Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 2021 Floating Island Treasure

"Bang!!" A dull abnormal sound came, and a figure was seen shooting up from the ground like a shell.

And in the midair where he rushed up, huge black shadows enveloped the ground one by one.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be huge, unconnected islands floating in mid-air! !

Floating island! !

That's right, it's a floating island!

The whole area is filled with all kinds of strange powers, which are harmonious and mysterious.

The ground below the floating island is a huge forest. The forest is made up of huge giant trees exuding holy light, forming a very mysterious sea of ​​holy light trees.

In the sea of ​​holy light trees, whirling shadows are flying back and forth, they are angels with wings.

At this moment, the faces of these angels are very ugly, because some enemies have killed here!

Many angels looked back with lingering fear. In the distance of the holy light tree sea, a huge open space was shrouded in a sea of ​​blood.

And in that weird sea of ​​blood, angels were floating one by one, with horrific wailing from their mouths, the power of light and the power of blood eroded and confronted each other, being destroyed while recovering, it looked very terrifying.

It was because of this sea of ​​blood that many angels were afraid to rush up to encircle and suppress these intruders.

Of course, there was another reason why they didn't dare to step forward recklessly: there were not many intruders, only five!

When you are more confident, kill them in one fell swoop!

"Bang!" There was a sound of landing, and the figure was seen flying to a floating island.

And on this floating island, four figures are already standing.

The four of them are Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai, Huang Zhong and Dian Wei. And it was Zhou Tai who galloped up.

"It's still hard to destroy!" Zhou Tai said to the four in a deep voice.

"That's a pity. We also took advantage of the fact that the protective cover of this floating island was not opened to break through, otherwise, there would not even be a foothold." Guo Jia looked at the floating island in the distance, and his eyes showed a hint of jealousy.

I saw that the floating island in Guo Jia's eyes was now covered by a protective cover that flowed with colorful rays of light, and under the protective cover were stone platforms that were also covered by small protective covers.

And on the stone platform, there are village building orders one by one!

There is a row of stone platforms in front, and each stone platform has a village building order, and next to the village building order, there are slogans: special heaven-level village building order [Sacred Church Order], special sky-level village building order [Holy Temple order] Flame order], special sky-level village building order [elven wind order], special sky-level village building order [barbarian power order]...

After that, there are some land-level village building orders, etc., which are placed in piles, and a sign is written: the ground-level village building order, the Xuan-level village building order, the Huang-level village building order...

This is not over yet, there are still floating islands on the left and right, and there are also some rare resources placed on them.

There are tokens, scrolls, talismans, etc., and there are also signs on them: the harvest order, the reproduction order, the templar transfer order, the bright priest transfer order, the forbidden curse [Undead Sky], the forbidden curse [frozen] The world]...

There are piles of rare mineral resources, marked with strange objects, god-level materials, sky-level materials, and ground-level materials such as [Jiuqiao Haixin Sand], [Earth Marrow Black Iron], [Void God Crystal]...

There are piles of rare wood resources, marked with god-level, sky-level, and ground-level materials, such as [Heaven God Wood], [Angel Golden Soul Tree]...

Heaps of treasures! !

Rao Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai and others who are familiar with it, also took a deep breath when they saw these treasures.

Heaven's resource background is too deep!

Even though the Great Wilderness Territory has plundered Japan and the United States once, ventured out of the Outland once, and received so many achievement rewards, it feels like it has not reached such a level in terms of high-end resource reserves.

After Guo Jia and the others saw this scene, they all wanted to be looting monsters and wiped them out without revealing anything.

Unfortunately, no, because the durability of those shields is very strange, and it doesn't mean that the stronger the power, the easier it is to destroy.

With Zhou Tai's strength, it was extremely difficult to break it. It can be seen that Heaven has spent considerable effort on these floating islands.

They were lucky. When they first came here, the floating island had no protective cover. After driving away the angels on it, the doves occupied the magpie's nest.

Of course, Guo Jia and the others took the materials for this floating island as a matter of course.

However, there are not many supplies, and the rank is not high. Because this island houses some conventional war material reserves. Because of the chaos in Heaven, Guo Jia and the others just happened to be in the process of transporting supplies from the floating island.

"I have a hunch that the lord must come over so that it can be broken easily." Huang Zhong looked at the protective shields overflowing with rays of light, pointing out something.

"The letter has been sent to the lord, he just came in." Xi Zhicai nodded and said in a low voice.

"Fortunately, the lord can come in. Otherwise, we would be helpless with the protective shields in the Garden of Eden." Dian Wei looked at the floating islands not far away, and said in a concentrated voice.

It turned out that the so-called Garden of Eden turned out to be pieces of floating islands! !

In other words, Eden City is actually Floating Island City!

" can use the master's teleportation skill!" At this moment, Huang Zhong said pleasantly.

The protagonist's teleportation skill is actually the chapter of the soul. But because Zhao Yun was there before, I didn't go into details.

"Sure enough!" Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai looked at each other upon hearing this. They couldn't use this skill before, but after the lord came to heaven, they could use it, which means that the space of heaven is very special, or the level of Tian Yunbang is too low to cross certain rules.

"Military Master Feng Xiao, do you want to summon the lord?" Huang Zhong looked down at Guo Jia seriously and asked for confirmation.

After all, this is a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair, and the probability of the lord's life being in danger after entering is very high.

"Let me summon it." Guo Jia nodded.

The next moment, a strange force swayed away, and a bright white light flashed, and Lin Mu's figure appeared in front of them.

"It's great that you can teleport me here." Lin Mu was overjoyed when he saw the five people.

After that, he looked around and saw those floating islands and the mountains of treasures piled up on them.

"This is the Garden of Eden?" Lin Mu asked uncertainly with a face full of shock.

Guo Jia and the others nodded when they heard the words, confirming it.

Lin Mu had never been in heaven before, and he only heard about it from hearsay, and no video was circulated.

It seems that you can't live broadcast and take pictures.

He opened the properties panel and tried it, but the system prompts didn't work.

That can only be done by dictation or some special means.

In the previous life, the players who entered Paradise were basically the proud sons of money in the American district, and they would not expose Paradise's background. Therefore, most of the secrets of heaven are hidden.

This includes the case of [Eden Garden]...

"What about the Heart of the Sky?" Lin Mu asked again.

Guo Jia and others heard the words, came to the edge of the floating island, squatted down and looked towards the ground.

Lin Mu followed beside him, squatted down, followed their line of sight, and overlooked a certain land.

And in this land, there is a huge and deep pit, filled with mysterious power, even if Lin Mu is far away, he seems to be able to feel the turbulent energy there.

"[Garden of Eden] is not only the floating island, but also the ground..." Lin Mu was stunned.

"Then according to the plan, how many of you still make sharp knives to seek the heart of the sky?" Lin Mu asked in a calm voice.

"Well! We can't help with the shield of the floating island, we can only implement it according to the original plan."

"The issue of the floating island is left to you, my lord." Guo Jia kicked the stones on the edge of the floating island and said leisurely.

"Gongtu follow me, I feel like an angel is watching me." Lin Mu whispered.

As soon as he teleported in, he felt a murderous aura enveloped him in the dark.

"Okay!" Guo Jia and the others said confidently.

To seize the Heart of the Sky, Lin Mu and the others are not planning to use the army of Jin and others, but to implement the sharp knife plan to seize it with crushing power.

The legion of the Great Wilderness Territory attacked other cities, attracting attention and attacking everywhere.

"Then act." Several people acted vigorously and started working immediately.

Guo Jiadianwei and others jumped off the floating island and rushed towards the huge pothole in the distance.

And Lin Mu jumped off the floating island "alone" and came to the bottom of the floating island in front where the village building order was placed.

After observing for a while, Lin Mu stomped on the ground, and rushed towards a stone bar extending from a certain place, holding the Dragon God Spear in his hand, and the mysterious aura of his body was also circulating...

"Boom!" Lin Mu rushed up to the stretched stone bar of the floating island without any hindrance.

And in front, is the mystical shield that glows.

"Fortunately, there is a foothold, otherwise it would be uncomfortable." Lin Mu said happily after observing for a while.

Without hesitation, Lin Mu brandished the Dragon God Spear and stabbed towards the halo of light. I thought those apertures would be easy to pierce, but the reality hit me in the face.

"Dangdang!~~" Lin Mu took a step back from the shock.

"What kind of confinement method is this? Why is it harder to beat than the durability of the Castle Heart, shit!" Lin Mu felt the pain and tearing from his hands, and cursed in a low voice.

Those circles of light remained motionless.

His attack strength should have the attack strength of a general at the beginning of the day, but it has no effect, so his defense level is very high.

Of course, even Zhou Tai, a mighty general, cannot be defeated, and it is difficult to defeat him with force and strength.

"It seems that we have to use the power of dragon luck." Lin Mu said quietly with a gleam in his eyes.

However, in order to wait for Lin Mu to use the power of dragon luck, a ray of light suddenly appeared between his eyebrows.

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