violent explosions shook from the castle room.

The huge castle, which was originally extremely strong, was shaken by these two arrows.

Seeing this, the busy servants in the castle trembled, but the guards rushed out and galloped towards the explosion.

Over there is the room of the Duke! !

"Hoo!!" Before the guards arrived, several figures with strong aura rushed into the dusty and gravel-filled room like lightning.

The huge and luxurious room became a mess due to the arrow attack.

Among them, two embarrassed figures jumped out of two potholes.

The two of them were the Duke of Terenas and the Duke of Artem, and they were also the two core figures in Lin Mu's sneak attack. The one with blue hair is Artem.

The corners of their mouths were red with blood, and the expensive servants on their bodies were already in tatters, revealing the inner armor that protected their bodies.

However, the inner armor of the two also had cracks due to the attack, which shows how terrifying the attack just now was.

Especially Duke Terenas, who was attacked by the golden arrow, the strange cross necklace hanging under his neck has been shattered.

That is the Resurrection Cross Jewelry, which can withstand a fatal blow for it.

In other words, that blow just now could kill him! !

"It's the divine generals of China, and one of them is the divine general who attacked my royal city." Duke Terenas roared.

"Chi!" The next moment, before Duke Artem could say anything, a slight sound of piercing the air came.

Both of them knew that the real enemy was coming! !

Without hesitation, Duke Terenas moved his right hand, and a strange spear appeared in his hand. The next moment, a huge red figure suddenly appeared.

And Duke Artem also raised his right hand, and a strange blue-striped staff appeared in his hand.

With a thought, several strange blue giant figures appeared in front of him.

"Boom!!!" Several figures charged forward with weapons in their hands.

"Roar! It's you again!!" The red dragon roared, and immediately tore it away with a claw, attacking a figure that had just rushed in.

clang! ! ~~~ A jasper-colored broadsword collided with the dragon's claw.

The terrifying fluctuations shook out again, causing countless cracks to appear on the thick castle walls.

As expected of a god-level figure, he has such a strong sense of combat acumen.

If it was half a beat slower, the two of them might have been decapitated.

On the other side, a blue figure holding a big knife fought with a burly man.

"Attention, these are two new generals, and there are other generals hiding in the dark!" Duke Terenas immediately reminded as if thinking of something.

"Hoho! That's right, both of them stayed, and I almost let you run away." At this time, a calm and teasing voice came, and a not-so-tall superior came out of the darkness.

This person walked in, and did not participate in the attack, but walked aside and picked up the two scrolls. One of the scrolls was actually torn in half, and the strong white awn space power continued to permeate...

Seeing this, the two stared strangely and became angry. That was the teleportation scroll that the two of them wanted to use just now!

It was only because of the attack of two arrows that it was dropped, and now, it was picked up by the enemy.

In fact, they still have teleportation scrolls in their space rings, but they dare not take them out because the enemies are always staring at them.

They can perceive that if there is any movement, the hidden existence will definitely give them a fatal blow.

"Dang!!!" The clanging sound continued, and the two of them were also secretly looking for an opportunity to attack and waiting for support.

The figure who picked up the two scrolls, as if sensing something, jumped out of the room and disappeared into the night rain.

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