Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1983 Lively Paradise (Part 2)

lively? !

Boy, are there other intruders?

When Tai Shici and the others heard the words, they immediately understood the meaning of the words.

However, these words had two meanings in Lin Mu's ears.

The two looked at each other, and Lin Mu understood...those people really came...

"On the other side of the gate of heaven, there is no army guarding it, only two angels are waiting... They think that the gate of heaven was inspired by Metatron." Xun You said slowly.

"According to the dialogue between the two angels guarding the other side of the gate of heaven, the current heaven is falling into the quagmire of an invasion war."

"Someone put the demons from the underworld into heaven, and the demon army is attacking the city." Xun You explained the specific situation.

"The nearby [Pious City] has fallen."

Xun You did not tell the situation of Nabaren.

"What a coincidence!" Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed, and their expressions were slightly gloating and unexpected.

"Coincidence...hehe...maybe the demon camp is using us as an opportunity!" Xun You said meaningfully.

Paradise suddenly lost the two big figures Metatron and Raguel, and their combat power was definitely weakened. Coupled with the threat of China and certain calculations, this juncture is the most suitable.

"Huh?! Since Heaven was invaded by the demon army, why didn't Raguel, who is the core figure, return?" Lin Mu was puzzled.

The invasion of the demon legion is definitely not a trivial matter, its destructive power and threat are definitely ten times that of the Great Wilderness Territory.

"The specific situation is not clear, maybe Raguel doesn't know..." Xun You shook his head.

"My lord, since there is no army on the opposite side, why don't we just go in, kill those two angels, and then march into Faith City?" Tai Shici said angrily.

Lin Mu and Xun You looked at each other, and Xun You nodded slightly, agreeing to Tai Shici's suggestion.

"The Angel Legion in Faith City has basically been transferred to the front line, and the defense is unprecedentedly weak." Xun You said another key point.

"Ha... this is even better, the right time, place and people, our first core goal can be accomplished without any effort." Zhou Tai was overjoyed.

Cui Wu, who was next to him, also breathed a sigh of relief listening to everyone's discussion.

The development of things seems to be absolutely beneficial to the Great Wilderness Territory. The early opening of the gate of heaven did not have much impact on the plan, and it may have miraculous effects.

"That's good. Those archangels must know the significance of the activation of the Gate of Heaven - the invasion of the Divine Land Army. At present, the defenders of Faith City may not have this information, so they don't know the specific situation. Let's catch them by surprise first. "Xun You said in a deep voice.

"Okay then, you bring Ziyi in and control those two angels. Remember, it's not about killing them... I'm afraid those two guys will be resurrected in the pool of angels." Lin Mu specially instructed Tai Shici.

"Oh... good." Tai Shici nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them jumped into action.

And Lin Mu and others continued to wait...


While Xun You and the others were doing everything, three figures slowly appeared on a high slope in the huge valley of the Gate of Heaven.

These three figures were all shrouded in a strange mist... The aura exuding to the outside was very weak and very mysterious.

One is filled with purple mist, one is filled with yellow mist, and the other is shrouded in white mist.

"Woo!~~~ The breath here feels so gentle and familiar... Its rules seem to be very beneficial to us." The voice of the old man filled with purple mist came out slowly.

"This should be the heaven and earth space of an appliance, not the rules of the main world. This place is of great benefit to that [Light Rule]. However, it is also of great benefit to the way of faith and the way of fusion." That pervasive The old man in the yellow mist took a deep breath.

"You two, this time we are here, our purpose is only the Dao Code [Shield Armor Heavenly Book·Servant Technique]! Others, don't make extravagant problems, even if it is Lin Mu!"

"The old-fashioned technique of deceiving the sky and crossing the sea and the effect of special pills won't last long."

The silver-haired old man under the white mist said softly.

"Understood...we have left Shenzhou, our strength has been greatly weakened, and we have no blessing to protect us, so how dare we make trouble... As for dealing with Lin Mu, hehe...we don't want to die yet..." The old man filled with purple mist joked .

"That's right! The luck behind Lin Mu's body, once we deal with him, without the protection of the mountain spirit blessing source, we will definitely be in bad luck."

"Okay, let's go to the destination first."

"Um...Yuan Fang, do you know other information about this place? You won't be able to catch criminals, right... I can't be a secret here." The old man shrouded in purple mist whispered.

"I have a map..." The next moment, the old man named Yuan Fang raised his right hand, and a strange 3D map appeared in front of the three of them.

If Lin Mu were here, he would definitely find that this image is similar to the image of the clues of [Jiuli Jade Spirit Brew] that he harvested before, but the destination shown is not Faith City, but farther... [Angel City]! !

"Then let's go, go west." After watching for a while, the three of them knew how to go.

But at this moment, two fluctuations came.

The three of them looked down the hillside, and saw two figures in front of the huge light gate at the end of the canyon, like ghosts, easily and directly capturing the two alien races.

The three old men frowned slightly in unison, looking at the two of them.

These two people seem to be... extraordinary!

And when they looked at Guangmen, Xun You also turned to look this way. However, when Xun You turned his head, the three of them had long since disappeared.

"He has noticed us a long time ago." The three appeared on the other side of the hillside.

"Maybe Lin Mu knows too... That guy has a very good nose and strange abilities..."

"I'm most afraid of a dragon master like Lin Mu... whose methods are unpredictable."

"Let's go...don't worry about them. When the time comes, we will help them attract the attention of the aliens, and it will be regarded as repaying his karmic help."

The three of them turned into a puff of smoke and drifted away like lightning.


After easily subduing the two joint angels, figures of Zhou Tai, Cui Wu and others also appeared in Paradise Canyon.

In order to avoid any unexpected situation, Lin Mu did not follow up.

Afterwards, Zhou Tai sent his personal guards to start searching the valley, occupied some important places, and set up sentry points.

Without any obstruction, the Great Wilderness Territory easily occupied this place.

This also means that the Great Wilderness Territory has officially invaded Paradise.

Although it was later than the invasion of the underworld, it represented that the Great Wilderness Territory had successfully joined the competition.


Lin Mu, who was waiting outside the gate of heaven, suddenly felt an abnormality, and immediately raised his head and looked at the sky.

The night stars in the sky have already receded, and it should be the moment of sunrise.

"Boom!~~~~" At this moment, there was a huge roar in the sky, as if the sky was shaking.

The next moment, the golden clouds illuminated by the golden light in the sky were smashed into holes by strange humanoid objects...

In the sky, it seems that something has fallen! !

Buzz! ! !

Lin Mu stared at those things, and said in surprise: "The angel has fallen!!"

"Could it be that the demon legion pierced heaven?!" Lin Mu was shocked.

"Boom!!!" I saw many angels with wings falling from the sky like meteors.

Although the number of falling angels is not many, even players outside the city or players mining in the ice area have noticed this scene.

Coincidentally, the corpse of an angel with wings fell on the former camp of the Great Wilderness Territory.

On Lin Mu's side, there was also an angel corpse with wings smashed outside the city gate, accompanied by many items and props!

The shining light of the props is colorful and extremely gorgeous.

Good guy, it's raining treasures!

"Boom!" A big hole was smashed out of the angel's corpse like a meteorite.

Lin Mu jumped onto the city wall, and when the air wave disappeared, he came directly to the pothole.

At this moment, a loud announcement sounded in Lin Mu's ear!

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